Top police commander in Lakes gunned down in apparent revenge attack – authorities

South Sudan map featuring Lakes state in red [Photo via Wikipedia]

South Sudan map featuring Lakes state in red [Photo via Wikipedia]

JUBA – A senior state police commander in South Sudan’s Lakes state has been shot dead in what is believed by state authorities to be a revenge attack, according to the police authorities there.

Major Makol Mathiang, 42, who was working as the director of prison service in Cueibet County was gunned down by unknown gunmen in Cueibet on Tuesday evening, according to police officer who said the perpetrators are still at large.

“As per the attackers’ testimony, one of their relatives was killed some years back by his relatives,” Machar Mouriel, a former spokesman for police in the defunct Gok state was quoted by Eye Radio as saying.

Machar further revealed that police authorities have prevented the family of the senior police officer from doing a revenge following the killing.

“We managed to stop them so that the law will take its course,” Mouriel added.


  • wiyiey mayang Gatkuoth

    south sudan will not go anywhere if the revenge killing is always targeted only the intellectual, imagine a police commander just to be kill like that, it will be better if south sudan government have laws that is respected by citizen and it’s leaders because if the commander is killed even the Goveror of the state is at risk too due to clans fight. Nuer and Dinka need to learn something call forgiveness because revenge killing continue make everything bitter/bad in every day life. this is piece of comment

  • Thomas mawien

    Infacts.I do always thinking about how will s.sudan be ? Because when i see my children suffering than i do comper with previouse years of war with gov of sudan Therefore i wish if God created my grandfathers from other continent out of this region where there is leaders who don,t know the value of human being at all

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