Troika concerned over escalating violence on second anniversary of R-ARCSS – statement

Flags of Norway, United States and UK [Photo via Facebook]

Flags of Norway, United States and UK [Photo via Facebook]

JUBA – The Troika countries, United States, United Kingdom and Norway, said this afternoon in a statement marking second anniversary of South Sudan’s revitalized peace agreement, that they welcome progress made, but concerned by the escalation of inter-communal violence in the country.

In the statement  seen by Sudans Post, the Troika reiterated their support to the parties on the implementation of the two-year-old peace deal that ended the deadly conflict with the formation of a unity government in February, but express concerns over violence that has continue to build in several parts of the country.

“The Troika (Norway, the United States and the United Kingdom) reconfirms its support for the people of South Sudan and shares their desire to see a permanent end to conflict and fear of a return to violence,” the Troika statement read in part.

“As we mark the two-year anniversary of the signing of the Revitalized Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in the Republic of South Sudan (R-ARCSS) we commend progress to date, but express concern at delay,” the statement added, urging “all sides to demonstrate the leadership needed to deliver progress and maintain peace.”

The statement welcomed efforts by President Salva Kiir and First Vice President Dr. Riek Machar Teny in forming the Revitalized Transitional Government of National Unity in February despite numerous challenges that threatened teh formation of the unity government.

“We applaud President Salva Kiir, First Vice President Riek Machar, and all parties to the R-ARCSS for the leadership demonstrated in February through the forming of the Revitalized Transitional Government of National Unity (R-TGoNU),” the statement said.

The Troika said despite the progress,  they “remain concerned by the violence that has killed hundreds in recent months, further disrupting livelihoods and humanitarian access, with more than 50% of the population facing severe acute food insecurity.”

“Regardless of the causes of this violence all sides must accelerate efforts to deliver the R-ARCSS in full and see that the national ceasefire is maintained. We also urge those groups who remain outside the R-ARCSS to demonstrate their clear commitment to peace through effective dialogue and honor their commitment in the Rome Declaration to end violence.

“Leadership and clear action is needed to address outstanding tasks, such as the finalization of governance structures and the building of a national security apparatus capable of addressing violence across the country regardless of political or ethnic affiliation.

“Humanitarian access must also be allowed across the country, without impediment. And as partners delivering support to South Sudan we urge the R-TGoNU to deliver its commitment on economic reforms, inclusivity and transparency of public finances: these will help increase the confidence of the international community to provide further support and to build a relationship for the development of the country. Participation of women at all levels of government is a key element of the Peace Agreement.

“South Sudan’s leaders have a real opportunity to deliver the foundation of a stable and prosperous nation for all, and to demonstrate their commitment to peace. We urge them to demonstrate this as a matter of urgency and will work with South Sudan to support progress.”


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