Package rekall :: Package plugins :: Package overlays :: Package windows :: Module tcpip_vtypes
[frames] | no frames]

Source Code for Module

  1  # Rekall Memory Forensics 
  2  # 
  3  # Copyright 2013 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. 
  4  # 
  5  # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify 
  6  # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by 
  7  # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at 
  8  # your option) any later version. 
  9  # 
 10  # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but 
 11  # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 
 13  # General Public License for more details. 
 14  # 
 15  # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License 
 16  # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software 
 17  # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA 
 18  # 
 19  import socket 
 21  from rekall import kb 
 22  from rekall import obj 
 23  from rekall.plugins.overlays import basic 
 24  from import pe_vtypes 
 25  from rekall_lib import utils 
 28  AF_INET = 2 
 29  AF_INET6 = 0x17 
 31  # String representations of INADDR_ANY and INADDR6_ANY 
 32  inaddr_any = utils.inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET, '\0' * 4) 
 33  inaddr6_any = utils.inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET6, '\0' * 16) 
 35  protos = { 
 36      0:"HOPOPT", 
 37      1:"ICMP", 
 38      2:"IGMP", 
 39      3:"GGP", 
 40      4:"IPv4", 
 41      5:"ST", 
 42      6:"TCP", 
 43      7:"CBT", 
 44      8:"EGP", 
 45      9:"IGP", 
 46      10:"BBN-RCC-MON", 
 47      11:"NVP-II", 
 48      12:"PUP", 
 49      13:"ARGUS", 
 50      14:"EMCON", 
 51      15:"XNET", 
 52      16:"CHAOS", 
 53      17:"UDP", 
 54      18:"MUX", 
 55      19:"DCN-MEAS", 
 56      20:"HMP", 
 57      21:"PRM", 
 58      22:"XNS-IDP", 
 59      23:"TRUNK-1", 
 60      24:"TRUNK-2", 
 61      25:"LEAF-1", 
 62      26:"LEAF-2", 
 63      27:"RDP", 
 64      28:"IRTP", 
 65      29:"ISO-TP4", 
 66      30:"NETBLT", 
 67      31:"MFE-NSP", 
 68      32:"MERIT-INP", 
 69      33:"DCCP", 
 70      34:"3PC", 
 71      35:"IDPR", 
 72      36:"XTP", 
 73      37:"DDP", 
 74      38:"IDPR-CMTP", 
 75      39:"TP++", 
 76      40:"IL", 
 77      41:"IPv6", 
 78      42:"SDRP", 
 79      43:"IPv6-Route", 
 80      44:"IPv6-Frag", 
 81      45:"IDRP", 
 82      46:"RSVP", 
 83      47:"GRE", 
 84      48:"DSR", 
 85      49:"BNA", 
 86      50:"ESP", 
 87      51:"AH", 
 88      52:"I-NLSP", 
 89      53:"SWIPE", 
 90      54:"NARP", 
 91      55:"MOBILE", 
 92      56:"TLSP", 
 93      57:"SKIP", 
 94      58:"IPv6-ICMP", 
 95      59:"IPv6-NoNxt", 
 96      60:"IPv6-Opts", 
 97      61:"Host-interal", 
 98      62:"CFTP", 
 99      63:"Local Network", 
100      64:"SAT-EXPAK", 
101      65:"KRYPTOLAN", 
102      66:"RVD", 
103      67:"IPPC", 
104      68:"Dist-FS", 
105      69:"SAT-MON", 
106      70:"VISA", 
107      71:"IPCV", 
108      72:"CPNX", 
109      73:"CPHB", 
110      74:"WSN", 
111      75:"PVP", 
112      76:"BR-SAT-MON", 
113      77:"SUN-ND", 
114      78:"WB-MON", 
115      79:"WB-EXPAK", 
116      80:"ISO-IP", 
117      81:"VMTP", 
118      82:"SECURE-VMTP", 
119      83:"VINES", 
120      84:"TTP", 
121      # 84:"IPTM", 
122      85:"NSFNET-IGP", 
123      86:"DGP", 
124      87:"TCF", 
125      88:"EIGRP", 
126      89:"OSPFIGP", 
127      90:"Sprite-RPC", 
128      91:"LARP", 
129      92:"MTP", 
130      93:"AX.25", 
131      94:"IPIP", 
132      95:"MICP", 
133      96:"SCC-SP", 
134      97:"ETHERIP", 
135      98:"ENCAP", 
136      99:"Encryption", 
137      100:"GMTP", 
138      101:"IFMP", 
139      102:"PNNI", 
140      103:"PIM", 
141      104:"ARIS", 
142      105:"SCPS", 
143      106:"QNX", 
144      107:"A/N", 
145      108:"IPComp", 
146      109:"SNP", 
147      110:"Compaq-Peer", 
148      111:"IPX-in-IP", 
149      112:"VRRP", 
150      113:"PGM", 
151      114:"0-hop", 
152      115:"L2TP", 
153      116:"DDX", 
154      117:"IATP", 
155      118:"STP", 
156      119:"SRP", 
157      120:"UTI", 
158      121:"SMP", 
159      122:"SM", 
160      123:"PTP", 
161      124:"ISIS over IPv4", 
162      125:"FIRE", 
163      126:"CRTP", 
164      127:"CRUDP", 
165      128:"SSCOPMCE", 
166      129:"IPLT", 
167      130:"SPS", 
168      131:"PIPE", 
169      132:"SCTP", 
170      133:"FC", 
171      134:"RSVP-E2E-IGNORE", 
172      135:"Mobility Header", 
173      136:"UDPLite", 
174      137:"MPLS-in-IP", 
175      138:"manet", 
176      139:"HIP", 
177      140:"Shim6", 
178      141:"WESP", 
179      142:"ROHC", 
180      253:"Experimental", 
181      254:"Experimental", 
182      255:"Reserved", 
183  } 
185  # Structures used by connections, connscan, sockets, sockscan. 
