Package rekall :: Package plugins :: Package overlays :: Module basic :: Class ListMixIn
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Class ListMixIn

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A helper for following lists.

Instance Methods
dereference_as(self, type, member, vm=None)
Recasts the list entry as a member in a type, and return the type.
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Follows all the list entries starting from self.
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list_of_type(self, type, member) source code
list_of_type_fast(self, type, member, include_current=True) source code
reflect(self, vm=None)
Reflect this list element by following its Flink and Blink.
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empty(self) source code
__nonzero__(self) source code
__iter__(self) source code

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __init__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__


Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details

dereference_as(self, type, member, vm=None)

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Recasts the list entry as a member in a type, and return the type.

   type: The name of this Struct type.
   member: The name of the member of this Struct.
   address_space: An optional address space to switch during


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Follows all the list entries starting from self.

We basically convert the list to a tree and recursively search it for new nodes. From each node we follow the Flink and then the Blink. When we see a node we already have, we backtrack. This allows us to find nodes which do not satisfy the relation (Due to smear):

x.Flink.Blink = x


reflect(self, vm=None)

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Reflect this list element by following its Flink and Blink.

This is basically the same as Flink.Blink except that it also checks
Blink.Flink. It also ensures that Flink and Blink are dereferences to
the correct type in case the vtypes do not specify them as pointers.

  the result of Flink.Blink.