SSPDF ‘merciless militias’ badly defeated during Moroto fighting – SPLA-IO spokesman

SPLA-IO overall commander in Central Equatoria state Major-General John Mabieh Gar [Photo via Facebook]

SPLA-IO overall commander in Central Equatoria state Major-General John Mabieh Gar [Photo via Facebook]

JUBA – South Sudan’s main armed opposition group, SPLA-IO, is claiming that it has defeated forces belonging to South Sudan People’s Defense forces (SSPDF) during fighting today in the country’s Central Equatoria village of Moroto, following several days of fighting triggered  by attacks launched by ex-opposition commander who defected to the SSPDF in September.

Fighting has been ongoing between SSPDF and SPLA-IO forces at Moroto, a joint training centre housing both SPLA-IO and SSPDF soldiers located in Central Equatoria state, with SPLA-IO saying the SSPDF forces with reinforcement from parts of Upper Nile region have been attacking them for the last five days with heavy casualties on both sides.

In a statement this evening, SPLA-IO spokesman William Gatjiath Deng, said their forces have defeated the SSPDF forces who have been fighting them in Moroto, calling them merciless militias who have been brought from different regions of South Sudan to displace the SPLA-IO forces there.

“Today, Tuesday morning, at around 08:00AM, East African Time, Salva Kiir’s militias who are being collected from both Bentiu, and Upper Nile, had officially addressed and received orders from Gen. Salva Kiir Mayardit, and his cronies to clear out the SPLA (IO) Army which situated at the outskirts of Juba, have attacked the SPLA (IO) Military garrison at Morota,” Gatjiath said in the statement extended to Sudans Post.

“Moreover, the professional army under the brave General Peter Wal Chuol, all under command of Cdr. Maj. General John Mabieh Gaar, had confidently responded with an excessive force, as a result, they had sieged and forcefully isolated the already frustrated forces of the enemy and immediately repulsed, pursued the merciless militias of Salva Kiir, who have innocently been subjected to unjustifiable, and loose war,” the statement added.

“The merciless militias who had attempted more than (5) times to capture the SPLA (IO) main base at Morota, have today witnessed  big looses of both human and enough military equipment found lying on the ground after they had loosen the fierce battle early this morning.

“The SPLA (IO) Military leadership, has taken clear observations on how this imposed war came about, and finally has reached out the edge of all blames and prompted the movement to act in a volatile mood, and also has seriously warned the (R-TGONU) to stop fueling war in the country, or otherwise, the SPLA (IO) would not only fight in self defense, but also, might leads to direct offensive as the ceasefire marks its final collapse at the hands of both Salva Kiir, and the guarantors.”

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