
The Technical and Product Glossary provides terms with definitions related to Example's technologies and products. Terms are followed by definitions, code samples (when relevant) and references for further study. This is a living document and new data will be added to it when available.

Use the following Index to find terms and their definitions.


AAR (Android Archive Library)
The Example Android SDK Android Archive Library (.aar) is a key ingredient of the Example SDK integration process. Android library packages allow developers to bundle Android libraries, resource files, etc., into binary packages that can be used across multiple projects without providing source code.
Reference: Example Android SDK Android Archive Library
Access Coarse Location
An Android system user permission. Example technologies require this to access approximate location functionality.
Reference: Access Coarse Location external link icon
Access Fine Location
An Android system user permission. Example technologies require this to access precise location functionality.
Reference: Access Fine Location external link icon
Access Network State
An Android system user permission. Example technologies require this to access information about networks.
Reference: Access Network State external link icon
Access Wifi State
An Android system user permission. Example technologies require this to access information about wifi networks.
Reference: Access Wifi State external link icon
A parameter of the init() Method that belongs to the Example Class. Its Java data type is Activity which is an Android class representing a user experience workflow.
Reference: init()
A parameter of the deposit() Method that belongs to the Example Class. Its Java data type is float. This is the actual amount to initiate the deposit with as a preset.
Reference: deposit()
Android APK Workflow
To develop apps for Android, you use a set of tools that are included in Android Studio. In addition to using the tools from Android Studio, you can also access most of the SDK tools from the command line. Developing with Android Studio is the preferred method because it can directly invoke the tools that you need while developing applications.
Reference: Android APK Workflowexternal link icon
Android Operating Systems support
The Example Android SDK provides support for the following Android OS versions.
Android SDK
The Example Android SDK is integrated into your individual casino games. It provides the integration with the Example Store Application and payment services for your applications.
Reference: See the latest version of the Example Android SDK.
Android Studio
Android Studio is the official IDE for Android app development and is based on IntelliJ IDEA. The Example Android SDK provides integration instructions and tools for use with the Android SDK.
Android User Interface
All user interface elements in an Android app are built using View and ViewGroup objects. A View is an object that draws something on the screen that the user can interact with. A ViewGroup is an object that holds other View (and ViewGroup) objects in order to define the layout of the interface.
Reference: Android User Interface external link icon
appcompat-v7 Library
This Android library adds support for the Action Bar user interface design pattern. It includes support for material design user interface implementations.
Reference: appcompat-v7 Library external link icon
App History
This is an Android System user permission that retrieves the list of installed apps.
Reference: App History external link icon
App Information Page
An app information page promotes your app, provides players with information, and drives downloads. To effectively drive consumers to your app, you’ll need to supply the following items:
  • A featured image
  • A featured app preview video
  • An app icon
  • An app description
  • App screenshots
Reference: Example App Information Page external link icon
App integration into the Example Store
This consists of the following steps as described in this document:
  1. Sign up for an account in the Example Early Access Program.
  2. Develop your gambling app and integrate it with the latest Example Android SDK.
  3. Submit your gambling app to be certified by an authorized agency.
  4. Submit your app to Example
Reference: Integrating your app into the Example Store external link icon
App submission preparation
Pay close attention to preparing your app with Example’s technologies and having it placed in the Example Store. There are three tasks to complete:
  • Phase 1. Integrate the latest Example Android SDK with your Android gaming app.
  • Phase 2. Complete the initial checklist presented in this document.
  • Phase 3. Go over the final checkpoints and make sure you are compliant with all items.
Reference: Get your app ready for submission external link icon
App testing
Testing the release version of your application helps ensure that your application runs properly under realistic device and network conditions. Ideally, you should test your application on at least one handset-sized device and one tablet-sized device to verify that your user interface elements are sized correctly and that your application’s performance and battery efficiency are acceptable.
Reference: Test your app external link icon
The foundation of Example's system architecture is comprised of key back-end services and client distributables.
  • Back-end services are the Example Core System and the Example Transaction System.
  • Client distributables are the Example Store Application (.apk) and the Example Android SDK.

