Package rekall :: Package plugins :: Package tools :: Module aff4acquire
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Source Code for Module

  1  # Rekall Memory Forensics 
  2  # 
  3  # Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. 
  4  # 
  5  # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify 
  6  # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by 
  7  # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at 
  8  # your option) any later version. 
  9  # 
 10  # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but 
 11  # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 
 13  # General Public License for more details. 
 14  # 
 15  # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License 
 16  # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software 
 17  # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA 
 18  # 
 20  """This plugin adds the ability for Rekall to acquire an AFF4 image. 
 22  It is an alternative to the pmem suite of acquisition tools, which also creates 
 23  AFF4 images. The difference being that this plugin will apply live analysis to 
 24  acquire more relevant information (e.g. mapped files etc). 
 25  """ 
 27  __author__ = "Michael Cohen <>" 
 28  import platform 
 29  import glob 
 30  import os 
 31  import re 
 32  import stat 
 33  import tempfile 
 35  from pyaff4 import aff4 
 36  from pyaff4 import data_store 
 38  try: 
 39      # Cloud support is optional. 
 40      from pyaff4 import aff4_cloud 
 41  except ImportError: 
 42      aff4_cloud = None 
 44  from pyaff4 import aff4_directory 
 45  from pyaff4 import aff4_image 
 46  from pyaff4 import aff4_map 
 47  from pyaff4 import zip 
 48  from pyaff4 import lexicon 
 49  from pyaff4 import rdfvalue 
 51  from pyaff4 import plugins  # pylint: disable=unused-import 
 53  from rekall import constants 
 54  from rekall import plugin 
 55  from rekall import testlib 
 56  from rekall_lib import yaml_utils 
 57  from rekall.plugins import core 
 58  from rekall_lib import utils 
61 -class AFF4ProgressReporter(aff4.ProgressContext):
62 - def __init__(self, session, **kwargs):
63 super(AFF4ProgressReporter, self).__init__(**kwargs) 64 self.session = session
66 - def Report(self, readptr):
67 """This will be called periodically to report the progress. 68 69 Note that readptr is specified relative to the start of the range 70 operation (WriteStream and CopyToStream) 71 """ 72 readptr = readptr + self.start 73 74 # Rate in MB/s. 75 try: 76 rate = ((readptr - self.last_offset) / 77 ( - self.last_time) * 1000000 / 1024/1024) 78 except ZeroDivisionError: 79 rate = "?" 80 81 self.session.report_progress( 82 " Reading %sMiB / %sMiB %s MiB/s ", 83 readptr/1024/1024, 84 self.length/1024/1024, 85 rate) 86 87 self.last_time = 88 self.last_offset = readptr 89 90 if aff4.aff4_abort_signaled: 91 raise RuntimeError("Aborted")
92 93
94 -class AddressSpaceWrapper(aff4.AFF4Stream):
95 """A wrapper around an address space."""
96 - def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
97 self.address_space = kwargs.pop("address_space") 98 super(AddressSpaceWrapper, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
100 - def Read(self, length):
101 res =, length) 102 return res
103 104
105 -class CredentialManager(object):
106 """Manage GCE default credentials through the environment.""" 107
108 - def __init__(self, session=None, gce_credentials_path=None, 109 gce_credentials=None):
110 self.gce_credentials_path = gce_credentials_path 111 self.gce_credentials = gce_credentials 112 self.session = session
114 - def __enter__(self):
115 self.old_env = os.environ.get("GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS") 116 self.fd = None 117 118 if self.gce_credentials_path: 119 self.session.logging.debug("Setting GCS credentials to %s", 120 self.gce_credentials_path) 121 os.environ["GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS"] = ( 122 self.gce_credentials_path) 123 124 # Credentials are given inline, 125 elif self.gce_credentials: 126 with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) as self.fd: 127 self.session.logging.debug("Setting GCS credentials to %s", 128 129 130 self.fd.write(self.gce_credentials) 131 os.environ["GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS"] =
