Package rekall :: Package plugins :: Package renderers :: Module data_export
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Source Code for Module rekall.plugins.renderers.data_export

  1  # Rekall Memory Forensics 
  2  # Copyright (C) 2014 Michael Cohen 
  3  # Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. 
  4  # 
  5  # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify 
  6  # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by 
  7  # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at 
  8  # your option) any later version. 
  9  # 
 10  # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but 
 11  # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 
 13  # General Public License for more details. 
 14  # 
 15  # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License 
 16  # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software 
 17  # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA 
 18  # 
 20  """This module implements the data export renderer. 
 22  The data export renderer is a way of exporting structured data from Rekall. The 
 23  renderer is based on the JsonRenderer but has a different goal - while the 
 24  JsonRenderer is designed to be able to exactly recreate the objects in the 
 25  future the data export renderer aims to include useful information about 
 26  exported objects. 
 28  For example, in order to decode the JsonRenderer output one must have access to 
 29  the original image, since the decoder will generate the exact BaseObject() 
 30  instances that the encoder used. 
 32  Not so with the data exporter - the exported data contains a lot of additional 
 33  information about the exported objects. The exported data also omits information 
 34  which is not relevant without access to the original image. 
 35  """ 
 37  import datetime 
 38  import pytz 
 40  from rekall.ui import renderer 
 41  from rekall.ui import json_renderer 
 43  from rekall.plugins.renderers import json_storage 
 45  from rekall_lib import utils 
 49  # Copy many of the normal json object renderers. 
 50  renderer.CopyObjectRenderers(( 
 51      json_renderer.StringRenderer, 
 52      json_storage.ArrowObjectRenderer, 
 53      json_storage.AttributeDictObjectRenderer, 
 54      json_storage.BaseAddressSpaceObjectRenderer, 
 55      json_storage.FileAddressSpaceObjectRenderer, 
 56      json_storage.IA32PagedMemoryObjectRenderer, 
 57      json_storage.JsonAttributedStringRenderer, 
 58      json_storage.JsonEnumerationRenderer, 
 59      json_storage.JsonFormattedAddress, 
 60      json_storage.JsonHexdumpRenderer, 
 61      json_storage.JsonInstructionRenderer, 
 62      json_storage.NoneObjectRenderer, 
 63      json_storage.ProfileObjectRenderer, 
 64      json_storage.SessionObjectRenderer, 
 65      json_storage.SetObjectRenderer, 
 66      json_storage.SlottedObjectObjectRenderer, 
 67      json_storage.UnixTimestampJsonObjectRenderer, 
 68  ), renderer="DataExportRenderer") 
71 -class DataExportRenderer(json_renderer.JsonRenderer):
72 """An exporter for data.""" 73 74 name = "data" 75
76 - def table_row(self, *args, **options):
77 # Encode the options and merge them with the table row. This allows 78 # plugins to send additional data about the row in options. 79 result = self.encoder.Encode(options) 80 for i, arg in enumerate(args): 81 column_spec = self.table.column_specs[i].copy() 82 column_spec.update(options) 83 84 object_renderer = self.object_renderers[i] 85 if object_renderer is not None: 86 column_spec["type"] = object_renderer 87 88 column_name = column_spec["name"] 89 if column_name: 90 result[column_name] = self.encoder.Encode( 91 arg, **column_spec) 92 93 self.SendMessage(["r", result])
94 95
96 -class NativeDataExportObjectRenderer(json_renderer.JsonObjectRenderer):
97 """This is the fallback for all objects without a dedicated renderer.""" 98 renderers = ["DataExportRenderer"] 99
100 - def Summary(self, item, formatstring=None, header=False, **options):
101 """Returns a short summary of the object. 102 103 The summary is a short human readable string, describing the object. 104 """ 105 try: 106 if formatstring == "[addrpad]" and not header: 107 return "%#014x" % item 108 except TypeError: 109 pass 110 111 # Since we are the default renderer we must ensure this works. 112 return utils.SmartStr(item)
113 114
115 -class DataExportObjectRenderer(json_renderer.StateBasedObjectRenderer):
116 renderers = ["DataExportRenderer"]
117 118
119 -class DataExportTimestampObjectRenderer(DataExportObjectRenderer):
120 renders_type = "datetime" 121 renderers = ["DataExportRenderer"] 122 123 EPOCH = datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, pytz.UTC) 124
125 - def GetState(self, item, **_):
126 return dict(epoch=(item - self.EPOCH).total_seconds(), 127 string_value=item.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S%z"))
128 129
130 -class DataExportBaseObjectRenderer(DataExportObjectRenderer):
131 renders_type = "BaseObject" 132
133 - def GetState(self, item, **options):
134 result = super(DataExportBaseObjectRenderer, self).GetState( 135 item, **options) 136 137 result.update(offset=item.obj_offset, 138 type_name=unicode(item.obj_type), 139 name=unicode(item.obj_name), 140 vm=unicode(item.obj_vm)) 141 142 return result
143 144
145 -class DataExportPointerObjectRenderer(DataExportBaseObjectRenderer):
146 renders_type = "Pointer" 147
148 - def Summary(self, item, **options):
149 """Returns the object formatted according to the column_spec.""" 150 item = item["target"] 151 return self.FromEncoded(item, "DataExportRenderer")( 152 self.renderer).Summary(item, **options)
154 - def GetState(self, item, **options):
155 result = super(DataExportPointerObjectRenderer, self).GetState( 156 item, **options) 157 158 result["target"] = item.v() 159 160 # Also encode the target object. 161 target_obj = item.deref() 162 target_obj_renderer = self.DelegateObjectRenderer(target_obj) 163 result["target_obj"] = target_obj_renderer.EncodeToJsonSafe(target_obj) 164 165 return result
166 167
168 -class DataExportNativeTypeRenderer(DataExportObjectRenderer):
169 renders_type = "NativeType" 170
171 - def EncodeToJsonSafe(self, item, **_):
172 return item.v()
173 174
175 -class DataExportTupleRenderer(DataExportObjectRenderer):
176 renders_type = "tuple" 177
178 - def EncodeToJsonSafe(self, item, **_):
179 if hasattr(item, "_fields"): 180 result = {} 181 for field in item._fields: 182 member = getattr(item, field) 183 target_obj_renderer = self.DelegateObjectRenderer(member) 184 result[field] = target_obj_renderer.EncodeToJsonSafe(member) 185 186 return result 187 188 result = [] 189 for member in item: 190 target_obj_renderer = self.DelegateObjectRenderer(member) 191 result.append(target_obj_renderer.EncodeToJsonSafe(member)) 192 193 return result
194 195
196 -class DataExportRDFValueObjectRenderer(DataExportBaseObjectRenderer):
197 renders_type = "RDFValue" 198
199 - def Summary(self, item, **_):
200 return utils.SmartStr(item.get("str", ""))
202 - def GetState(self, item, **options):
203 return dict(str=item.SerializeToString())
204 205
206 -class DataExportPhysicalAddressContextObjectRenderer( 207 DataExportRDFValueObjectRenderer):
208 renders_type = "PhysicalAddressContext" 209
210 - def Summary(self, item, **_):
211 return utils.SmartStr(item.get("str", ""))
213 - def GetState(self, item, **options):
214 return item.summary()