Figure: A high-level view of the Example system architecture
  1. Core System
  2. Transaction System
  3. Store Application (.apk)
  4. SDK Android
The Example Android SDK is intended for use by Example Partner developers, engineers, and integrators who work with the Google Android APK application build process.
Reference: Example Android SDK Introduction: Getting Started


Back-end services
Back-end services are part of the Example System Architecture consisting of:
  • Example Core System: This is the main controller managing user activities and provides the integration with the casino’s back-end servers.
  • Example Transaction System: This is responsible for all payment-related activities, including management of payment processing interactions and user payment methods.
  • Reference: Example Android SDK Getting Started > System architecture overview


A Example Java Method of the Example Class that checks for new updates to a game app.
Reference: checkUpdates()
Class (Java)
In object-oriented programming terms, a class is the blueprint from which individual objects are created. A class can also be defined as a template/blue print that describes the behaviors/states that objects of its type support.
Reference: What Is a Class? external link icon
Client distributables
Client distributables are part of the Example System Architecture consisting of:
  • Example Store Application: This app will be installed by consumers onto their Android devices and allows a consumer to browse, search for, install, and update casino gaming applications.
  • Example Android SDK: This is integrated into your individual casino games. It provides the integration with the Example Store Application and payment services for your applications.
Reference: Example Android SDK Introduction: Getting Started
Codenames, Tags, and Build Numbers
At a high level, Android development happens around families of releases, which use code names ordered alphabetically after tasty treats.
Reference: Codenames, Tags, and Build Numbers external link icon
Confidential Information
Means any information that is proprietary or confidential to the Discloser or that the Discloser is obligated to keep confidential (e.g., pursuant to a contractual or other obligation owing to a third party). Confidential Information may be of a technical, business or other nature (including, but not limited to, information which relates to the Discloser's technology, research, development, products, services, pricing of products and services, customers, employees, contractors, marketing plans, finances, contracts, legal affairs, or business affairs).
Reference: Example EAPA
Example consumers are end-users of the Example Store and the gambling game apps within it.
Reference: Gamer Demographics that Every Developer Should Know  external link icon
Core System
The Example Core System is the main controller managing user activities and provides the integration with the casino’s back-end servers.
Reference: Example Android SDK Introduction: Getting Started
Example customers are gambling casinos and gambling game operators.
Reference: David Chang – Example – The Android Challenge external link icon


A parameter of the onActivityResult() Method which belongs to the Example Class. Its Java data type is Intent. It is the standard container used to communicate any extra data in a response from an Intent call (used by the SDK to capture external responses).
Reference: onActivityResult()
deposit - Parameter
A parameter of the onBetcadeDepositSuccess(double deposit) Method which belongs to the Example.DepositListener Interface. Its Java data type is Double. It is called by the SDK when a deposit is successful and returns the amount successfully deposited to the player's account as parameter deposit.
Reference: onBetcadeDepositSuccess()
deposit(float amount) - Method
A Example Java Method with Parameters of the Example Class that allows a user to start an in-app payment form and make a deposit.
Reference: deposit(float amount)
A parameter of the setDepositListener() Method which belongs to the Example Class. Its Java data type is Example.DepositListener. It is a Class instance, provided by the developer at runtime. It is any Class that implements the Interface Example.DepositListener.
Reference: setDepositListener()
Design Support Library
The Android Design Library package provides APIs to support adding material design components and patterns to your apps. It adds support for various material design components and patterns for app developers to build upon, such as navigation drawers, floating action buttons (FAB), snackbars, and tabs.
Reference: Design Support Library  external link icon
A Example SDK Java Method of the Example Class that recycles all held instances.
Reference: destroy()
Means a Party that discloses any of its Confidential Information to the other Party.
Reference: Example EAPA
Means the user manuals, technical manuals, specifications and other documentation relating to any Example Services furnished by Example to Customer under the Example EAPA Agreement.
Reference: Example EAPA


A parameter of the onBetcadeMarketError() Method which belongs to the Example.MarketListener Interface. Its Java data type is String. It is called by the SDK when an error has occurred during any interactions, returning an error message to the developer stating the reason.
Reference: onBetcadeMarketError()
Evaluation Period
Means the period commencing on the date the Example Services are made available to Customer and ending December 30, 2016.
Reference: Example EAPA
Example Java Class
A Example SDK Java utility Class that enables and allows communication with the SDK, and contains the following eight Methods:
Reference: Example Java Class
Example.DepositListener Java Interface
This is an Interface which enables and allows listening to deposit events, and contains the following three Methods:
Reference: Example.DepositListener
Example.MarketListener Java Interface
This is an Interface used to listen for general failures. It contains the following Method:
onBetcadeMarketError(java.lang.String errorMessage)
Reference: Example.MarketListener
Example, LLC
Launching in July 2016, Example is the first dedicated Android app store for the gaming industry and the premier destination for players discover, download and manage the best gaming apps. Example provides a trusted and secure branded app store that makes it easy for operators to distribute and promote their real money gaming apps, and for players to discover, download and play all of the games they love. Once players install Example and download their favorite real-money apps, management, updates and deposits are seamless. Founded to create the first Android ecosystem specifically for gaming, Example’s executive team has deep roots in gaming and mobile industries. The company is privately held with offices in Los Angeles and Silicon Valley.
Reference: Example LLC homepage external link icon
Example Marks
Means any trademarks, service marks, service or trade names, logos, and other designations of Example and its affiliates.
Reference: Example EAPA
Example Parties
Means Example and its affiliates, independent contractors and service providers, and each of their respective members, directors, officers, employees and agents.
Reference: Example EAPA
Example Services
Means Example’s app store, together with any Software provided or made available by Example.
Reference: Example EAPA


