Package rekall :: Package plugins :: Module hypervisors :: Class VirtualMachine
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Class VirtualMachine

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Represents a virtual machine.

A virtual machine is made of VMCS. In Intel processors, each CPU that runs a VM will have its own VMCS.

Instance Methods
__init__(self, host_rip=None, ept=None, parent=None, name=None, session=None)
x.__init__(...) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature
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add_vmcs(self, vmcs, validate=True)
Add a VMCS to this virtual machine.
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set_parent(self, parent)
Sets the parent of this VM and resets the validation cache.
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unset_parent(self) source code
validate_vmcs(self, vmcs)
Validates a VMCS and returns if it's valid in this VM's context.
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is_valid_vmcs(self, vmcs)
Returns whether the vmcs is valid or None if it wasn't validated.
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Returns a session valid for this VM.
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RunPlugin(self, plugin_name, *args, **kwargs)
Runs a plugin in the context of this virtual machine.
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add_nested_vms(self, vm_list, validate_all=True)
Tries to add the list of VMs as nested VMs of this one.
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Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __subclasshook__

Class Methods
get_vmcs_guest_as_type(cls, vmcs)
Returns the address space type of the guest of a VMCS.
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get_vmcs_host_as_type(cls, vmcs)
Returns the address space type of the host of a VMCS.
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get_vmcs_host_address_space(cls, vmcs, base_as=None)
Returns the address_space of the host of the VMCS.
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get_vmcs_guest_address_space(cls, vmcs, base_as=None)
Returns the address_space of the guest of the VMCS.
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get_vmcs_address_space(cls, vmcs, host=True, base_as=None)
Returns the address_space of the host or guest process of a VMCS.
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A VM is valid if at least one of its VMCS is valid.
A VM is nested if it has a parent or all its VMCS are nested.
The number of virtual cores of this VM.
The architecture of the host that started this VM.
The architecture of the guest OS of the VM.
The list of EPT values needed to instantiate VM guest physical AS.
The physical address space of this VM's guest.

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details

__init__(self, host_rip=None, ept=None, parent=None, name=None, session=None)

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x.__init__(...) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature

Overrides: object.__init__
(inherited documentation)

get_vmcs_guest_as_type(cls, vmcs)
Class Method

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Returns the address space type of the guest of a VMCS.

One of I386, I386+PAE, AMD64 or None.

get_vmcs_host_as_type(cls, vmcs)
Class Method

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Returns the address space type of the host of a VMCS.

One of I386, I386+PAE, AMD64 or None.

add_vmcs(self, vmcs, validate=True)

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Add a VMCS to this virtual machine.

  UnrelatedVmcsError if the VMCS doesn't match the VM's HOST_RIP or EPT.

validate_vmcs(self, vmcs)

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Validates a VMCS and returns if it's valid in this VM's context.

A VMCS is valid if the page where it's mapped is found in the HOST_CR3 that it points to. The result of this validation is cached. Use the _reset_validation_state method if you need to invalidate cache entries.

A VMCS object will only validate properly if its defined in the context of the address space of the physical AS of the parent of the VM.

is_valid_vmcs(self, vmcs)

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Returns whether the vmcs is valid or None if it wasn't validated.

Doesn't force validation.

add_nested_vms(self, vm_list, validate_all=True)

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Tries to add the list of VMs as nested VMs of this one.

To validate nested VMs, we need to see if its identifying VMCS are mapped in our physical AS and then try to validate them via HOST_CR3 in our context.

(Informal representation operator)

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Overrides: object.__str__
(inherited documentation)

Property Details


A VM is valid if at least one of its VMCS is valid.

Get Method:
unreachable.is_valid(self) - A VM is valid if at least one of its VMCS is valid.


A VM is nested if it has a parent or all its VMCS are nested.

Get Method:
unreachable.is_nested(self) - A VM is nested if it has a parent or all its VMCS are nested.


Get Method:


The number of virtual cores of this VM.

Get Method:
unreachable.num_cores(self) - The number of virtual cores of this VM.


The architecture of the host that started this VM.

Get Method:
unreachable.host_arch(self) - The architecture of the host that started this VM.


The architecture of the guest OS of the VM.

Get Method:
unreachable.guest_arch(self) - The architecture of the guest OS of the VM.


The list of EPT values needed to instantiate VM guest physical AS.

This is used in conjunction with the VTxPagedMemory AS.

Get Method:
unreachable.ept_list(self) - The list of EPT values needed to instantiate VM guest physical AS.


The physical address space of this VM's guest.

Get Method:
unreachable.physical_address_space(self) - The physical address space of this VM's guest.