UN Diplomat calls for end to violence

UN Resident Coordinator and UNDP Resident Representative Mr. Alain Noudéhou (right) giving opening remarks during the workshop with DRC Vice President Mr. Zhang Laiming (left) [Photo via UNDP China]

UN Resident Coordinator and UNDP Resident Representative Mr. Alain Noudéhou (right) giving opening remarks during the workshop with DRC Vice President Mr. Zhang Laiming (left) [Photo via UNDP China]

JUBA – The United Nations Humanitarian Coordinator in South Sudan, Alain Noudéhou is calling for an end to violence in South Sudan in order for aid workers to be able to improve the dire humanitarian situation in the country.

“People are suffering in many parts of the country and desperately need help. They should be able to access assistance without fear, and humanitarians should have safe and unimpeded access to them. The fighting and the violence should stop if we are to see improvement in the humanitarian situation and for the country to recover toward a lasting peace,” Alain said in a press statement extended to Sudans Post.

However, the top United Nations official has re-iterated the commitment of the humanitarian community to scale up its response to meet people’s increasing needs and to save lives.

“It has been a truly difficult year for the people of South Sudan. The country has been hit hard by a second consecutive year of major flooding, as well as by widespread sub-national violence and COVID-19 related restrictions. The currency depreciation and other economic problems have added to an already challenging context, leading to a dramatic rise in acute food insecurity. We are scaling up our response activities now to provide much-needed assistance to people and to avoid further deterioration,” he said.

“The deterioration of the food security situation in the country is alarming and will require immediate action. Humanitarian organizations are now increasing their response in priority areas in Greater Pibor, Jonglei and Warrap to provide food assistance, health and nutrition support, protection services and clean water to people in need,” said the Humanitarian Coordinator.

He has cautioned of an increase in fighting and insecurity during the dry season which he said will  put the lives of civilians and aid workers at risk.

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