Teeth Whitening Dentist in Fremont, CA

teeth whitening

If you decide to go this route, however, you need to make sure that you use an enamel-safe toothpaste so that you don't end up damaging your teeth. There are a total of ten different types of toothpaste that have been deemed safe and effective by the American Dental Association. Six of those types come from Colgate, five from Crest, and two come from Tom's of Maine.

There are two distinct ways that bleaching can work. Either surface stains on the enamel are removed or the dentin's color is altered as a result of this process. Abrasives are typically included in whitening toothpaste in order to remove surface stains. Due to the fact that toothpaste is only effective on surface stains (as opposed to the inner dentin, which is where the majority of discoloration actually occurs), the visible effect is relatively insignificant.

These types of toothpaste contain additional polishing agents that are harmless to your teeth and provide an effective way to remove stains. Because these types of ADA-Accepted products can only remove stains on the surface of teeth, they do not change the color of teeth in the same way that bleaches do. Chairside bleaching is the name given to this process, and it typically only takes place during one office visit.

A patient who has not brushed their teeth properly will have a stain on their teeth that bleach will not remove. This stain is caused by major deposits. If we don't take care of our teeth, no matter what kind of whitening product we use, we won't see much of an improvement in the brightness of our smile. The teeth need to be in good shape; if a patient hasn't been to the dentist in a while, and if there are any cavities or decay going on, and the whitening material gets inside that cavity, it can cause excruciating pain. If the teeth are in good shape, the whitening material can be applied.

The "gold standard" in teeth whitening, according to dentists, is professional whitening kits with custom-fitted trays that patients use at home. Because the trays are made from an exact replica of your teeth, the customized fit ensures that the whitening gel is kept in the ideal location for the best possible results. Because the customized trays will last for many years, all you will need to do to maintain your pearly whites is buy whitening gel whenever you run out.

Dentists have tried-and-true methods to offer patients who desire whiter teeth. Some patients give us permission to simply paint on a whitening solution and let it sit on their teeth for 30–45 minutes while they are in the dental office. Completely distinct from the stuff you can pick up at the local pharmacy. Because of the substance's extremely high concentration, the gums require special protection from it.

Teeth Whitening Dentist in Fremont, CA

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Because of normal wear and tear, the enamel on our teeth gradually wears away as we get older, exposing the dentin, which is the next layer down in the structure of our teeth. Dentin has a yellowish hue by nature and cannot be whitened using teeth whitening products because of this. Teeth whitening will not improve the appearance of stains that were caused by the use of antibiotics when you were a child if you already have stains on your teeth.

Because of the way in which our trays are customized to fit your teeth, we can guarantee that the whitening gel will not get onto your gums or into your mouth. Instead, it will evenly coat your teeth, allowing for the best possible results. What steps are involved in the process of having your teeth whitened? You will need to visit the dentist's office multiple times over the course of a few months if you want your teeth whitened using the method that is considered to be the most effective overall.

Avoid using any do-it-yourself (DIY) or homemade (homemade) recipes for teeth whitening. This is something that cannot be emphasized enough. These products typically contain components for which there is insufficient evidence to support their safety, such as activated charcoal, or constituents that are harmful to your teeth, such as lemon juice. There is a wide variety of over-the-counter merchandise that makes the claim that it can whiten and does in fact contain the chemical peroxide.

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teeth whitening at home

teeth whitening at home

Because they either do not contain any carbamide peroxide at all or contain only trace amounts of it in extremely low concentrations, over-the-counter remedies are not effective against intrinsic tooth discoloration. This is because carbamide peroxide is the primary component required to whiten your teeth. It is not at all improbable to experience discoloration on both the extrinsic and intrinsic levels at the same time.

If you use that to brush your teeth, it will remove any stains that are on the surface. If you've been contemplating getting your teeth whitened with a laser for some time, hopefully this review will convince you to go ahead and make the investment. Use the products listed below to help remove surface stains from your teeth if you want to ease into the process of teeth whitening before attempting a treatment performed in-office.

The American Dental Association has given its stamp of approval for the use of gel containing 10% carbamide in overnight mouth guards that are worn at home. When it comes to teeth whitening kits designed for home use, the concentration of the active ingredients is lower than what you would find in a professional dental clinic. Because of this, in order to see noticeable results, you will need to make use of the kit on a daily basis for a few weeks.

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One more important consideration to make. Remember that these are purely cosmetic procedures, so you shouldn't equate having white teeth with having healthy teeth. If you want your teeth to last you a lifetime, you should continue to brush and floss your teeth at least twice, preferably three times per day. Do not, under any circumstances, get your teeth whitened at a kiosk in a shopping mall, in a spa, or on a cruise ship.

Whitening one's teeth is not only generally safe but also well tolerated by the vast majority of patients. Opalescence can brighten and whiten your smile to the perfect shade for your complexion if you are not pregnant, have all of your natural teeth, and enjoy good oral health. Call our office as soon as possible if you have any inquiries regarding the teeth whitening process that we offer using Opalescence BOOST, receiving a smile makeover, or any of the other dental services that we provide. An appointment for consultation with Dr.

Whitening treatments used in-office can contain concentrations of hydrogen peroxide of up to 40 percent, whereas the concentrations of hydrogen peroxide in store-bought whitening products and kits typically do not exceed 10 percent. As a result, in-office whitening is more effective than whitening treatments purchased in stores. A teeth whitening treatment is one method that can be utilized to ensure that your teeth remain as free of stains as is humanly possible.

crest whitening emulsions
teeth bleaching
teeth bleaching

The unfortunate reality is that enamel does not have the ability to regenerate or regrow. Dental restorations are the only thing that can be used to replace it once it has been lost. Alterations that take place within the teeth can also cause a darkening or yellowing of the teeth. You won't be able to stop these changes from happening, but you can gain an understanding of them and work with your dentist to address them so that you can get the white smile you want.

The teeth whitening industry is continuously researching new methods and developing new products. At the moment, however, the only chemicals that show true whitening ability are peroxide-based. The removal of surface stains is the only method by which a product that does not contain a peroxide chemical could possibly live up to any teeth-whitening claims it makes. In general, over the course of their lifetimes, the majority of people will continue to accumulate dark spots on the visible surface of the outside of their teeth.

The next step is for me to show you how to apply the bleaching gel, and then I'll give you an estimate of how long the process will take to get the results you want. Whitening with a laser is an additional service that some dental practices provide. During this procedure, a bleaching solution will be painted onto your teeth, and then a laser or light will be shone onto them, which will begin the process of whitening your teeth.

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Because excessive use of whiteners can also cause damage to the tooth enamel or gums, it is important to carefully follow the product's instructions and to discuss your options with your dentist.

Find out which bleaching products for use at home have been approved by the ADA. Tooth sensitivity is a potential side effect of using teeth whitening products for some people. This occurs when the peroxide in the whitener penetrates the hard enamel layer of the tooth and reaches the softer dentin layer beneath it, where it irritates the nerve of the tooth. In the vast majority of instances, the sensitivity is only temporary.

People who have large cavities or severe gum disease should not use teeth whitening products. It is possible that doing so will make the existing problems worse and result in an increase in the amount of pain experienced. Before attempting to whiten your teeth, you should first have any dental issues that need to be addressed resolved. If you look into the topic of teeth whitening, you will discover that there are many different products on the market, each of which makes different claims about how well it works.

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