Package rekall :: Module addrspace :: Class RunBasedAddressSpace
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Class RunBasedAddressSpace

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An address space which uses a list of runs to specify a mapping.

This essentially delegates certain address ranges to other address spaces
"mapped" into this address space.

The runs are tuples of this form:

(virtual_address, physical_address, length, address_space)

- Virtual Address - An address in this address space's virtual address

- Physical Address - An address in the delegate address space.

- Length - The length of the mapped region.

- Address space - the address space that should be read for this
  region. Note that the physical address above refers to addresses in this
  delegate address space.

Nested Classes
Automatic Plugin Registration through metaclasses. (Inherited from rekall.addrspace.BaseAddressSpace)
This is the base class of all Address Spaces. (Inherited from rekall.addrspace.BaseAddressSpace)
Instance Methods
__init__(self, **kwargs)
Base is the AS we will be stacking on top of, opts are options which we may use.
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add_run(self, virt_addr, file_address, file_len, address_space=None, data=None)
Add a new run to this address space.
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vtop_run(self, addr)
Returns a Run object describing where addr can be read from.
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vtop(self, addr)
Returns the physical address for this virtual address.
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is_valid_address(self, addr)
Tell us if the address is valid
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get_mappings(self, start=0, end=18446744073709551616)
Yields the mappings.
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ConfigureSession(self, session_obj)
Implement this method if you need to configure the session. (Inherited from rekall.addrspace.BaseAddressSpace)
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__eq__(self, other) (Inherited from rekall.addrspace.BaseAddressSpace) source code
repr(x) (Inherited from rekall.addrspace.BaseAddressSpace)
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str(x) (Inherited from rekall.addrspace.BaseAddressSpace)
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__unicode__(self) (Inherited from rekall.addrspace.BaseAddressSpace) source code
as_assert(self, assertion, error=None)
Duplicate for the assert command (so that optimizations don't disable them) (Inherited from rekall.addrspace.BaseAddressSpace)
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close(self) (Inherited from rekall.addrspace.BaseAddressSpace) source code
describe(self, addr)
Return a string describing an address. (Inherited from rekall.addrspace.BaseAddressSpace)
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end(self) (Inherited from rekall.addrspace.BaseAddressSpace) source code
get_address_ranges(self, start=0, end=4503599627370495)
Generates the runs which fall between start and end. (Inherited from rekall.addrspace.BaseAddressSpace)
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get_file_address_space(self, filename)
Implement this to return an address space for filename. (Inherited from rekall.addrspace.BaseAddressSpace)
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get_mapped_offset(self, filename, offset)
Implement this if we can map files into this address space. (Inherited from rekall.addrspace.BaseAddressSpace)
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merge_base_ranges(self, start=0, end=4503599627370495)
Generates merged address ranges from get_mapping(). (Inherited from rekall.addrspace.BaseAddressSpace)
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read(self, addr, length)
Read 'length' bytes from the virtual address 'vaddr'. (Inherited from rekall.addrspace.PagedReader)
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write(self, addr, buf)
Write to the address space, if writable. (Inherited from rekall.addrspace.PagedReader)
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Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __subclasshook__

Class Methods
ImplementationByClass(self, name) source code
ImplementationByName(self, name) source code
metadata(cls, name, default=None)
Obtain metadata about this address space. (Inherited from rekall.addrspace.BaseAddressSpace)
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Class Variables
  runs = None
  PAGE_MASK = -4096 (Inherited from rekall.addrspace.PagedReader)
  PAGE_SIZE = 4096 (Inherited from rekall.addrspace.PagedReader)
  classes = {'AFF4AddressSpace': <class 'rekall.plugins.addrspac... (Inherited from rekall.addrspace.BaseAddressSpace)
  classes_by_name = {'': [<class 'rekall.addrspace.BufferAddress... (Inherited from rekall.addrspace.BaseAddressSpace)
  name = '' (Inherited from rekall.addrspace.BaseAddressSpace)
  order = 10 (Inherited from rekall.addrspace.BaseAddressSpace)
  plugin_feature = 'BaseAddressSpace' (Inherited from rekall.addrspace.BaseAddressSpace)
  virtualized = False (Inherited from rekall.addrspace.BaseAddressSpace)
  volatile = False (Inherited from rekall.addrspace.BaseAddressSpace)

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details

__init__(self, **kwargs)

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Base is the AS we will be stacking on top of, opts are options which
we may use.

  base: A base address space to stack on top of (i.e. delegate to it for
      satisfying read requests).

  session: An optional session object.

  profile: An optional profile to use for parsing the address space
      (e.g. needed for hibernation, crash etc.)

Overrides: object.__init__
(inherited documentation)

vtop_run(self, addr)

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Returns a Run object describing where addr can be read from.

Overrides: BaseAddressSpace.vtop_run
(inherited documentation)

vtop(self, addr)

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Returns the physical address for this virtual address.

Note that this does not mean much without also knowing the address space to read from. Maybe we need to change this method's prototype?

Overrides: BaseAddressSpace.vtop

is_valid_address(self, addr)

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Tell us if the address is valid

Overrides: BaseAddressSpace.is_valid_address
(inherited documentation)

get_mappings(self, start=0, end=18446744073709551616)

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Yields the mappings.

Yields: A seqence of Run objects representing each run.

Overrides: BaseAddressSpace.get_mappings

ImplementationByClass(self, name)
Class Method

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Overrides: BaseAddressSpace.ImplementationByClass

ImplementationByName(self, name)
Class Method

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Overrides: BaseAddressSpace.ImplementationByName