Package rekall :: Package plugins :: Package common :: Module bovine
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Source Code for Module rekall.plugins.common.bovine

  1  # Rekall Memory Forensics 
  2  # Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. 
  3  # 
  4  # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify 
  5  # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by 
  6  # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at 
  7  # your option) any later version. 
  8  # 
  9  # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but 
 10  # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 
 12  # General Public License for more details. 
 13  # 
 14  # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License 
 15  # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software 
 16  # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA 
 17  # 
 19  """The plugins in this module are mainly used to visually test renderers.""" 
 21  __author__ = "Adam Sindelar <>" 
 23  import itertools 
 25  from rekall import plugin 
 26  from rekall import algo 
 27  from rekall_lib import utils 
 29  from rekall.plugins.renderers import visual_aides 
32 -class RekallBovineExperience3000(plugin.Command):
33 """Renders Bessy the cow and some beer. 34 35 This is a text renderer stress-test. It uses multiple features at the 36 same time: 37 38 - Multiple coloring rules per line (this was a doozy). 39 - Two columns with colors next to each other. 40 - Text with its own newlines isn't rewrapped. 41 - It still wraps if it overflows the cell. 42 - Bovine readiness and international spirit. 43 """ 44 __name = "moo" 45
46 - def render(self, renderer):
47 renderer.table_header([ 48 dict(name="Dogma", width=35, style="full"), 49 dict(name="Bessy", width=65, type="bool", style="cow"), 50 dict(name="Pilsner", width=50, style="full"), 51 dict(name="Nowrap", width=10, nowrap=True)]) 52 53 fixtures = self.session.LoadProfile("tests/fixtures") 54 beer =["ascii_art"]["beer"] 55 phys_map =["fixtures"]["phys_map"] 56 57 renderer.table_row( 58 ("This is a renderer stress-test. The flags should have correct" 59 " colors, the beer should be yellow and the cell on the left" 60 " should not bleed into the cell on the right.\n" 61 "This is a really " 62 "long column of text with its own newlines in it!\n" 63 "This bovine experience has been brought to you by Rekall."), 64 True, 65 utils.AttributedString("\n".join(beer["ascii"]), 66 beer["highlights"]), 67 ("This is a fairly long line that shouldn't get wrapped.\n" 68 "The same row has another line that shouldn't get wrapped.")) 69 70 renderer.section("Heatmap test:") 71 cells = [] 72 for digit in itertools.islice(algo.EulersDecimals(), 0xff): 73 cells.append(dict(heat=float(digit + 1) * .1, value=digit)) 74 75 randomized = visual_aides.Heatmap( 76 caption="Offset (p)", 77 # Some of the below xs stand for eXtreme. The other ones just 78 # look cool. 79 column_headers=["%0.2x" % x for x in xrange(0, 0xff, 0x10)], 80 row_headers=["0x%0.6x" % x for x 81 in xrange(0x0, 0xfffff, 0x10000)], 82 cells=cells, 83 greyscale=False) 84 85 gradual = visual_aides.Heatmap( 86 caption="Offset (v)", 87 column_headers=["%0.2x" % x for x in xrange(0, 0xff, 0x10)], 88 row_headers=["0x%0.6x" % x for x 89 in xrange(0x0, 0xfffff, 0x10000)], 90 cells=[dict(value="%x" % x, heat=x / 255.0) for x in xrange(256)], 91 greyscale=False) 92 93 ranges_legend = visual_aides.MapLegend(phys_map["ranges_legend"]) 94 95 ranges = visual_aides.RunBasedMap( 96 caption="Offset (p)", 97 legend=ranges_legend, 98 runs=phys_map["runs"]) 99 100 renderer.table_header([dict(name="Random Heatmap", style="full", 101 width=60, align="c"), 102 dict(name="Gradual Heatmap", style="full", 103 width=60, align="c"), 104 dict(name="Legend", style="full", 105 orientation="horizontal")]) 106 renderer.table_row(randomized, gradual, visual_aides.HeatmapLegend()) 107 108 renderer.table_header([dict(name="Greyscale Random", style="full", 109 width=60, align="c"), 110 dict(name="Memory Ranges", style="full", 111 width=80, align="c"), 112 dict(name="Ranges Legend", style="full", 113 width=30, orientation="vertical")]) 114 115 randomized.greyscale = True 116 renderer.table_row(randomized, ranges, ranges_legend)