Means information and feedback (including, without limitation, questions, comments, suggestions, or the like) regarding the performance, features, functionality and your overall experience using the Example Services.
Reference: Example EAPA


An Android system user permission. Example requires geolocation to provide location-relevant search results.
Reference: Geolocation external link icon
Get Accounts
An Android system user permission. This authenticates and synchronizes Example account information between apps and devices.
Reference: Get Accounts external link icon
Google Play Services
Google Play services enables your app to take advantage of the latest, Google-powered features such as Maps, Google+, etc. with automatic platform updates distributed as an APK through the Google Play store.
Reference: Overview: Google Play Services  external link icon
Gradle is the official build system for Android Studio.
Reference: Getting Started with Gradle  external link icon
Gson is a Java library that can be used to convert Java Objects into their JSON representation. It can also be used to convert a JSON string to an equivalent Java object.
Reference: Gson User Guide  external link icon



init(Activity activity)
A Example SDK Java Method with Parameters of the Example Class that initializes the singleton instance of Example.
Reference: init(Activity activity)
Integration (SDK)
This Example SDK document provides steps to perform a Example Android SDK integration using the Android Studio IDE.
Reference: SDK Integration using Android Studio
Intellectual Property Rights
Means any patent, copyright, trademark, service mark, trade name, trade secret, know-how, moral right or other intellectual property right under the laws of any jurisdiction, whether registered, unregistered, statutory, common law or otherwise (including any rights to sue, recover damages or obtain relief for any past infringement, and any rights under any application, assignment, license, legal opinion or search).
Reference: Example EAPA
Interface (Java)
An interface is a reference type in Java, it is similar to class and is a collection of abstract methods. A class implements an interface, thereby inheriting the abstract methods of the interface. Along with abstract methods an interface may also contain constants, default methods, static methods, and nested types.
Reference: What Is an Interface? external link icon
An Android system user permission. Example technologies require this to open network sockets.
Reference: Internet external link icon


Java Class Library
The Example Java Class and its Interfaces, Methods, and Parameters are of primary importance and use during the integration process.
Reference: They are documented in each SDK's Java Class Library web page.



Location Services
The Example Android SDK requires the Android OS Location Services package. Android gives your applications access to the location services supported by the device through classes in the android.location package. The central component of the location framework is the LocationManager system service, which provides APIs to determine location and bearing of the underlying device (if available).
Reference: Location Services external link icon


A parameter of the setMarketListener() Method which belongs to the Example Class. Its Java data type is Example.MarketListener. It is a Class instance provided by the developer at runtime. It is any Class that implements the Interface Example.MarketListener
Reference: setMarketListener()
Means content of any data or information that Customer provides to the Example Services.
Reference: Example EAPA
Method (Java)
A method is a set of code which is referred to by name and can be called (invoked) at any point in a program simply by utilizing the method's name. Think of a method as a subprogram that acts on data and often returns a value. Each method has its own name. When that name is encountered in a program, the execution of the program branches to the body of that method. When the method is finished, execution returns to the area of the program code from which it was called, and the program continues on to the next line of code.
Reference: Defining Methods external link icon



onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data)
A Example SDK Method of the Example Class with Parameters used for the results of activities.
Reference: onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data)
A Example.DepositListener Method that signals a canceled deposit.
Reference: onBetcadeDepositCancel()
A Example.DepositListener Method that signals a failed deposit.
Reference: onBetcadeDepositFail()
onBetcadeDepositSuccess(double deposit)
A Example.DepositListener Method that signals a successful deposit.
Reference: onBetcadeDepositSuccess(double deposit)
A Example Java Method of the Example Class for the resumption of a game.
Reference: onResume()
Operator information
The operator information page promotes your brand and all of the gaming apps you're offering on the Example store. It should consist of the following items:
  • Your featured image
  • Your operator logo
  • Your operator description
  • Your operator apps
Reference: Example Operator Information external link icon


