Sudan to award South Sudan ‘peacemakers’ in official ceremony – al-Burhan

Chairman of Sudan Sovereign Council Abdel Fattah al Burhan speaking during a mass gathering at Freedom Square in Khartoum on Thursday, October 8, 2020 [Photo by Nancy Abdel Rahaman/Sudans Post]

Chairman of Sudan Sovereign Council Abdel Fattah al Burhan speaking during a mass gathering at Freedom Square in Khartoum on Thursday, October 8, 2020 [Photo by Nancy Abdel Rahaman/Sudans Post]

KHARTOUM – The leader of Sudan’s Transitional Sovereign Council General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan has announced that he will hold a ceremony in the capital Khartoum to honor South Sudan mediators for helping in the Sudanese peace process.

“We will hold an official ceremony to honor the peacemakers in South Sudan. We will honor the leadership of the State of South Sudan, the government negotiating delegation and the leaders of the armed struggle movements who responded to the call for peace for the homeland,” al-Burhan said Thursday during an address at the Freedom Square in Khartoum.

“We, as the government of the transitional period, will put our hands in the hands of our brothers in the armed struggle movements to change the situation and reality for the better,” said the head of the Sovereignty Council.

The top army general further stressed that “the Sudanese people deserve the sacrifices for a decent life,” reiterating his pledge that his government will remain faithful to the change and the people.

“They led this change and made the glorious December revolution, indicating that the youth are the ones who will lead the future of the country towards renaissance, construction and reconstruction,” al-Burhan said.

Al-Burhan further saluted the “masses of the Sudanese people for their patience and endurance of suffering,” and presented the transitional government’s apology to the citizens for standing in the queues of bread and fuel, stressing that “the Sudanese people deserve a decent life.”

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