186  # Used by x86 XP (all service packs) and x86 2003 SP0. 
187  tcpip_vtypes = { 
188      '_ADDRESS_OBJECT' : [0x68, { 
189          'Next' : [0x0, ['pointer', ['_ADDRESS_OBJECT']]], 
190          'LocalIpAddress' : [0x2c, ['Ipv4Address']], 
191          'LocalPort' : [0x30, ['unsigned be short']], 
192          'Protocol'  : [0x32, ['unsigned short']], 
193          'Pid' : [0x148, ['unsigned long']], 
194          'CreateTime' : [0x158, ['WinFileTime', {}]], 
195      }], 
196      '_TCPT_OBJECT' : [0x20, { 
197          'Next' : [0x0, ['pointer', ['_TCPT_OBJECT']]], 
198          'RemoteIpAddress' : [0xc, ['Ipv4Address']], 
199          'LocalIpAddress' : [0x10, ['Ipv4Address']], 
200          'RemotePort' : [0x14, ['unsigned be short']], 
201          'LocalPort' : [0x16, ['unsigned be short']], 
202          'Pid' : [0x18, ['unsigned long']], 
203      }], 
204  } 
206  # Structures used by connections, connscan, sockets, sockscan. 
207  # Used by x64 XP and x64 2003 (all service packs). 
208  tcpip_vtypes_2003_x64 = { 
209      '_ADDRESS_OBJECT' : [0x250, { 
210          'Next' : [0x0, ['pointer', ['_ADDRESS_OBJECT']]], 
211          'LocalIpAddress' : [0x58, ['Ipv4Address']], 
212          'LocalPort' : [0x5c, ['unsigned be short']], 
213          'Protocol'  : [0x5e, ['unsigned short']], 
214          'Pid' : [0x238, ['unsigned long']], 
215          'CreateTime' : [0x248, ['WinFileTime', {}]], 
216      }], 
217      '_TCPT_OBJECT' : [0x28, { 
218          'Next' : [0x0, ['pointer', ['_TCPT_OBJECT']]], 
219          'RemoteIpAddress' : [0x14, ['Ipv4Address']], 
220          'LocalIpAddress' : [0x18, ['Ipv4Address']], 
221          'RemotePort' : [0x1c, ['unsigned be short']], 
222          'LocalPort' : [0x1e, ['unsigned be short']], 
223          'Pid' : [0x20, ['unsigned long']], 
224      }], 
225  } 
227  # Structures used by sockets and sockscan. 
228  # Used by x86 2003 SP1 and SP2 only. 
229  tcpip_vtypes_2003_sp1_sp2 = { 
230      '_ADDRESS_OBJECT' : [0x68, { 
231          'Next' : [0x0, ['pointer', ['_ADDRESS_OBJECT']]], 
232          'LocalIpAddress' : [0x30, ['Ipv4Address']], 
233          'LocalPort' : [0x34, ['unsigned be short']], 
234          'Protocol'  : [0x36, ['unsigned short']], 
235          'Pid' : [0x14C, ['unsigned long']], 
236          'CreateTime' : [0x158, ['WinFileTime', {}]], 
237      }], 
238  } 
240  TCP_STATE_ENUM = { 
241      0: 'CLOSED', 1: 'LISTENING', 2: 'SYN_SENT', 
242      3: 'SYN_RCVD', 4: 'ESTABLISHED', 5: 'FIN_WAIT1', 
243      6: 'FIN_WAIT2', 7: 'CLOSE_WAIT', 8: 'CLOSING', 
244      9: 'LAST_ACK', 12: 'TIME_WAIT', 13: 'DELETE_TCB' 
245      } 
247  # Structures used by netscan for x86 Vista and 2008 (all service packs). 
