Package rekall :: Module addrspace_test
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Source Code for Module rekall.addrspace_test

  1  import logging 
  2  import unittest 
  4  from rekall import addrspace 
  5  from rekall import testlib 
  6  from rekall import session 
9 -class CustomRunsAddressSpace(addrspace.RunBasedAddressSpace):
10 - def __init__(self, runs=None, data=None, **kwargs):
11 super(CustomRunsAddressSpace, self).__init__(**kwargs) 12 self.base = addrspace.BufferAddressSpace(data=data, 13 session=self.session) 14 for i in runs: 15 self.add_run(*i)
16 17
18 -class RunBasedTest(testlib.RekallBaseUnitTestCase):
19 """Test the RunBasedAddressSpace implementation.""" 20
21 - def setUp(self):
22 self.session = session.Session() 23 self.test_as = CustomRunsAddressSpace( 24 session=self.session, 25 # Voff, Poff, length 26 runs=[(1000, 0, 10), # This contains data. 27 (1020, 40, 10), 28 (1030, 50, 10), # Contiguous runs. 29 (1050, 0, 2), 30 (1052, 5, 2)], 31 data="0123456789")
33 - def testRunsRead(self):
34 # Read from an address without data 35 self.assertEqual(, 20), "\x00" * 20) 36 37 # Address translation. 38 self.assertEqual(self.test_as.vtop(0), None) 39 self.assertEqual(self.test_as.vtop(1005), 5) 40 41 # Read spanning two runs 42 self.assertEqual(, 4), "0156") 43 44 # Read in the middle of a run 45 self.assertEqual(, 10), 46 "56789" + "\x00" * 5) 47 # Read past the end 48 self.assertEqual(, 10), 49 "\x00" * 10)
52 """Test the range merging.""" 53 runs = [] 54 # The pure mapping is not merged. 55 for run in self.test_as.get_mappings(): 56 self.assertTrue(isinstance(run, addrspace.Run)) 57 self.assertEqual(run.address_space, self.test_as.base) 58 runs.append([run.start, run.end, run.file_offset]) 59 60 self.assertEqual(runs, 61 [[1000, 1010, 0], 62 [1020, 1030, 40], 63 [1030, 1040, 50], 64 [1050, 1052, 0], 65 [1052, 1054, 5]]) 66 67 runs = [] 68 for run in self.test_as.merge_base_ranges(): 69 runs.append([run.start, run.end, run.file_offset]) 70 71 # merge_base_ranges is supposed to merge contiguous runs but still 72 # maintain contiguous ranges in the base address space. 73 self.assertEqual(runs, 74 [[1000, 1010, 0], 75 [1020, 1040, 40], 76 [1050, 1052, 0], 77 [1052, 1054, 5]]) 78 79 runs = [] 80 for run in self.test_as.get_address_ranges(): 81 # No valid physical mapping given here. 82 self.assertTrue(run.file_offset is None) 83 self.assertTrue(run.address_space is None) 84 runs.append([run.start, run.end]) 85 86 # get_address_ranges is supposed to merge contiguous runs in the virtual 87 # AS. 88 self.assertEqual(runs, 89 [[1000, 1010], 90 [1020, 1040], 91 [1050, 1054]]) 92 93 94 # Check that get_address_ranges honors the start and end parameters. 95 run = None 96 for run in self.test_as.get_address_ranges(start=1022, end=1024): 97 self.assertEqual(run.start, 1022) 98 self.assertEqual(run.end, 1024) 99 100 # get_address_ranges does not have a file_offset member. 101 self.assertEqual(run.file_offset, None) 102 103 self.assertTrue(run) 104 105 106 # Check that merge_base_ranges honors the start and end parameters. 107 run = None 108 for run in self.test_as.merge_base_ranges(start=1022, end=1024): 109 self.assertEqual(run.start, 1022) 110 self.assertEqual(run.end, 1024) 111 112 # The file_offset must be properly adjusted too. 113 self.assertEqual(run.file_offset, 40 + 2) 114 115 self.assertTrue(run) 116 117 # Check that get_mappings honors the start parameter. 118 run = None 119 for run in self.test_as.get_mappings(start=1022): 120 # get_mappings does not clip ranges so we may get a range which 121 # starts below the specified limit. 122 self.assertEqual(run.start, 1020) 123 self.assertEqual(run.end, 1030) 124 125 # The file_offset is unchanged. 126 self.assertEqual(run.file_offset, 40) 127 break 128 129 self.assertTrue(run) 130 131 # Check that get_mappings honors the end parameter. 132 run = None 133 for run in self.test_as.get_mappings(end=1022): 134 pass 135 136 # Check the last run. Note get_mappings may not clip the last run so it 137 # may extend past the end but should never start past the specified end 138 # point. 139 self.assertEqual(run.start, 1020) 140 self.assertEqual(run.end, 1030)
141 142 143 if __name__ == "__main__": 144 logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) 145 unittest.main() 146