Package rekall :: Package plugins :: Package response :: Module files
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Source Code for Module rekall.plugins.response.files

  1  # Rekall Memory Forensics 
  2  # 
  3  # Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. 
  4  # 
  5  # Authors: 
  6  # Michael Cohen <> 
  7  # 
  8  # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify 
  9  # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by 
 10  # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at 
 11  # your option) any later version. 
 12  # 
 13  # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but 
 14  # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 
 16  # General Public License for more details. 
 17  # 
 18  # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License 
 19  # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software 
 20  # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA 
 21  # 
 23  """This module adds arbitrary file reading to Rekall.""" 
 25  __author__ = "Michael Cohen <>" 
 26  import fnmatch 
 27  import hashlib 
 28  import itertools 
 29  import platform 
 30  import re 
 31  import os 
 33  from rekall import plugin 
 34  from rekall.plugins.response import common 
 35  from rekall_lib import utils 
 38  BUFFER_SIZE = 10 * 1024 * 1024 
41 -class IRFind(common.AbstractIRCommandPlugin):
42 """List files recursively from a root path.""" 43 name = "find" 44 45 __args = [ 46 dict(name="root", positional=True, 47 help="The root directory to start search from.") 48 ] 49 50 table_header = [ 51 dict(name="Perms", type="Permissions", width=16), 52 dict(name="Size", align="r", width=10), 53 dict(name="Path"), 54 ] 55
56 - def collect(self):
57 for root, dirs, files in os.walk(self.plugin_args.root): 58 for d in dirs + files: 59 full_path = os.path.join(root, d) 60 result = common.FileFactory(full_path, session=self.session) 61 if result: 62 yield dict(Perms=result.st_mode, 63 Size=result.st_size, 64 Path=result)
65 66
67 -class IRStat(common.AbstractIRCommandPlugin):
68 name = "stat" 69 70 __args = [ 71 dict(name="paths", positional=True, type="Array", 72 help="Paths to stat."), 73 ] 74 75 table_header = [ 76 dict(name="Perms", type="Permissions", width=16), 77 dict(name="Size", align="r", width=10), 78 dict(name="Path"), 79 ] 80
81 - def collect(self):
82 for full_path in self.plugin_args.paths: 83 result = common.FileFactory(full_path, session=self.session) 84 if result: 85 yield dict(Perms=result.st_mode, Size=result.st_size, 86 Path=result)
87 88
89 -class Hash(object):
90 """A class to hold a hash value."""
91 - def __init__(self, type="md5", value=None):
92 self.type = type 93 self.value = value
95 - def __str__(self):
96 return "%s:%s" % (self.type, self.value.encode("hex"))
97 98
99 -class IRHash(common.AbstractIRCommandPlugin):
100 name = "hash" 101 102 __args = [ 103 dict(name="paths", positional=True, type="Array", 104 help="Paths to hash."), 105 dict(name="hash", type="ChoiceArray", default=["sha1"], 106 choices=["md5", "sha1", "sha256"], 107 help="One or more hashes to calculate.") 108 ] 109 110 table_header = [ 111 dict(name="Hashes", width=72), 112 dict(name="Path", type="FileInformation"), 113 ] 114
115 - def calculate_hashes(self, hashes, file_info):
116 hashers = dict((name, getattr(hashlib, name)()) for name in hashes) 117 fd = 118 while 1: 119 data = 120 if not data: 121 break 122 123 for hasher in hashers.values(): 124 hasher.update(data) 125 126 for key in list(hashers): 127 hashers[key] = hashers[key].hexdigest() 128 129 return hashers
131 - def collect(self):
132 for path in self.plugin_args.paths: 133 file_info = common.FileFactory(path) 134 if not file_info.st_mode.is_dir(): 135 yield dict( 136 Hashes=self.calculate_hashes( 137 self.plugin_args.hash, file_info), 138 Path=file_info)
139 140
141 -class Component(object):
142 - def __init__(self, session, component=None, cache=None):
143 self.session = session 144 self.component = component 145 self.component_cache = cache
147 - def stat(self, path):
148 key = unicode(path) 149 try: 150 return self.component_cache[key] 151 except KeyError: 152 stat = common.FileFactory(path) 153 self.component_cache.Put(key, stat) 154 155 return stat
157 - def __eq__(self, other):
158 return unicode(self) == unicode(other)
160 - def __hash__(self):
161 return hash(unicode(self))
163 - def __str__(self):
164 return "%s:%s" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.component)
165 166
167 -class LiteralComponent(Component):
170 if platform.system() == "Windows": 171 return True 172 173 return False
175 - def filter(self, path):
