Warrap governor suspends Kuac community association’s activities for ‘creating insecurity’

Governor of South Sudan’s Warrap state Bona Panek Biar [Photo via Facebook]

KUAJOK – The Governor of South Sudans’s Warrap state, Bona Panek Biar, has issued a gubernatorial decree suspending activities of Kuac Community Association, saying the community organization was creating insecurity among its members and in the state capital.

“In exercise of powers conferred upon me by the National Transitional constitution of the Republic of South Sudan, 2011 (as amended 2015), under article 165(2) and Transitional Constitution of Warrap State, 2011 under article 199(2) (1) I, Bona Panek Biar, Governor of Warrap State, do hereby issue this Order for the suspension of Activities of Kuac Community Association until further,” the order dated January 2, 2021, reads in part.

The order extended to Sudans Post said the community organization was dissolved because it “created divisions among the Kuac Community [and] created insecurity within Kuac community and state capital at large.”

It further ordered “all security organs are directed to implement this order.”

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