133 - def __exit__(self, unused_type, unused_value, unused_traceback):
134 if self.fd: 135 os.unlink( 136 137 # Restore the previous setting. 138 if self.old_env is None: 139 os.environ.pop("GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS", None) 140 else: 141 os.environ["GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS"] = self.old_env
142 143
144 -class AbstractAFF4Plugin(plugin.TypedProfileCommand, plugin.Command):
145 """The base class for all AFF4 plugins.""" 146 __abstract = True 147 148 __args = [ 149 dict(name="gce_credentials", 150 help="The GCE service account credentials to use."), 151 152 dict(name="gce_credentials_path", 153 help="A path to the GCE service account credentials to use."), 154 ] 155
156 - def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
157 super(AbstractAFF4Plugin, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) 158 self.credential_manager = CredentialManager( 159 self.session, 160 self.plugin_args.gce_credentials_path, 161 self.plugin_args.gce_credentials)
163 - def _get_aff4_volume(self, resolver, output_urn, action="Writing"):
164 urn_parts = output_urn.Parse() 165 if urn_parts.scheme == "file": 166 if urn_parts.path.endswith("/"): 167 168 "%s a directory volume on %s", action, output_urn) 169 return aff4_directory.AFF4Directory.NewAFF4Directory( 170 resolver, output_urn) 171 172 173 "%s a ZipFile volume on %s", action, output_urn) 174 175 return zip.ZipFile.NewZipFile(resolver, output_urn) 176 177 elif urn_parts.scheme == "gs" and aff4_cloud: 178 179 "%s a cloud volume on %s", action, output_urn) 180 181 return aff4_cloud.AFF4GStore.NewAFF4GStore( 182 resolver, output_urn) 183 184 else: 185 raise plugin.PluginError( 186 "URL Scheme: %s not supported for destination: %s" %( 187 urn_parts.scheme, output_urn))
188 189
190 -class AFF4Acquire(AbstractAFF4Plugin):
191 """Copy the physical address space to an AFF4 file. 192 193 194 NOTE: This plugin does not require a working profile - unless the user also 195 wants to copy the pagefile or mapped files. In that case we must analyze the 196 live memory to gather the required files. 197 """ 198 199 name = "aff4acquire" 200 201 BUFFERSIZE = 1024 * 1024 202 203 # Files larger than this will be stored as regular segments. 204 MAX_SIZE_FOR_SEGMENT = 10 * 1024 * 1024 205 206 PROFILE_REQUIRED = False 207 208 __args = [ 209 dict(name="destination", positional=True, 210 help="The destination file to create. "), 211 212 dict(name="destination_url", 213 help="The destination AFF4 URL to create. "), 214 215 # If compression is not specified we prefer snappy but if that is not 216 # available we use zlib which should always be there. 217 dict(name="compression", 218 default="snappy" if aff4_image.snappy else "zlib", 219 required=False, 220 choices=["snappy", "stored", "zlib"], 221 help="The compression to use."), 222 223 dict(name="append", type="Boolean", default=False, 224 help="Append to the current volume."), 225 226 dict(name="also_memory", type="Boolean", default="auto", 227 help="Also acquire physical memory. If not specified we acquire " 228 "physical memory only when no other operation is specified."), 229 230 dict(name="also_mapped_files", type="Boolean", 231 help="Also get mapped or opened files (requires a profile)"), 232 233 dict(name="also_pagefile", type="Boolean", 234 help="Also get the pagefile/swap partition (requires a profile)"), 235 236 dict(name="files", type="ArrayStringParser", required=False, 237 help="Also acquire files matching the following globs."), 238 239 dict(name="max_file_size", type="IntParser", default=100*1024*1024, 240 help="Maximum file size to acquire.") 241 ] 242 243 table_header = [ 244 dict(name="Message") 245 ] 246 247 table_options = dict( 248 suppress_headers=True 249 ) 250
251 - def column_types(self):
252 return dict(Message=str)
254 - def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