176 # For case insensitive filesystems we can just try to open the 177 # component. 178 if self.case_insensitive_filesystem(): 179 result_pathspec = path.add(self.component) 180 stat = self.stat(result_pathspec) 181 if stat: 182 return [stat.filename] 183 else: 184 return [] 185 186 # Since we must match a case insensitve filename we need to 187 # list all the files and find the best match. 188 stat = common.FileFactory(path) 189 if not stat: 190 return [] 191 192 children = {} 193 for x in stat.list_names(): 194 children.setdefault(x.lower(), []).append(x) 195 196 return [stat.filename.add(x) 197 for x in children.get(self.component.lower(), [])]
198 199
200 -class RegexComponent(Component):
201 - def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
202 super(RegexComponent, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) 203 self.component_re = re.compile(self.component, re.I)
205 - def filter(self, path):
206 stat = self.stat(path) 207 if not stat: 208 return 209 210 if stat.st_mode.is_dir() and not stat.st_mode.is_link(): 211 self.session.report_progress("Searching %s", path) 212 for basename in stat.list_names(): 213 if self.component_re.match(basename): 214 yield stat.filename.add(basename)
215 216
217 -class RecursiveComponent(RegexComponent):
218 - def __init__(self, depth=3, **kwargs):
219 super(RecursiveComponent, self).__init__(**kwargs) 220 self.depth = depth
222 - def filter(self, path, depth=0):
223 self.session.report_progress("Recursing into %s", path) 224 225 # TODO: Deal with cross devices. 226 if depth >= self.depth: 227 return 228 229 stat = self.stat(path) 230 if not stat: 231 return 232 233 # Do not follow symlinks. 234 if stat.st_mode.is_dir() and not stat.st_mode.is_link(): 235 # The top level counts as a hit, so that e.g. /**/*.txt 236 # matches /foo.txt as well. 237 if depth == 0: 238 yield stat.filename 239 240 for basename in stat.list_names(): 241 if (self.component_re.match(basename) and 242 not stat.st_mode.is_link()): 243 subdir = stat.filename.add(basename) 244 yield subdir 245 246 for subitem in self.filter(subdir, depth+1): 247 yield subitem
248 249
250 -class IRGlob(common.AbstractIRCommandPlugin):
251 """Search for files by filename glob. 252 253 This code roughly based on the Glob flow in GRR. 254 """ 255 256 name = "glob" 257 258 __args = [ 259 dict(name="globs", positional=True, type="ArrayString", 260 help="List of globs to return."), 261 dict(name="root", 262 help="Root directory to glob from."), 263 dict(name="case_insensitive", default=True, type="Bool", 264 help="Globs will be case insensitive."), 265 dict(name="path_sep", 266 help="Path separator character (/ or \\)"), 267 dict(name="filesystem", choices=list(common.FILE_SPEC_DISPATCHER), 268 type="Choices", default="API", 269 help="The virtual filesystem implementation to glob in.") 270 ] 271 272 table_header = [ 273 dict(name="path", type="FileInformation"), 274 ] 275
276 - def column_types(self):
277 return dict(path=common.FileInformation(filename="/etc"))
278 279 INTERPOLATED_REGEX = re.compile(r"%%([^%]+?)%%") 280 281 # Grouping pattern: e.g. {test.exe,foo.doc,bar.txt} 282 GROUPING_PATTERN = re.compile("({([^}]+,[^}]+)}|%%([^%]+?)%%)") 283 RECURSION_REGEX = re.compile(r"\*\*(\d*)") 284 285 # A regex indicating if there are shell globs in this path. 286 GLOB_MAGIC_CHECK = re.compile("[*?[]") 287
288 - def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
289 super(IRGlob, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) 290 self.component_cache = utils.FastStore(50) 291 292 # Default path seperator is platform dependent. 293 if not self.plugin_args.path_sep: 294 self.plugin_args.path_sep = ( 295 "\\" if platform.system() == "Windows" else "/") 296 297 # By default use the root of the filesystem. 298 if self.plugin_args.root is None: 299 self.plugin_args.root = self.plugin_args.path_sep
301 - def _interpolate_grouping(self, pattern):
302 # Take the pattern and split it into components around grouping 303 # patterns. Expand each grouping pattern to a set. 304 305 # e.g. /foo{a,b}/bar -> ["/foo", set(["a", "b"]), "/bar"] 306 result = [] 307 components = [] 308 offset = 0 309 for match in self.GROUPING_PATTERN.finditer(pattern): 310 match_str = 311 # Alternatives. 312 if match_str.startswith("{"): 313 components.append([pattern[offset:match.start()]]) 314 315 # Expand the attribute into the set of possibilities: 316 alternatives =",") 317 components.append(set(alternatives)) 318 offset = match.end() 319 320 # KnowledgeBase interpolation. 321 elif match_str.startswith("%"): 322 components.append([pattern[offset:match.start()]]) 323 324 kb = self.session.GetParameter("knowledge_base") 325 alternatives = kb.expand(match_str) 326 327 components.append(set(alternatives)) 328 offset = match.end() 329 330 else: 331 raise plugin.PluginError( 332 "Unknown interpolation %s" % 333 334 components.append([pattern[offset:]]) 335 # Now calculate the cartesian products of all these sets to form all 336 # strings. 337 for vector in itertools.product(*components): 338 result.append(u"".join(vector)) 339 340 # These should be all possible patterns. 341 # e.g. /fooa/bar , /foob/bar 342 return result