248  tcpip_vtypes_vista = { 
249      '_IN_ADDR' : [None, { 
250          'addr4' : [0x0, ['Ipv4Address']], 
251          'addr6' : [0x0, ['Ipv6Address']], 
252      }], 
253      '_LOCAL_ADDRESS' : [None, { 
254          'pData' : [0xC, ['pointer', ['pointer', ['_IN_ADDR']]]], 
255      }], 
256      '_TCP_LISTENER': [0xa8, { # TcpL 
257          'Owner' : [0x18, ['pointer', ['_EPROCESS']]], 
258          'CreateTime' : [0x20, ['WinFileTime', {}]], 
259          'LocalAddr' : [0x34, ['pointer', ['_LOCAL_ADDRESS']]], 
260          'InetAF' : [0x38, ['pointer', ['_INETAF']]], 
261          "Endpoint": [0x50, ['Pointer', dict( 
262              target="_TCP_ENDPOINT" 
263          )]], 
264          'Port' : [0x3E, ['unsigned be short']], 
265      }], 
266      '_TCP_ENDPOINT': [0x1f0, { # TcpE 
267          'InetAF' : [0xC, ['pointer', ['_INETAF']]], 
268          'AddrInfo' : [0x10, ['pointer', ['_ADDRINFO']]], 
269          'ListEntry': [0x14, ['_LIST_ENTRY']], 
270          'State' : [0x28, ['Enumeration', dict( 
271              target='long', 
272              choices=TCP_STATE_ENUM)]], 
273          'LocalPort' : [0x2C, ['unsigned be short']], 
274          'RemotePort' : [0x2E, ['unsigned be short']], 
275          'Owner' : [0x160, ['pointer', ['_EPROCESS']]], 
276          'CreateTime' : [0, ['WinFileTime', {}]], 
277      }], 
278      '_TCP_SYN_ENDPOINT': [None, { 
279          'ListEntry': [8, ['_LIST_ENTRY']], 
280          'InetAF' : [0x18, ['pointer', ['_INETAF']]], 
281          'LocalPort' : [0x3c, ['unsigned be short']], 
282          'RemotePort' : [0x3e, ['unsigned be short']], 
283          'LocalAddr' : [0x1c, ['pointer', ['_LOCAL_ADDRESS']]], 
284          'RemoteAddress' : [0x28, ['pointer', ['_IN_ADDR']]], 
285          'Owner' : [0x20, ['pointer', ['_SYN_OWNER']]], 
286          'CreateTime' : [0, ['WinFileTime', {}]], 
287      }], 
288      '_SYN_OWNER': [None, { 
289          'Process': [0x18, ['pointer', ['_EPROCESS']]], 
290      }], 
291      '_TCP_TIMEWAIT_ENDPOINT': [None, { 
292          'ListEntry': [0x14, ['_LIST_ENTRY']], 
293          'InetAF' : [0xc, ['pointer', ['_INETAF']]], 
294          'LocalPort' : [0x1c, ['unsigned be short']], 
295          'RemotePort' : [0x1e, ['unsigned be short']], 
296          'LocalAddr' : [0x20, ['pointer', ['_LOCAL_ADDRESS']]], 
297          'RemoteAddress' : [0x24, ['pointer', ['_IN_ADDR']]], 
298          'CreateTime' : [0, ['WinFileTime', {}]], 
299      }], 
300      '_INETAF' : [None, { 
301          'AddressFamily' : [0xC, ['unsigned short']], 
302      }], 
303      '_ADDRINFO' : [None, { 
304          'Local' : [0x0, ['pointer', ['_LOCAL_ADDRESS']]], 
305          'Remote' : [0x8, ['pointer', ['_IN_ADDR']]], 
306      }], 
307      '_UDP_ENDPOINT': [0xa8, { # UdpA 
308          'Owner' : [0x18, ['pointer', ['_EPROCESS']]], 
309          'CreateTime' : [0x30, ['WinFileTime', {}]], 
310          'LocalAddr' : [0x38, ['pointer', ['_LOCAL_ADDRESS']]], 
311          'InetAF' : [0x14, ['pointer', ['_INETAF']]], 
312          'Port' : [0x48, ['unsigned be short']], 
313      }], 
315      # Reversed from tcpip.sys!TcpStartPartitionModule 
316      "PARTITION_TABLE": [None, { 
317          "Partitions": [4, ["Array", dict( 
318              target="Pointer", 
320              count=lambda x: x.obj_profile.get_constant_object( 
321                  "PartitionCount", "unsigned int"), 
323              target_args=dict( 
324                  target="Array", 
325                  target_args=dict( 
326                      count=4, 
327                      target="FIRST_LEVEL_DIR", 
328                      profile=lambda x: x.session.profile, 
329                      ) 
330                  ) 
331              )]], 
332          }], 
333      # ntoskrnl.exe!RtlCreateHashTable 
334      "FIRST_LEVEL_DIR": [0x24, { 
335          "SizeOfSecondLevel": [0x8, ["unsigned int"]], 
337          "Mask": [0x10, ["unsigned int"]], 
339          # Reversed from ntoskrnl.exe!RtlpAllocateSecondLevelDir 
340          "SecondLevel": [0x20, ["Pointer", dict( 
341              target="Array", 
342              target_args=dict( 
343                  count=lambda x: x.SizeOfSecondLevel, 
344                  target="_LIST_ENTRY" 
345                  ) 
346              )]], 
347          }], 
348  } 
350  # Structures for netscan on x86 Windows 7 (all service packs). 
