Package rekall :: Package plugins :: Package linux :: Module pslist
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Source Code for Module rekall.plugins.linux.pslist

  1  # Rekall Memory Forensics 
  2  # 
  3  # Copyright 2013 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. 
  4  # 
  5  # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify 
  6  # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by 
  7  # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at 
  8  # your option) any later version. 
  9  # 
 10  # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but 
 11  # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 
 13  # General Public License for more details. 
 14  # 
 15  # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License 
 16  # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software 
 17  # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA 
 19  """ 
 20  @author:       Andrew Case 
 21  @license:      GNU General Public License 2.0 or later 
 22  @contact: 
 23  @organization: Digital Forensics Solutions 
 24  """ 
 26  from rekall import testlib 
 27  from rekall.plugins.common import memmap 
 28  from rekall.plugins.linux import common 
 29  from rekall_lib import utils 
32 -class LinuxPsList(common.LinProcessFilter):
33 """Gathers active tasks by walking the task_struct->task list. 34 35 It does not display the swapper process. If the DTB column is blank, the 36 item is likely a kernel thread. 37 """ 38 __name = "pslist" 39 40 table_header = [ 41 dict(name="proc", width=40, type="task_struct"), 42 dict(name="ppid", align="r", width=6), 43 dict(name="uid", align="r", width=6), 44 dict(name="gid", align="r", width=6), 45 dict(name="dtb", style="address"), 46 dict(name="start_time", align="r", width=24), 47 dict(name="binary") 48 ] 49
50 - def column_types(self):
51 task = self.session.profile.task_struct() 52 return dict( 53 proc=task, 54 ppid=0, 55 uid=utils.HexInteger(0), 56 gid=utils.HexInteger(0), 57 dtb=utils.HexInteger(0), 58 start_time=task.task_start_time, 59 binary="")
61 - def collect(self):
62 for task in self.filter_processes(): 63 dtb = self.kernel_address_space.vtop( 64 path = task.get_path("exe_file")) 65 yield (task, 66, 67 task.uid, 68 task.gid, 69 dtb, task.task_start_time, 70 path)
71 72
73 -class LinMemMap(memmap.MemmapMixIn, common.LinProcessFilter):
74 """Dumps the memory map for linux tasks.""" 75 __name = "memmap"
76 77
78 -class LinMemDump(memmap.MemDumpMixin, common.LinProcessFilter):
79 """Dump the addressable memory for a process."""
80 81
82 -class TestLinMemDump(testlib.HashChecker):
83 mode = "mode_linux_memory" 84 85 PARAMETERS = dict( 86 commandline="memdump --proc_regex %(proc_name)s --dump_dir %(tempdir)s", 87 proc_name="bash", 88 )
89 90 # We only care about PIDTYPE_PID here. 91 # 92 # enum pid_type 93 # { 94 # PIDTYPE_PID, 95 # }; 96 PIDTYPE_PID = 0 97 98
99 -class PidHashTable(LinuxPsList):
100 """List processes by enumerating the pid hash tables.""" 101 102 __name = "pidhashtable" 103
104 - def list_tasks(self):
105 # According to 106 #, the 107 # pid_hash table is a pointer to a dynamically allocated array of 108 # hlist_head. 109 pidhash_shift = self.profile.get_constant_object( 110 "pidhash_shift", "unsigned int") 111 112 pidhash = self.profile.get_constant_object( 113 "pid_hash", 114 target="Pointer", 115 target_args=dict( 116 target="Array", 117 target_args=dict( 118 count=1 << pidhash_shift, 119 target="hlist_head" 120 ) 121 ) 122 ) 123 124 seen = set() 125 126 # Now we iterate over all the hash slots in the hash table to retrieve 127 # their struct upid entries. 128 for hash_slot in pidhash: 129 for upid in hash_slot.list_of_type("upid", "pid_chain"): 130 # upid structures are contained inside pid structures: 131 # 132 # container_of(pnr, struct pid, numbers[ns->level]); 133 level = upid.ns.level 134 135 pid = 136 upid.obj_offset - 137 self.profile.get_obj_offset("pid", "numbers") - 138 level * self.profile.get_obj_size("pid")) 139 140 # Here we only care about regular PIDs. 141 for task in pid.tasks[PIDTYPE_PID].list_of_type( 142 "task_struct", "pids"): 143 if task not in seen: 144 yield task 145 seen.add(task)