Package rekall :: Module interactive
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Source Code for Module rekall.interactive

 1  import inspect 
 3  from rekall import ipython_support 
 5  # Load all the plugins to register them. 
 6  from rekall import plugins  # pylint: disable=unused-import 
 7  from rekall import utils 
 8  from rekall import session 
10  IPython = utils.ConditionalImport("IPython") 
13 -def ImportEnvironment(**kwargs):
14 """Initialize a caller's environment. 15 16 Creates a new interactive environment and installs it into the caller's 17 local namespace. After this call the usual rekall interactive environment 18 will be added in the caller's local namespace. 19 20 For example: 21 22 from rekall import interactive 23 24 interactive.ImportEnvironment() 25 26 # Update the filename, load profile etc. 27 rekal filename="xpimage.dd" 28 29 # Run the pslist command rendering to stdout. 30 print pslist() 31 """ 32 isession = session.InteractiveSession(use_config_file=True, **kwargs) 33 34 stack = inspect.stack() 35 # pylint: disable=protected-access 36 isession._locals = stack[1][0].f_locals 37 isession._prepare_local_namespace() 38 39 40 # For IPython fix up the completion. 41 try: 42 shell = IPython.get_ipython() 43 if shell: 44 shell.Completer.matchers.insert( 45 0, 46 lambda x: ipython_support.RekallCompleter(shell.Completer, x)) 47 48 shell.Completer.merge_completions = False 49 except Exception as e: 50 print(e) 51 52 return isession