344 - def convert_glob_into_path_components(self, pattern):
345 """Converts a glob pattern into a list of pathspec components. 346 347 Wildcards are also converted to regular expressions. The pathspec 348 components do not span directories, and are marked as a regex or a 349 literal component. 350 351 We also support recursion into directories using the ** notation. For 352 example, /home/**2/foo.txt will find all files named foo.txt recursed 2 353 directories deep. If the directory depth is omitted, it defaults to 3. 354 355 Example: 356 /home/test**/*exe -> [{path: 'home', type: "LITERAL", 357 {path: 'test.*\\Z(?ms)', type: "RECURSIVE", 358 {path: '.*exe\\Z(?ms)', type="REGEX"}]] 359 360 Args: 361 pattern: A glob expression with wildcards. 362 363 Returns: 364 A list of PathSpec instances for each component. 365 366 Raises: 367 ValueError: If the glob is invalid. 368 369 """ 370 pattern_components = common.FileSpec( 371 pattern, path_sep=self.plugin_args.path_sep).components() 372 373 components = [] 374 for path_component in pattern_components: 375 if not path_component: 376 continue 377 378 # A ** in the path component means recurse into directories that 379 # match the pattern. 380 m = 381 if m: 382 depth = 3 383 384 # Allow the user to override the recursion depth. 385 if 386 depth = int( 387 388 path_component = path_component.replace(, "*") 389 component = RecursiveComponent( 390 session=self.session, 391 component=fnmatch.translate(path_component), 392 cache=self.component_cache, 393 depth=depth) 394 395 elif 396 component = RegexComponent( 397 session=self.session, 398 cache=self.component_cache, 399 component=fnmatch.translate(path_component)) 400 401 else: 402 component = LiteralComponent( 403 session=self.session, 404 cache=self.component_cache, 405 component=path_component) 406 407 components.append(component) 408 409 return components
411 - def _filter(self, node, path):
412 """Path is the pathspec of the path we begin evaluation with.""" 413 for component, child_node in node.iteritems(): 414 # Terminal node - yield the result. 415 if not child_node: 416 for subpath in component.filter(path): 417 yield subpath 418 419 else: 420 # Non - terminal node, walk the subnode recursively. 421 for matching_path in component.filter(path): 422 for subpath in self._filter(child_node, matching_path): 423 yield subpath
425 - def make_component_tree(self, globs):
426 expanded_globs = [] 427 for glob in globs: 428 expanded_globs.extend(self._interpolate_grouping(glob)) 429 430 component_tree = {} 431 for glob in expanded_globs: 432 node = component_tree 433 for component in self.convert_glob_into_path_components(glob): 434 node = node.setdefault(component, {}) 435 436 return component_tree
438 - def collect_globs(self, globs):
439 component_tree = self.make_component_tree(globs) 440 root = common.FileSpec(self.plugin_args.root, 441 path_sep=self.plugin_args.path_sep) 442 for path in self._filter(component_tree, root): 443 yield common.FileFactory(path, session=self.session)
445 - def collect(self):
446 for x in self.collect_globs(self.plugin_args.globs): 447 yield dict(path=x)
448 449 458 459 460
461 -class IRDump(IRGlob):
462 """Hexdump files from disk.""" 463 464 name = "hexdump_file" 465 466 __args = [ 467 dict(name="start", type="IntParser", default=0, 468 help="An offset to hexdump."), 469 470 dict(name="length", type="IntParser", default=100, 471 help="Maximum length to dump."), 472 473 dict(name="width", type="IntParser", default=24, 474 help="Number of bytes per row"), 475 476 dict(name="rows", type="IntParser", default=4, 477 help="Number of bytes per row"), 478 ] 479 480 table_header = [ 481 dict(name="divider", type="Divider"), 482 dict(name="FileSpec", hidden=True), 483 dict(name="offset", style="address"), 484 dict(name="hexdump", width=65), 485 ] 486
487 - def collect(self):
488 for hit in super(IRDump, self).collect(): 489 path = hit.get("path") 490 if path: 491 fd = 492 if fd: 493 yield dict(divider=path.filename) 494 495 to_read = min( 496 self.plugin_args.length, 497 self.plugin_args.width * self.plugin_args.rows) 498 for offset in utils.xrange( 499 self.plugin_args.start, 500 self.plugin_args.start + to_read, 501 self.plugin_args.width): 502 503 504 data = 505 if not data: 506 break 507 508 yield dict( 509 offset=offset, 510 FileSpec=path.filename, 511 hexdump=utils.HexDumpedString(data), 512 nowrap=True, 513 hex_width=self.plugin_args.width)