351  tcpip_vtypes_7 = { 
352      '_TCP_ENDPOINT': [0x210, { # TcpE 
353          'InetAF' : [0xC, ['pointer', ['_INETAF']]], 
354          'AddrInfo' : [0x10, ['pointer', ['_ADDRINFO']]], 
355          'ListEntry': [0x14, ['_LIST_ENTRY']], 
356          'State' : [0x34, ['Enumeration', dict( 
357              target='long', choices=TCP_STATE_ENUM)]], 
358          'LocalPort' : [0x38, ['unsigned be short']], 
359          'RemotePort' : [0x3A, ['unsigned be short']], 
360          'Owner' : [0x174, ['pointer', ['_EPROCESS']]], 
361          'CreateTime' : [0, ['WinFileTime', {}]], 
362      }], 
363      '_TCP_SYN_ENDPOINT': [None, { 
364          'ListEntry': [8, ['_LIST_ENTRY']], 
365          'InetAF' : [0x24, ['pointer', ['_INETAF']]], 
366          'LocalPort' : [0x48, ['unsigned be short']], 
367          'RemotePort' : [0x4a, ['unsigned be short']], 
368          'LocalAddr' : [0x28, ['pointer', ['_LOCAL_ADDRESS']]], 
369          'RemoteAddress' : [0x34, ['pointer', ['_IN_ADDR']]], 
370          'Owner' : [0x2c, ['pointer', ['_SYN_OWNER']]], 
371          'CreateTime' : [0, ['WinFileTime', {}]], 
372      }], 
373      '_TCP_TIMEWAIT_ENDPOINT': [None, { 
374          'ListEntry': [0, ['_LIST_ENTRY']], 
375          'InetAF' : [0x18, ['pointer', ['_INETAF']]], 
376          'LocalPort' : [0x28, ['unsigned be short']], 
377          'RemotePort' : [0x2a, ['unsigned be short']], 
378          'LocalAddr' : [0x2c, ['pointer', ['_LOCAL_ADDRESS']]], 
379          'RemoteAddress' : [0x30, ['pointer', ['_IN_ADDR']]], 
380          'CreateTime' : [0, ['WinFileTime', {}]], 
381      }], 
382      "_LIST_ENTRY": basic.common_overlay["LIST_ENTRY32"], 
383  } 
385  # Structures for netscan on x64 Vista SP0 and 2008 SP0 
386  tcpip_vtypes_vista_64 = { 
387      '_IN_ADDR' : [None, { 
388          'addr4' : [0x0, ['Ipv4Address']], 
389          'addr6' : [0x0, ['Ipv6Address']], 
390      }], 
391      '_TCP_LISTENER': [0x120, { # TcpL 
392          'Owner' : [0x28, ['pointer', ['_EPROCESS']]], 
393          'CreateTime' : [0x20, ['WinFileTime', {}]], 
394          'LocalAddr' : [0x58, ['pointer', ['_LOCAL_ADDRESS']]], 
395          'InetAF' : [0x60, ['pointer', ['_INETAF']]], 
396          'Port' : [0x6a, ['unsigned be short']], 
397      }], 
398      '_INETAF' : [None, { 
399          'AddressFamily' : [0x14, ['unsigned short']], 
400      }], 
401      '_LOCAL_ADDRESS' : [None, { 
402          'pData' : [0x10, ['pointer', ['pointer', ['_IN_ADDR']]]], 
403      }], 
404      '_ADDRINFO' : [None, { 
405          'Local' : [0x0, ['pointer', ['_LOCAL_ADDRESS']]], 
406          'Remote' : [0x10, ['pointer', ['_IN_ADDR']]], 
407      }], 
408      '_TCP_ENDPOINT': [0x210, { # TcpE 
409          'InetAF' : [0x18, ['pointer', ['_INETAF']]], 
410          'AddrInfo' : [0x20, ['pointer', ['_ADDRINFO']]], 
411          'ListEntry': [0x28, ['_LIST_ENTRY']], 
412          'State' : [0x50, ['Enumeration', dict( 
413              target='long', 
414              choices=TCP_STATE_ENUM)]], 
415          'LocalPort' : [0x54, ['unsigned be short']], 
416          'RemotePort' : [0x56, ['unsigned be short']], 
417          'Owner' : [0x208, ['pointer', ['_EPROCESS']]], 
418          'CreateTime' : [0, ['WinFileTime', {}]], 
419      }], 
420      '_TCP_SYN_ENDPOINT': [None, { 
421          'ListEntry': [0x10, ['_LIST_ENTRY']], 
422          'InetAF' : [0x30, ['pointer', ['_INETAF']]], 
423          'LocalPort' : [0x64, ['unsigned be short']], 
424          'RemotePort' : [0x66, ['unsigned be short']], 
425          'LocalAddr' : [0x38, ['pointer', ['_LOCAL_ADDRESS']]], 
426          'RemoteAddress' : [0x50, ['pointer', ['_IN_ADDR']]], 
427          'Owner' : [0x40, ['pointer', ['_SYN_OWNER']]], 
