Package rekall :: Package plugins :: Package response :: Module windows
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Source Code for Module

  1  """Windows specific response plugins.""" 
  2  import itertools 
  3  import re 
  4  import win32api 
  5  import pythoncom 
  6  import win32com.client 
  8  from rekall import plugin 
  9  from rekall import obj 
 10  from rekall_lib import utils 
 11  from rekall.plugins.common import address_resolver 
 12  from rekall.plugins.response import common 
 13  from import address_resolver as win_address_resolver 
14 15 16 -def get_drives():
17 """List all the drives on this system.""" 18 drives = win32api.GetLogicalDriveStrings() 19 return [x.rstrip("\\") for x in drives.split('\000') if x]
21 22 -class WmiResult(utils.AttributeDict):
23 """Represent WMI result.""" 24 25 # Properties to remove from results sent to the server. 26 # These properties are included with nearly every WMI object and use space. 27 IGNORE_PROPS = ["CSCreationClassName", "CreationClassName", "OSName", 28 "OSCreationClassName", "WindowsVersion", "CSName", 29 "__NAMESPACE", "__SERVER", "__PATH"] 30
31 - def __init__(self, result):
32 super(WmiResult, self).__init__() 33 for prop in itertools.chain( 34 result.Properties_, 35 # On some systems this does not exist. 36 getattr(result, "SystemProperties_", [])): 37 if prop.Name not in self.IGNORE_PROPS: 38 self[prop.Name] = prop.Value
40 41 -class Wmi(common.AbstractIRCommandPlugin):
42 """Executes a WMI query and returns results.""" 43 name = "wmi" 44 45 __args = [ 46 dict(name="query", positional=True, 47 help="WMI query to execute"), 48 dict(name="baseobj", default=r"winmgmts:\root\cimv2", 49 help="The base object to query") 50 ] 51 52 table_header = [ 53 dict(name="Result") 54 ] 55
56 - def column_types(self):
57 return dict(Result=utils.AttributeDict())
59 - def collect(self):
60 # Needs to be called if using com from a thread. 61 pythoncom.CoInitialize() 62 63 wmi_obj = win32com.client.GetObject(self.plugin_args.baseobj) 64 65 # This allows our WMI to do some extra things, in particular 66 # it gives it access to find the executable path for all processes. 67 wmi_obj.Security_.Privileges.AddAsString("SeDebugPrivilege") 68 69 # Run query 70 try: 71 query_results = wmi_obj.ExecQuery(self.plugin_args.query) 72 except pythoncom.com_error as e: 73 raise plugin.PluginError( 74 "Failed to run WMI query \'%s\' err was %s" % ( 75 self.plugin_args.query, e)) 76 77 # Extract results from the returned COMObject and return dicts. 78 try: 79 for result in query_results: 80 yield dict(Result=WmiResult(result)) 81 82 except pythoncom.com_error as e: 83 raise plugin.PluginError( 84 "WMI query data error on query \'%s\' err was %s" % 85 (e, self.plugin_args.query))
87 88 -class WindowsRootFileInformation(common.FileInformation):
89 """A special FileInformation class to handle windows drives. 90 91 In windows the root directory (/) is not real, it contains a 92 listing of drive letters. So listing the "/" directory should 93 return a list of FileInformation("/c:"), FileInformation("/d:") 94 etc. 95 """ 96
97 - def __init__(self, **kwargs):
98 super(WindowsRootFileInformation, self).__init__(**kwargs) 99 # The fake root is like a directory. 100 self.st_mode = common.Permissions(040755)
102 - def open(self):
103 return obj.NoneObject("Not set")
105 - def list_names(self):
106 return get_drives()
108 - def list(self):
109 for drive in get_drives(): 110 yield self.from_stat( 111 common.FileSpec( 112 filename=drive, 113 path_sep=self.filename.path_sep, 114 filesystem=self.filename.filesystem), 115 session=self.session)
117 118 -class WindowsFileInformation(common.FileInformation):
119 @classmethod
120 - def from_stat(cls, filespec, session=None):
121 filespec = common.FileSpec(filespec) 122 123 # The root path. 124 if == filespec.path_sep: 125 return WindowsRootFileInformation( 126 session=session, filename=filespec) 127 128 return super(WindowsFileInformation, cls).from_stat( 129 filespec, session=session)
130 131 132 # Register a specialized implementation of FileInformation 133 common.FILE_SPEC_DISPATCHER["API"] = WindowsFileInformation
134 135 136 -class LiveModule(win_address_resolver.PEModule):
137 """Address resolver modules accessed through APIs.""" 138
139 - def __init__(self, vad=None, session=None):
140 name = "vad_%#x" % vad.start 141 self.filename = vad.filename 142 if self.filename: 143 name = WinAPIAddressResponse.NormalizeModuleName(self.filename) 144 145 self.vad = vad 146 147 super(LiveModule, self).__init__(name=name, 148 start=vad.start, 149 end=vad.end, 150 session=session)
152 153 -class WinAPIAddressResponse(address_resolver.AddressResolverMixin, 154 common.AbstractAPICommandPlugin):
155 """Address resolver for windows API access.""" 156 157 @staticmethod
158 - def NormalizeModuleName(module_name):
159 result = unicode(module_name) 160 result = re.split(r"[/\\]", result)[-1] 161 162 # Drop the file extension. 163 result = result.split(".")[0] 164 165 return result.lower()
167 - def _EnsureInitialized(self):
168 """Initialize the address resolver. 169 170 In windows we populate the virtual address space map from kernel modules 171 and VAD mapped files (dlls). 172 """ 173 if self._initialized: 174 return 175 176 try: 177 process_context = self.session.GetParameter("process_context") 178 if process_context != None: 179 # Now use the vad. 180 for vad in self.session.plugins.vad().merge_ranges( 181 182 self.AddModule(LiveModule(vad=vad, session=self.session)) 183 184 finally: 185 self._initialized = True