Package rekall :: Module obj :: Class Profile
[frames] | no frames]

Class Profile

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A collection of types relating to a single compilation unit.

Profiles are usually not instantiated directly. Rather, the profiles are loaded from the profile repository using the session.LoadProfile() method.

Nested Classes
Automatic Plugin Registration through metaclasses.
A collection of types relating to a single compilation unit.
Instance Methods
__init__(self, name=None, session=None, metadata=None, **kwargs)
x.__init__(...) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature
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EnsureInitialized(self) source code
flush_cache(self) source code
Makes a copy of this profile.
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merge(self, other)
Merges another profile into this one.
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merge_symbols(self, other, *args) source code
metadata(self, name, default=None)
Obtain metadata about this profile.
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set_metadata(self, name, value) source code
metadatas(self, *args)
Obtain metadata about this profile.
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has_type(self, type_name) source code
has_class(self, class_name) source code
add_classes(self, classes_dict=None, **kwargs)
Add the classes in the dict to our object classes mapping.
source code
add_constant_type(self, constant, target, target_args) source code
add_constants(self, constants=None, constants_are_addresses=False, **_)
Add the kwargs as constants for this profile.
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add_reverse_enums(self, **kwargs)
Add the kwargs as a reverse enum for this profile.
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add_enums(self, **kwargs)
Add the kwargs as an enum for this profile.
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add_types(self, abstract_types) source code
compile_type(self, type_name)
Compile the specific type and ensure it exists in the type cache.
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legacy_field_descriptor(self, typeList)
Converts the list expression into a target, target_args notation.
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list_to_type(self, name, typeList)
Parses a specification list and returns a VType object.
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GetPrototype(self, type_name)
Return a prototype of objects of type 'type_name'.
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get_obj_offset(self, name, member)
Returns a member's offset within the struct.
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get_obj_size(self, name)
Returns the size of a struct
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obj_has_member(self, name, member)
Returns whether an object has a certain member
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add_overlay(self, overlay)
Add an overlay to the current overlay stack.
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get_constant(self, constant, is_address=False)
Retrieve a constant from the profile.
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get_constant_object(self, constant, target=None, target_args=None, vm=None, **kwargs)
A help function for retrieving pointers from the symbol table.
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get_constant_by_address(self, address) source code
get_nearest_constant_by_address(self, address, below=True)
Returns the closest constant below or equal to the address.
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get_enum(self, enum_name, field=None) source code
get_reverse_enum(self, enum_name, field=None) source code
Support tab completion.
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__getattr__(self, attr)
Make it easier to instantiate individual members.
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Object(self, type_name=None, offset=None, vm=None, name=None, parent=None, context=None, **kwargs)
A function which instantiates the object named in type_name (as a string) from the type in profile passing optional args of kwargs.
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__unicode__(self) source code
source code
integer_to_address(self, virtual_address) source code

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Class Methods
LoadProfileFromData(cls, data, session=None, name=None, profile=None)
Creates a profile directly from a JSON object.
source code
Initialize(cls, profile)
Install required types, classes and constants.
source code
ImplementationByClass(self, name) source code
ImplementationByName(self, name) source code
Class Variables
  overlays = None
  vtypes = None
  types = None
  constants = None
  applied_modifications = None
  COMMON_CLASSES = {'Array': <class 'rekall.obj.Array'>, 'BitFie...
  classes = {'APIBaseProfile': <class 'rekall.plugins.response.c...
  classes_by_name = {None: [<class 'rekall.obj.Profile'>, <class...
  plugin_feature = 'Profile'

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details

LoadProfileFromData(cls, data, session=None, name=None, profile=None)
Class Method

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Creates a profile directly from a JSON object.

  data: A data structure of an encoded profile. Described:
  session: A Session object.
  name: The name of the profile.
  profile: An optional initial profile to apply the new sections to. If
    None we create a new profile instance according to the $METADATA

  a Profile() instance.

  IOError if we can not load the profile.

Initialize(cls, profile)
Class Method

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Install required types, classes and constants.

