Package rekall :: Package plugins :: Package common :: Module sigscan :: Class SignatureScanner
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Class SignatureScanner

source code

Nested Classes
Automatic Plugin Registration through metaclasses. (Inherited from rekall.scan.BaseScanner)
Base class for all scanners. (Inherited from rekall.scan.BaseScanner)
Instance Methods
__init__(self, needles=None, **kwargs)
The base scanner.
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check_addr(self, offset, buffer_as=None)
Check an address.
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skip(self, buffer_as, offset)
Skip uninteresting regions.
source code
scan(self, **kwargs)
Scan the region from offset for maxlen.
source code
build_constraints(self) (Inherited from rekall.scan.BaseScanner) source code

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Class Methods
ImplementationByClass(self, name) source code
ImplementationByName(self, name) source code
Class Variables
  checks = () (Inherited from rekall.scan.BaseScanner)
  classes = {'BaseScanner': <class 'rekall.scan.BaseScanner'>, '... (Inherited from rekall.scan.BaseScanner)
  classes_by_name = {None: [<class 'rekall.scan.BaseScanner'>, <... (Inherited from rekall.scan.BaseScanner)
  overlap = 1024 (Inherited from rekall.scan.BaseScanner)
  plugin_feature = 'BaseScanner' (Inherited from rekall.scan.BaseScanner)
  progress_message = 'Scanning 0x%(offset)08X with %(name)s' (Inherited from rekall.scan.BaseScanner)

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details

__init__(self, needles=None, **kwargs)

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The base scanner.

   profile: The profile to use for this scan.
   address_space: The address space we use for scanning.
   window_size: The size of the overlap window between each buffer read.

Overrides: object.__init__
(inherited documentation)

check_addr(self, offset, buffer_as=None)

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Check an address.

This calls our constraints on the offset and returns if any contraints
did not match.

   offset: The offset to test (in self.address_space).

   None if the offset is not a hit, the hit if the hit is correct.

Overrides: scan.BaseScanner.check_addr
(inherited documentation)

skip(self, buffer_as, offset)

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Skip uninteresting regions.

Where should we go next? By default we go 1 byte ahead, but if some of the checkers have skippers, we may actually go much farther. Checkers with skippers basically tell us that there is no way they can match anything before the skipped result, so there is no point in trying them on all the data in between. This optimization is useful to really speed things up.

Overrides: scan.BaseScanner.skip
(inherited documentation)

scan(self, **kwargs)

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Scan the region from offset for maxlen.

  offset: The starting offset in our current address space to scan.

  maxlen: The maximum length to scan. If not provided we just scan until
    there is no data.

  offsets where all the constrainst are satisfied.

Overrides: scan.BaseScanner.scan
(inherited documentation)

ImplementationByClass(self, name)
Class Method

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Overrides: scan.BaseScanner.ImplementationByClass

ImplementationByName(self, name)
Class Method

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Overrides: scan.BaseScanner.ImplementationByName