Parameter (Java)
In Java there are two types of parameters, implicit parameters and explicit parameters. Explicit parameters are the arguments passed into a method. The implicit parameter of a method is the instance that the method is called from. Arguments are simply one of the two types of parameters.
Reference: Passing Information to a Method or a Constructor external link icon
Example partners are gambling game app developers and operators.
Reference: How To Make Money With Casino Apps  external link icon
Means Example or Customer.
Reference: Example EAPA
Means Example’s acceptable use policy and Example’s privacy policy as found on the Site, all restrictions described on the Site, and any other policy or terms incorporated by reference into this Example EAPA Agreement.
Reference: Example EAPA



Read External Storage (Read/Write)
This an Android user permission that is required to read and write from an external storage.
Reference: Read External Storage (Read/Write) external link icon
Read Phone State
This is an Android System user permission that is required to get Device specific details such as device id, OS, etc.
Reference: Read Phone State external link icon
Means a Party that receives any Confidential Information of the other Party.
Reference: Example EAPA
recyclerview-v7 Library
The recyclerview library adds the RecyclerView class. This class provides support for the RecyclerView widget, a view for efficiently displaying large data sets by providing a limited window of data items.
Reference: recyclerview-v7 Library external link icon
A parameter of the onActivityResult() Method which belongs to the Example Class. Its Java data type is integer. It is a unique request code, numeric, provided by the developer when the call was started (unused in the SDK, default for platform signature).
Reference: onActivityResult()
A parameter of the onActivityResult() Method which belongs to the Example Class. Its Java data type is integer. It is a unique result code returned to the developer to indicate the operation status (used by the SDK to capture external responses).
Reference: onActivityResult()


SDK (Android)
The Example Android SDK is integrated into your individual casino games. It provides the integration with the Example Store Application and payment services for your applications.
Reference: See the latest version of the Example Android SDK.
setDepositListener(Example.DepositListener depositListener)
A Example SDK Java Method of the Example Class with an Interface and Parameter that sets the deposit listener.
Reference: setDepositListener(Example.DepositListener depositListener)
setMarketListener(Example.MarketListener marketListener)
A Example SDK Java Method of the Example with an Interface and Parameter that sets the market listener.
Reference: setMarketListener(Example.MarketListener marketListener)
Means www.Example.com external link icon, and any successor or related site designated by Example.
Reference: Example EAPA
Means any down-loadable software made available by Example and required for use of the Example Services.
Reference: Example EAPA
Store Application
The Example Store Application (.apk) will be installed by consumers onto their Android devices. It allows a consumer to browse, search for, install, and update casino gaming applications. It requires the consumer to create a user account which is registered with the Example Core System, and provide a payment method which is registered with the Example Transaction System. The payment method is validated through the Bank System and stored in the Transaction System.
Reference: See the Example Android SDK "Getting Started" page System Architecture overview section.
The Android Support Library package is a set of code libraries that provide backward-compatible versions of Android framework APIs as well as features that are only available through the library APIs.
Reference: Android Support Libraries external link icon
Support Library Setup
How you setup the Android Support Libraries in your development project depends on what features you want to use and what range of Android platform versions you want to support with your application. This document guides you through downloading the Support Library package and adding libraries to your development environment.
Reference: Support Library Setup external link icon


As between Example and Customer, Example owns all right, title and interest in and to the Example Marks and any goodwill arising out of the use of the Example Marks will remain with and belong to Example and its licensors. The Example Marks may not be copied, imitated or used without the prior written consent of Example or the applicable trademark holder.
Reference: Example EAPA
Transaction System
The Example Transaction System is responsible for all payment-related activities, including management of payment processing interactions and user payment methods.
Reference: Example Android SDK Getting Started > System architecture overview


Unauthorized Use
Means any use, reproduction, modification, distribution, disposition, possession, examination, inspection, viewing, disclosure or other activity involving the Example Services, Documentation or Confidential Information of Example that is not expressly authorized under the Agreement or otherwise in writing by Example.
Reference: Example EAPA
User Permissions
The Example Android SDK requires specific user permissions to operate effectively. Android applications should add the following permissions to their user permission model.


A Example SDK Method of the Example Class that verifies the Example app is installed and a user is logged in.
Reference: verifyMarketAuthorization()

W - Z

Wake Lock
An Android system user permission. Example technologies require this for certain synchronization events to be handled in the background.
Reference: Wake Lock external link icon