428          'CreateTime' : [0, ['WinFileTime', {}]], 
429      }], 
430      '_SYN_OWNER': [None, { 
431          'Process': [0x28, ['pointer', ['_EPROCESS']]], 
432      }], 
433      '_TCP_TIMEWAIT_ENDPOINT': [None, { 
434          'ListEntry': [0, ['_LIST_ENTRY']], 
435          'InetAF' : [0x18, ['pointer', ['_INETAF']]], 
436          'LocalPort' : [0x30, ['unsigned be short']], 
437          'RemotePort' : [0x32, ['unsigned be short']], 
438          'LocalAddr' : [0x38, ['pointer', ['_LOCAL_ADDRESS']]], 
439          'RemoteAddress' : [0x40, ['pointer', ['_IN_ADDR']]], 
440          'CreateTime' : [0, ['WinFileTime', {}]], 
441      }], 
442      '_UDP_ENDPOINT': [0x82, { # UdpA 
443          'Owner' : [0x28, ['pointer', ['_EPROCESS']]], 
444          'CreateTime' : [0x58, ['WinFileTime', {}]], 
445          'LocalAddr' : [0x60, ['pointer', ['_LOCAL_ADDRESS']]], 
446          'InetAF' : [0x20, ['pointer', ['_INETAF']]], 
447          'Port' : [0x80, ['unsigned be short']], 
448      }], 
450      # Reversed from tcpip.sys!TcpStartPartitionModule 
451      "PARTITION_TABLE": [None, { 
452          "Partitions": [8, ["Array", dict( 
453              target="Pointer", 
455              count=lambda x: x.obj_profile.get_constant_object( 
456                  "PartitionCount", "unsigned int"), 
458              target_args=dict( 
459                  target="Array", 
460                  target_args=dict( 
461                      count=4, 
462                      target="FIRST_LEVEL_DIR", 
463                  ), 
464              ), 
465          )]], 
466      }], 
468      # ntoskrnl.exe!RtlCreateHashTable (PoolTag:HTab) 
469      "FIRST_LEVEL_DIR": [0x24, { 
470          "SizeOfSecondLevel": [0x8, ["unsigned int"]], 
472          "Mask": [0x10, ["unsigned int"]], 
474          # Reversed from ntoskrnl.exe!RtlpAllocateSecondLevelDir 
475          "SecondLevel": [0x20, ["Pointer", dict( 
476              target="Array", 
477              # Actual hash table (PoolTag:HTab) 
478              target_args=dict( 
479                  count=lambda x: x.SizeOfSecondLevel, 
480                  target="_LIST_ENTRY" 
481              ) 
482          )]], 
483      }], 
484      "_LIST_ENTRY": basic.common_overlay["LIST_ENTRY64"], 
485  } 
488  tcpip_vtypes_win7_64 = { 
489      '_TCP_ENDPOINT': [0x320, { 
490          'State' : [0x68, ['Enumeration', dict(target='long', 
491                                                choices=TCP_STATE_ENUM)]], 
492          'LocalPort' : [0x6c, ['unsigned be short']], 
493          'RemotePort' : [0x6e, ['unsigned be short']], 
494          'Owner' : [0x238, ['pointer', ['_EPROCESS']]], 
495      }], 
496      '_TCP_SYN_ENDPOINT': [None, { 
497          'InetAF' : [0x48, ['pointer', ['_INETAF']]], 
498          'LocalPort' : [0x7c, ['unsigned be short']], 
499          'RemotePort' : [0x7e, ['unsigned be short']], 
500          'LocalAddr' : [0x50, ['pointer', ['_LOCAL_ADDRESS']]], 
501          'RemoteAddress' : [0x68, ['pointer', ['_IN_ADDR']]], 
502          'Owner' : [0x58, ['pointer', ['_SYN_OWNER']]], 
503      }], 
504      '_TCP_TIMEWAIT_ENDPOINT': [None, { 
505          'InetAF' : [0x30, ['pointer', ['_INETAF']]], 
506          'LocalPort' : [0x48, ['unsigned be short']], 
507          'RemotePort' : [0x4a, ['unsigned be short']], 
508          'LocalAddr' : [0x50, ['pointer', ['_LOCAL_ADDRESS']]], 
509          'RemoteAddress' : [0x58, ['pointer', ['_IN_ADDR']]], 
510      }], 
511      } 
515  overlays = { 
516      "_ADDRESS_OBJECT": [None, { 
517          "Protocol": [None, ["Enumeration", dict( 
518              choices=protos, 
519              target="unsigned int")]], 
520      }] 
521  } 
524  # This is not used just yet but soon! 
525  win7_x86_dynamic_overlays = { 
