Package rekall :: Package plugins :: Package common :: Package efilter_plugins :: Module helpers
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Source Code for Module rekall.plugins.common.efilter_plugins.helpers

  1  # The below are helper routines for 
  3  import functools 
  4  import re 
  5  import six 
  7  from efilter import query as q 
  8  from efilter import api 
 10  from efilter.protocols import applicative 
 11  from efilter.protocols import repeated 
 12  from efilter.protocols import structured 
 13  from efilter.transforms import solve 
 14  from rekall_lib import utils 
 17  # Exported EFilter functions. These can be used within efilter 
 18  # queries. For example select hex(cmd_address) from dis(0xfa8000895a32). 
19 -def hex_function(value):
20 """A Function to format the output as a hex string.""" 21 if value == None: 22 return 23 24 return "%#x" % value
26 -def str_function(value):
27 if value == None: 28 return 29 30 return utils.SmartUnicode(value)
32 -def int_function(value):
33 if value == None: 34 return 35 36 return int(value)
38 -def noncase_search_function(regex, value):
39 """Case insensitive regex search function.""" 40 return bool(, unicode(value), re.I))
41 42
43 -def substitute(pattern, repl, target):
44 if target is None: 45 return 46 47 if isinstance(target, (list, tuple)): 48 result = [] 49 for item in target: 50 result.append(substitute(pattern, repl, item)) 51 52 return result 53 else: 54 return re.sub(pattern, repl, six.text_type(target), re.I)
55 56 57 EFILTER_SCOPES = dict( 58 hex=api.user_func( 59 hex_function, arg_types=[int], return_type=[str]), 60 61 str=api.user_func( 62 str_function, arg_types=[], return_type=[unicode]), 63 64 int=api.user_func( 65 int_function, arg_types=[], return_type=[int]), 66 67 regex_search=api.user_func( 68 noncase_search_function, arg_types=[unicode, unicode], 69 return_type=[bool]), 70 71 concat=api.user_func(lambda *args: "".join(args)), 72 sub=api.user_func(substitute), 73 ) 74 75
76 -class GeneratorRunner(object):
77 - def __init__(self, cb):
78 self.cb = cb
80 - def apply(self, args, kwargs):
81 return repeated.lazy(functools.partial(self.cb, *args, **kwargs))
82 83 84 # Implement IApplicative for Command to get reflection APIs. 85 applicative.IApplicative.implement( 86 for_type=GeneratorRunner, 87 implementations={ 88 applicative.apply: 89 lambda x, *args, **kwargs: x.apply(*args, **kwargs), 90 91 # Plugins "return" themselves, as far as the type inference cares. 92 applicative.reflect_runtime_return: lambda x: x 93 } 94 ) 95 96
97 -class EfilterRunner(object):
98 """An easy to use class for using Efilter. 99 100 The Efilter interface is fairly complex but most people just want to filter 101 a range of callables. This class is a helper class to help with using 102 Efilter. 103 104 All one needs to do is to extend this class and implement any functions 105 which should exist in the EFilter namespace. For example, to add a foo() 106 function: 107 108 class NewRunner(search.EfilterRunner): 109 def run_foo(self): 110 for x in range(10): 111 yield dict(A=x, B=2*x) 112 113 114 for x in NewRunner().filter("select * from foo()"): 115 print x 116 117 {'A': 0, 'B': 0} 118 {'A': 1, 'B': 2} 119 {'A': 2, 'B': 4} 120 {'A': 3, 'B': 6} 121 {'A': 4, 'B': 8} 122 """ 123
124 - def resolve(self, name):
125 function = EFILTER_SCOPES.get(name) 126 if function: 127 return function 128 129 method = getattr(self, "run_" + name, None) 130 if method: 131 return GeneratorRunner(method) 132 133 raise KeyError("No plugin named %r." % name)
135 - def getmembers_runtime(self):
136 return [c["name"] for c in self.columns]
138 - def filter(self, query, **query_args):
139 query = q.Query(query, params=query_args) 140 return repeated.getvalues(solve.solve(query, self).value)
141 142 143 structured.IStructured.implicit_dynamic(EfilterRunner) 144 145
146 -class ListFilter(EfilterRunner):
147 """A helper to filter a list of dicts using efilter.""" 148 149 _list = None 150
151 - def run_list(self):
152 return self._list
154 - def filter(self, filter_exr, data, **query_args):
155 """Filter the data using the filter expression. 156 157 Args: 158 filter_exr: essentially the where clause. 159 data: A list of dicts, each dict representing a row. 160 """ 161 if not filter_exr: 162 return data 163 164 self._list = data 165 query = "select * from list()" 166 if filter_exr: 167 query += "where " + filter_exr 168 169 return super(ListFilter, self).filter(query, **query_args)