Package rekall :: Package plugins :: Package addrspaces :: Module mmap_address_space :: Class MmapFileAddressSpace
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Class MmapFileAddressSpace

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This is an AS which uses an mmap of a file.

For this AS to be instantiated, we need

1) A valid config.LOCATION (starting with file://)

2) no one else has picked the AS before us

3) base == self (we dont operate on anyone else so we need to be right at the bottom of the AS stack.)

Nested Classes
Automatic Plugin Registration through metaclasses. (Inherited from rekall.addrspace.BaseAddressSpace)
This is the base class of all Address Spaces. (Inherited from rekall.addrspace.BaseAddressSpace)
Instance Methods
__init__(self, filename=None, **kwargs)
Base is the AS we will be stacking on top of, opts are options which we may use.
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read(self, addr, length)
Should be overridden by derived classes.
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get_mappings(self, start=0, end=18446744073709551616)
Generates a sequence of Run() objects.
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is_valid_address(self, addr)
Tell us if the address is valid
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close(self) source code
write(self, addr, data)
Write to the address space, if writable.
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__eq__(self, other) source code
ConfigureSession(self, session_obj)
Implement this method if you need to configure the session. (Inherited from rekall.addrspace.BaseAddressSpace)
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repr(x) (Inherited from rekall.addrspace.BaseAddressSpace)
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str(x) (Inherited from rekall.addrspace.BaseAddressSpace)
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__unicode__(self) (Inherited from rekall.addrspace.BaseAddressSpace) source code
as_assert(self, assertion, error=None)
Duplicate for the assert command (so that optimizations don't disable them) (Inherited from rekall.addrspace.BaseAddressSpace)
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describe(self, addr)
Return a string describing an address. (Inherited from rekall.addrspace.BaseAddressSpace)
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end(self) (Inherited from rekall.addrspace.BaseAddressSpace) source code
get_address_ranges(self, start=0, end=4503599627370495)
Generates the runs which fall between start and end. (Inherited from rekall.addrspace.BaseAddressSpace)
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get_file_address_space(self, filename)
Implement this to return an address space for filename. (Inherited from rekall.addrspace.BaseAddressSpace)
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get_mapped_offset(self, filename, offset)
Implement this if we can map files into this address space. (Inherited from rekall.addrspace.BaseAddressSpace)
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merge_base_ranges(self, start=0, end=4503599627370495)
Generates merged address ranges from get_mapping(). (Inherited from rekall.addrspace.BaseAddressSpace)
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vtop(self, addr)
Return the physical address of this virtual address. (Inherited from rekall.addrspace.BaseAddressSpace)
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vtop_run(self, addr)
Returns a Run object describing where addr can be read from. (Inherited from rekall.addrspace.BaseAddressSpace)
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Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __subclasshook__

Class Methods
ImplementationByClass(self, name) source code
ImplementationByName(self, name) source code
metadata(cls, name, default=None)
Obtain metadata about this address space. (Inherited from rekall.addrspace.BaseAddressSpace)
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Class Variables
  order = 110
  classes = {'AFF4AddressSpace': <class 'rekall.plugins.addrspac... (Inherited from rekall.addrspace.BaseAddressSpace)
  classes_by_name = {'': [<class 'rekall.addrspace.BufferAddress... (Inherited from rekall.addrspace.BaseAddressSpace)
  name = '' (Inherited from rekall.addrspace.BaseAddressSpace)
  plugin_feature = 'BaseAddressSpace' (Inherited from rekall.addrspace.BaseAddressSpace)
  virtualized = False (Inherited from rekall.addrspace.BaseAddressSpace)
  volatile = False (Inherited from rekall.addrspace.BaseAddressSpace)

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details

__init__(self, filename=None, **kwargs)

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Base is the AS we will be stacking on top of, opts are options which
we may use.

  base: A base address space to stack on top of (i.e. delegate to it for
      satisfying read requests).

  session: An optional session object.

  profile: An optional profile to use for parsing the address space
      (e.g. needed for hibernation, crash etc.)

Overrides: object.__init__
(inherited documentation)

read(self, addr, length)

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Should be overridden by derived classes.

(inherited documentation)

get_mappings(self, start=0, end=18446744073709551616)

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Generates a sequence of Run() objects.

Each Run object describes a single range transformation from this
address space to another address space at a potentially different

Runs are assumed to not overlap and are generated in increasing order.

  start: The suggested start address we are interested in. This function
      may omit runs that lie entirely below this start address. Note:
      Runs are not adjusted to begin at the start address - it may be
      possible that this method returns a run which starts earlier than
      the specified start address.

Overrides: addrspace.BaseAddressSpace.get_mappings
(inherited documentation)

is_valid_address(self, addr)

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Tell us if the address is valid

Overrides: addrspace.BaseAddressSpace.is_valid_address
(inherited documentation)


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Overrides: addrspace.BaseAddressSpace.close

write(self, addr, data)

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Write to the address space, if writable.

The default behavior is to delegate the write to the base address space.
If an address space has no base then this function will throw an
IOError. Address spaces that actually implement writing should override.

    IOError if there is no base address space. Subclasses may raise
        under additional circumstances.

    addr: The address to write at, as understood by this AS (i.e.
        a virtual address for virtual address spaces, physical for
    buf: The data to write - most commonly a basestring instance.

    Number of bytes written.

Overrides: addrspace.BaseAddressSpace.write
(inherited documentation)

__eq__(self, other)
(Equality operator)

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Overrides: addrspace.BaseAddressSpace.__eq__

ImplementationByClass(self, name)
Class Method

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Overrides: addrspace.BaseAddressSpace.ImplementationByClass

ImplementationByName(self, name)
Class Method

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Overrides: addrspace.BaseAddressSpace.ImplementationByName