526      "_TCP_LISTENER": dict( 
527          # The Owner process. 
528          Owner=[ 
529              # Attempt 1 
530              ["Disassembler", dict( 
531                  start="tcpip.sys!_TcpCreateListener@8", 
532                  length=300, 
533                  rules=[ 
534                      "CALL *InetGetClientProcess", 
535                      "MOV [EBX+$out], EAX", 
536                  ], 
537                  target="Pointer", 
538                  target_args=dict( 
539                      target="_EPROCESS" 
540                  ), 
541              )], 
543              # Attempt 2 
544              ["Disassembler", dict( 
545                  start="tcpip.sys!_TcpCovetNetBufferList@20", 
546                  rules=[ 
547                      "MOV EAX, [ESI+$out]", 
548                      "TEST EAX, EAX", 
549                      "PUSH EAX", 
550                      "CALL DWORD *PsGetProcessId", 
551                  ], 
552                  target="Pointer", 
553                  target_args=dict( 
554                      target="_EPROCESS" 
555                  ), 
556              )] 
557          ], 
558          # Socket creation time. 
559          CreateTime=[ 
560              ["Disassembler", dict( 
561                  start="tcpip.sys!_TcpCreateListener@8", 
562                  length=300, 
563                  rules=[ 
564                      "LEA EAX, [EBX+$out]", 
565                      "PUSH EAX", 
566                      "CALL DWORD *KeQuerySystemTime", 
567                  ], 
568                  target="WinFileTime", 
569              )], 
570          ], 
571      ), 
572  } 
574  # Structures for netscan on x32 Win10 
575  tcpip_vtypes_win10_32 = { 
576      '_ADDRINFO' : [None, { 
577          'Local' : [0x0, ['pointer', ['_LOCAL_ADDRESS']]], 
578          'Remote' : [0xC, ['pointer', ['_IN_ADDR']]], 
579      }], 
580      '_TCP_ENDPOINT': [None, { # TcpE 
581          'InetAF' : [0x8, ['pointer', ['_INETAF']]], 
582          'AddrInfo' : [0xC, ['pointer', ['_ADDRINFO']]], 
583          'State' : [0x38, ['Enumeration', dict( 
584              target='long', 
585              choices=TCP_STATE_ENUM)]], 
586          'LocalPort' : [0x3C, ['unsigned be short']], 
587          'RemotePort' : [0x3E, ['unsigned be short']], 
588          'Owner' : [0x1B0, ['pointer', ['_EPROCESS']]], 
589      }], 
590  } 
592  # Structures for netscan on x64 Win10 
593  tcpip_vtypes_win10_64 = { 
594      '_IN_ADDR' : [None, { 
595          'addr4' : [0x0, ['Ipv4Address']], 
596          'addr6' : [0x0, ['Ipv6Address']], 
597      }], 
598      '_TCP_LISTENER': [0x74, { # TcpL 
599          'Owner' : [0x30, ['pointer', ['_EPROCESS']]], 
600          'CreateTime' : [0x40, ['WinFileTime', {}]], 
601          'LocalAddr' : [0x60, ['pointer', ['_LOCAL_ADDRESS']]], 
602          'InetAF' : [0x28, ['pointer', ['_INETAF']]], 
603          'Port' : [0x72, ['unsigned be short']], 
604      }], 
605      '_INETAF' : [None, { 
606          'AddressFamily' : [0x18, ['unsigned short']], 
607      }], 
608      '_LOCAL_ADDRESS_WIN10_UDP' : [None, { 
609          'pData' : [0x0, ['pointer', ['_IN_ADDR']]], 
610      }], 
611      '_LOCAL_ADDRESS' : [None, { 
612          'pData' : [0x10, ['pointer', ['pointer', ['_IN_ADDR']]]], 
613      }], 
614      '_ADDRINFO' : [None, { 
615          'Local' : [0x0, ['pointer', ['_LOCAL_ADDRESS']]], 
616          'Remote' : [0x10, ['pointer', ['_IN_ADDR']]], 
617      }], 
618      '_TCP_ENDPOINT': [0x270, { # TcpE 
619          'InetAF' : [0x10, ['pointer', ['_INETAF']]], 
620          'AddrInfo' : [0x18, ['pointer', ['_ADDRINFO']]], 
621          'State' : [0x6c, ['Enumeration', dict( 
622              target='long', 