This method should be extended by derived classes. It is a class method to allow other profiles to call this method and install the various components into their own profiles.

__init__(self, name=None, session=None, metadata=None, **kwargs)

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x.__init__(...) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature

Overrides: object.__init__
(inherited documentation)

merge(self, other)

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Merges another profile into this one.

The result is that we are able to parse all the types that the other profile has.

compile_type(self, type_name)

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Compile the specific type and ensure it exists in the type cache.

The type_name here is a reference to the vtypes which are loaded into the profile.

legacy_field_descriptor(self, typeList)

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Converts the list expression into a target, target_args notation.

Legacy vtypes use lists to specify the objects. This function is used to
convert from the legacy format to the more accurate modern
format. Hopefully the legacy format can be deprecated at some point.

   typeList: A list of types. e.g. ['pointer64', ['_HMAP_TABLE']]

   A target, target_args tuple. Target is the class name which should be
   instantiated, while target_args is a dict of args to be passed to
   this class.
   e.g. 'Pointer',  {target="_HMAP_TABLE"}

list_to_type(self, name, typeList)

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Parses a specification list and returns a VType object.

This function is a bit complex because we support lots of different list types for backwards compatibility.

This is the core function which effectively parses the VType language.

GetPrototype(self, type_name)

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Return a prototype of objects of type 'type_name'.

A prototype is a dummy object that looks like a type, but uses data from the profile to provide a list of members and type information.

get_obj_offset(self, name, member)

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Returns a member's offset within the struct.

Note that this can be wrong if the offset is a callable.

get_constant(self, constant, is_address=False)

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Retrieve a constant from the profile.

   constant: The name of the constant to retrieve.

   is_address: If true the constant is converted to an address.

__getattr__(self, attr)
(Qualification operator)

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Make it easier to instantiate individual members.

This method makes it possible to use the form:

self.profile._EPROCESS(vm=self.kernel_address_space, offset=X)

Which is easier to type and works well with attribute completion (provided by __dir__).

Object(self, type_name=None, offset=None, vm=None, name=None, parent=None, context=None, **kwargs)

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A function which instantiates the object named in type_name (as
a string) from the type in profile passing optional args of

  type_name: The name of the Struct to instantiate (e.g. _EPROCESS).

  vm: The address space to instantiate the object onto. If not provided
    we use a dummy null padded address space.

  offset: The location in the address space where the object is

  name: An optional name for the object.

  context: An opaque dict which is passed to all objects created from
    this object.

  parent: The object can maintain a reference to its parent object.

(Representation operator)

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Overrides: object.__repr__
(inherited documentation)

Class Variable Details


{'Array': <class 'rekall.obj.Array'>,
 'BitField': <class 'rekall.obj.BitField'>,
 'Function': <class ''>,
 'ListArray': <class 'rekall.obj.ListArray'>,
 'NativeType': <class 'rekall.obj.NativeType'>,
 'Pointer': <class 'rekall.obj.Pointer'>,
 'Pointer32': <class 'rekall.obj.Pointer32'>,
 'PointerArray': <class 'rekall.obj.PointerArray'>,


{'APIBaseProfile': <class 'rekall.plugins.response.common.APIBaseProfi\
 'ArtifactProfile': <class 'rekall.plugins.response.forensic_artifacts\
 'BasicClasses': <class 'rekall.plugins.overlays.basic.BasicClasses'>,
 'BasicPEProfile': <class '\
 'ConHost64': <class '\


{None: [<class 'rekall.obj.Profile'>,
        <class 'rekall.obj.TestProfile'>,
        <class 'rekall.plugins.overlays.basic.ProfileMIPS32Bits'>,
        <class 'rekall.plugins.overlays.basic.Profile32Bits'>,
        <class 'rekall.plugins.overlays.basic.ProfileLLP64'>,
        <class 'rekall.plugins.overlays.basic.ProfileLP64'>,
        <class 'rekall.plugins.overlays.basic.BasicClasses'>,
        <class 'rekall.plugins.overlays.linux.elf.ELFProfile'>,