Package rekall :: Package plugins :: Package linux :: Module check_syscall :: Class CheckSyscall
[frames] | no frames]

Class CheckSyscall

source code

Checks if the system call table has been altered.

Nested Classes
Automatic Plugin Registration through metaclasses. (Inherited from rekall.plugin.Command)
A command can be run from the rekall command line. (Inherited from rekall.plugin.Command)
Instance Methods
Calculates the size of the syscall table.
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This works by walking the system call table and verifies that each is a symbol in the kernel
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__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
A mixin for plugins which require a valid kernel address space. (Inherited from rekall.plugin.KernelASMixin)
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Make plugins that define collect iterable, as convenience. (Inherited from rekall.plugin.Command)
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repr(x) (Inherited from rekall.plugin.Command)
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Render into a string using the text renderer. (Inherited from rekall.plugin.Command)
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collect_as_dicts(self) (Inherited from rekall.plugin.TypedProfileCommand) source code
Returns instances for each column definition. (Inherited from rekall.plugin.TypedProfileCommand)
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get_column(self, name) (Inherited from rekall.plugin.TypedProfileCommand) source code
get_column_type(self, name) (Inherited from rekall.plugin.TypedProfileCommand) source code
get_plugin(self, name, **kwargs)
Returns an instance of the named plugin. (Inherited from rekall.plugin.Command)
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getkeys(self) (Inherited from rekall.plugin.TypedProfileCommand) source code
reflect(self, member) (Inherited from rekall.plugin.TypedProfileCommand) source code
render(self, renderer, **options) (Inherited from rekall.plugin.TypedProfileCommand) source code

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __subclasshook__

Class Methods
GetActiveClasses(cls, session)
Return only the active commands based on config. (Inherited from rekall.plugin.Command)
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GetPrototype(cls, session)
Return an instance of this plugin with suitable default arguments. (Inherited from rekall.plugin.Command)
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ImplementationByClass(self, name) source code
ImplementationByName(self, name) source code
args(cls, metadata) (Inherited from rekall.plugin.PhysicalASMixin) source code
is_active(cls, session)
Checks we are active. (Inherited from rekall.plugin.ProfileCommand)
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Class Variables
  table_header = [{'name': 'divider', 'type': 'Divider'}, {'hidd...
  PHYSICAL_AS_REQUIRED = True (Inherited from rekall.plugin.PhysicalASMixin)
  PROFILE_REQUIRED = True (Inherited from rekall.plugin.ProfileCommand)
  ROW_OPTIONS = set(['annotation', 'depth', 'hex_width', 'highli... (Inherited from rekall.plugin.TypedProfileCommand)
  classes = {'AFF4Acquire': <class ' (Inherited from rekall.plugin.Command)
  classes_by_name = {None: [<class ' (Inherited from rekall.plugin.Command)
  error_status = None
hash(x) (Inherited from rekall.plugin.Command)
  interactive = False (Inherited from rekall.plugin.Command)
  mode = 'mode_linux_memory'
hash(x) (Inherited from rekall.plugins.linux.common.AbstractLinuxCommandPlugin)
  plugin_args = None
hash(x) (Inherited from rekall.plugin.ArgsParserMixin)
  plugin_feature = 'Command' (Inherited from rekall.plugin.Command)
  producer = False (Inherited from rekall.plugin.Command)
  table_options = {} (Inherited from rekall.plugin.TypedProfileCommand)
  name (Inherited from rekall.plugin.Command)

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details


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Calculates the size of the syscall table.

Here we need the symbol __NR_syscall_max. We derive it from
disassembling the following system calls:

- system_call_fastpath function:
#if __SYSCALL_MASK == ~0
        cmpq $__NR_syscall_max,%rax
        andl $__SYSCALL_MASK,%eax
        cmpl $__NR_syscall_max,%eax

- ret_from_sys_call function (with a small rewind):

249        cmpq $__NR_syscall_max,%rax
250        ja badsys
251        movq %r10,%rcx
252        call *sys_call_table(,%rax,8)  # XXX:    rip relative
253        movq %rax,RAX-ARGOFFSET(%rsp)
254 /*
255  * Syscall return path ending with SYSRET (fast path)
256  * Has incomplete stack frame and undefined top of stack.
257  */
258 ret_from_sys_call:
259        movl $_TIF_ALLWORK_MASK,%edi
260        /* edi: flagmask */

- sysenter_do_call
   Linux> dis "linux!sysenter_do_call"
   Address    Rel           Op Codes           Instruction    Comment
   ------- ---------- -------------------- ------------------ -------
   ------ linux!sysenter_do_call ------: 0xc12c834d
   0xc12c834d        0x0 3d5d010000           CMP EAX, 0x15d
   0xc12c8352        0x5 0f8397baffff         JAE 0xc12c3def  linux!syscall_badsys


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This works by walking the system call table and verifies that each is a symbol in the kernel

Overrides: plugin.TypedProfileCommand.collect

ImplementationByClass(self, name)
Class Method

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Overrides: plugin.Command.ImplementationByClass

ImplementationByName(self, name)
Class Method

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Overrides: plugin.Command.ImplementationByName

Class Variable Details



[{'name': 'divider', 'type': 'Divider'},
 {'hidden': True, 'name': 'table'},
 {'name': 'index', 'style': 'address'},
 {'name': 'address', 'style': 'address'},
 {'name': 'symbol', 'width': 80}]