623              choices=TCP_STATE_ENUM)]], 
624          'LocalPort' : [0x70, ['unsigned be short']], 
625          'RemotePort' : [0x72, ['unsigned be short']], 
626          'Owner' : [0x258, ['pointer', ['_EPROCESS']]], 
627          'CreateTime' : [0x268, ['WinFileTime', {}]], 
628      }], 
629      '_UDP_ENDPOINT': [0x80, { # UdpA 
630          'Owner' : [0x28, ['pointer', ['_EPROCESS']]], 
631          'CreateTime' : [0x58, ['WinFileTime', {}]], 
632          'LocalAddr' : [0x80, ['pointer', ['_LOCAL_ADDRESS_WIN10_UDP']]], 
633          'InetAF' : [0x20, ['pointer', ['_INETAF']]], 
634          'Port' : [0x78, ['unsigned be short']], 
635      }], 
636  } 
637 638 639 640 -class _TCP_LISTENER(obj.Struct):
641 """Class for objects found in TcpL pools""" 642
643 - def dual_stack_sockets(self, vm=None):
644 """Handle Windows dual-stack sockets""" 645 646 # If this pointer is valid, the socket is bound to 647 # a specific IP address. Otherwise, the socket is 648 # listening on all IP addresses of the address family. 649 local_addr = self.LocalAddr.dereference(vm=vm) 650 651 # Switch to the correct address space. 652 af_inet = self.InetAF.dereference(vm=vm) 653 654 # Note the remote address is always INADDR_ANY or 655 # INADDR6_ANY for sockets. The moment a client 656 # connects to the listener, a TCP_ENDPOINT is created 657 # and that structure contains the remote address. 658 if local_addr: 659 inaddr = local_addr.pData.dereference().dereference() 660 if af_inet.AddressFamily == AF_INET: 661 yield "v4", inaddr.addr4, inaddr_any 662 else: 663 yield "v6", inaddr.addr6, inaddr6_any 664 else: 665 yield "v4", inaddr_any, inaddr_any 666 if af_inet.AddressFamily.v() == AF_INET6: 667 yield "v6", inaddr6_any, inaddr6_any
669 670 -class _TCP_ENDPOINT(_TCP_LISTENER):
671 """Class for objects found in TcpE pools""" 672
673 - def _ipv4_or_ipv6(self, in_addr, vm=None):
674 af_inet = self.InetAF.dereference(vm=vm) 675 if af_inet.AddressFamily == AF_INET: 676 return in_addr.addr4 677 else: 678 return in_addr.addr6
680 - def LocalAddress(self, vm=None):
681 inaddr = self.AddrInfo.dereference(vm=vm).Local.\ 682 pData.dereference().dereference() 683 684 return self._ipv4_or_ipv6(inaddr, vm=vm)
686 - def RemoteAddress(self, vm=None):
687 inaddr = self.AddrInfo.dereference(vm=vm).\ 688 Remote.dereference() 689 690 return self._ipv4_or_ipv6(inaddr, vm=vm)
692 693 -class _UDP_ENDPOINT(_TCP_LISTENER):
694 """Class for objects found in UdpA pools"""
697 """Class for objects found in UdpA pools""" 698
699 - def dual_stack_sockets(self, vm=None):
700 """Handle Windows dual-stack sockets""" 701 702 # If this pointer is valid, the socket is bound to 703 # a specific IP address. Otherwise, the socket is 704 # listening on all IP addresses of the address family. 705 local_addr = self.LocalAddr.dereference(vm=vm) 706 707 # Switch to the correct address space. 708 af_inet = self.InetAF.dereference(vm=vm) 709 710 # Note the remote address is always INADDR_ANY or 711 # INADDR6_ANY for sockets. The moment a client 712 # connects to the listener, a TCP_ENDPOINT is created 713 # and that structure contains the remote address. 714 if local_addr: 715 inaddr = local_addr.pData.dereference() 716 if af_inet.AddressFamily == AF_INET: 717 yield "v4", inaddr.addr4, inaddr_any 718 else: 719 yield "v6", inaddr.addr6, inaddr6_any 720 else: 721 yield "v4", inaddr_any, inaddr_any 722 if af_inet.AddressFamily.v() == AF_INET6: 723 yield "v6", inaddr6_any, inaddr6_any
725 -class TcpipPluginMixin(object):
726 """A mixin for plugins that want to use tcpip.sys profiles.""" 727 728 @classmethod
729 - def args(cls, parser):
730 super(TcpipPluginMixin, cls).args(parser) 731 parser.add_argument("--tcpip_guid", default=None, 732 help="Force this profile to be used for tcpip.")
734 - def __init__(self, tcpip_guid=None, **kwargs):
735 super(TcpipPluginMixin, self).__init__(**kwargs) 736 # For the address resolver to load this GUID. 737 if tcpip_guid: 738 self.session.SetCache("tcpip_guid", tcpip_guid) 739 740 tcpip_module = self.session.address_resolver.GetModuleByName("tcpip") 741 self.tcpip_profile = tcpip_module.profile 742 if not self.tcpip_profile: 743 raise RuntimeError("Unable to load the profile for tcpip.sys")
745 746 -class Tcpip(pe_vtypes.BasicPEProfile):
747 """A profile for the TCPIP driver.""" 748 749 @classmethod
750 - def Initialize(cls, profile):
751 super(Tcpip, cls).Initialize(profile) 752 version = profile.session.profile.metadata("version") 753 754 # Network Object Classess for Vista, 2008, 7, and 10 x86 and x64 755 profile.add_classes(dict(_TCP_LISTENER=_TCP_LISTENER, 756 _TCP_ENDPOINT=_TCP_ENDPOINT)) 757 if version >= 10.0: 758 profile.add_classes(dict(_UDP_ENDPOINT=_UDP_ENDPOINT_WIN10x64)) 759 else: 760 profile.add_classes(dict(_UDP_ENDPOINT=_UDP_ENDPOINT)) 761 762 # Switch on the kernel version. FIXME: This should be done using the 763 # generate_types module. 764 if profile.metadata("arch") == "AMD64": 765 # Windows 10 766 if version >= 10.0: 767 profile.add_overlay(tcpip_vtypes_win10_64) 768 769 # Vista SP1. 770 elif version == 6.0: 771 profile.add_overlay(tcpip_vtypes_vista_64) 772 profile.add_overlay({ 773 '_TCP_ENDPOINT': [None, { 774 'Owner' : [0x210, ['pointer', ['_EPROCESS']]], 775 }], 776 }) 777 778 # Windows 7 779 elif version >= 6.1: 780 profile.add_overlay(tcpip_vtypes_vista_64) 781 profile.add_overlay(tcpip_vtypes_win7_64) 782 783 # Win2k3 784 elif version == 5.2: 785 profile.add_overlay(tcpip_vtypes_2003_x64) 786 787 elif profile.metadata("arch") == "I386": 788 profile.add_overlay(tcpip_vtypes) 789 790 # Win2k3 791 if version == 5.2: 792 profile.add_overlay(tcpip_vtypes_2003_sp1_sp2) 793 794 # Vista 795 elif version == 6.0: 796 profile.add_overlay(tcpip_vtypes_vista) 797 798 # Windows 7 799 elif version >= 6.1: 800 profile.add_overlay(tcpip_vtypes_vista) 801 profile.add_overlay(tcpip_vtypes_7) 802 803 # Windows 10 804 elif version >= 10.0: 805 profile.add_overlay(tcpip_vtypes_vista) 806 profile.add_overlay(tcpip_vtypes_win10_32) 807 808 # Pool tags 809 profile.add_constants(dict(UDP_END_POINT_POOLTAG="UdpA", 810 TCP_LISTENER_POOLTAG="TcpL", 811 TCP_END_POINT_POOLTAG="TcpE")) 812 813 814 profile.add_overlay(overlays) 815 816 return profile
818 819 -class TcpipHook(kb.ParameterHook):
820 name = "tcpip_profile" 821
822 - def calculate(self):
823 index = self.session.LoadProfile("tcpip/index") 824 image_base = self.session.address_resolver.get_address_by_name("tcpip") 825 826 for guess, _ in index.LookupIndex(image_base): 827 return guess