255 super(AFF4Acquire, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) 256 257 if (not self.plugin_args.destination and 258 not self.plugin_args.destination_url): 259 raise plugin.PluginError( 260 "A destination or destination_url must be specified.") 261 262 if self.plugin_args.compression == "snappy": 263 self.compression = lexicon.AFF4_IMAGE_COMPRESSION_SNAPPY 264 elif self.plugin_args.compression == "stored": 265 self.compression = lexicon.AFF4_IMAGE_COMPRESSION_STORED 266 elif self.plugin_args.compression == "zlib": 267 self.compression = lexicon.AFF4_IMAGE_COMPRESSION_ZLIB 268 269 # Do not acquire memory if we are told to do something else as well, 270 # unless specifically asked to. 271 if self.plugin_args.also_memory == "auto": 272 if any((self.plugin_args.also_mapped_files, 273 self.plugin_args.also_pagefile, 274 self.plugin_args.files)): 275 self.plugin_args.also_memory = False 276 else: 277 self.plugin_args.also_memory = True
279 - def _default_file_globs(self):
280 if platform.system() == "Windows": 281 # In Windows we need to collect at least the kernel and all the 282 # kernel drivers. 283 return [r"C:\Windows\System32\ntoskrnl.exe", 284 r"C:\Windows\System32\*.sys", 285 r"C:\Windows\SysNative\ntoskrnl.exe", 286 r"C:\Windows\SysNative\*.sys"] 287 288 elif platform.system() == "Linux": 289 return ["/proc/kallsyms", "/boot/*"] 290 291 return []
293 - def copy_physical_address_space(self, resolver, volume):
294 """Copies the physical address space to the output volume. 295 296 The result is a map object. 297 """ 298 image_urn = volume.urn.Append("PhysicalMemory") 299 source = self.session.physical_address_space 300 301 # Mark the stream as a physical memory stream. 302 resolver.Set(image_urn, lexicon.AFF4_CATEGORY, 303 rdfvalue.URN(lexicon.AFF4_MEMORY_PHYSICAL)) 304 305 with volume.CreateMember( 306 image_urn.Append("information.yaml")) as metadata_fd: 307 metadata_fd.Write( 308 yaml_utils.encode(self.create_metadata(source))) 309 310 yield ("Imaging Physical Memory:\n",) 311 312 # Use an AFF4Image for the actual storage. 313 map_data = image_urn.Append("data") 314 315 # Set the compression type on the storage stream. 316 resolver.Set(map_data, lexicon.AFF4_IMAGE_COMPRESSION, 317 rdfvalue.URN(self.compression)) 318 319 with aff4_map.AFF4Map.NewAFF4Map( 320 resolver, image_urn, volume.urn) as image_stream: 321 total_length = self._WriteToTarget(resolver, source, image_stream) 322 323 yield ("Wrote {0} mb of Physical Memory to {1}\n".format( 324 total_length/1024/1024, image_stream.urn),)
326 - def _WriteToTarget(self, resolver, source_as, image_stream):
327 # Prepare a temporary map to control physical memory acquisition. 328 helper_map = aff4_map.AFF4Map(resolver) 329 330 with resolver.CachePut( 331 AddressSpaceWrapper( 332 resolver=resolver, address_space=source_as)) as source_aff4: 333 334 total_length = 0 335 for run in source_as.get_address_ranges(): 336 total_length += run.length 337 helper_map.AddRange( 338 run.start, run.start, run.length, 339 source_aff4.urn) 340 341 progress = AFF4ProgressReporter(session=self.session, 342 length=total_length) 343 image_stream.WriteStream(helper_map, progress=progress) 344 345 return total_length
347 - def _copy_address_space_to_image(self, resolver, volume, 348 image_urn, source):
349 """Copy address space into a linear image, padding if needed.""" 350 resolver.Set(image_urn, lexicon.AFF4_IMAGE_COMPRESSION, 351 rdfvalue.URN(self.compression)) 352 353 with aff4_image.AFF4Image.NewAFF4Image( 354 resolver, image_urn, volume.urn) as image_stream: 355 total_length = self._WriteToTarget(resolver, source, image_stream) 356 357 yield ("Wrote {0} ({1} mb)".format(, 358 total_length/1024/1024),)
360 - def linux_copy_mapped_files(self, resolver, volume):
361 """Copy all the mapped or opened files to the volume.""" 362 # Build a set of all files. 363 vma_files = set() 364 filenames = set() 365 366 for x in self._copy_file_to_image(resolver, volume, "/proc/kallsyms"): 367 yield x 368 369 for task in self.session.plugins.pslist().filter_processes(): 370 for vma in"vm_next"): 371 vm_file_offset = vma.vm_file.obj_offset 372 if vm_file_offset in vma_files: 373 continue 374 375 filename = task.get_path(vma.vm_file) 376 if filename in filenames: 377 continue 378 379 try: 380 stat_entry = os.stat(filename) 381 except (OSError, IOError) as e: 382 383 "Skipping %s: %s", filename, e) 384 continue 385 386 mode = stat_entry.st_mode 387 if stat.S_ISREG(mode): 388 if stat_entry.st_size <= self.plugin_args.max_file_size: 389 filenames.add(filename) 390 vma_files.add(vm_file_offset) 391 392 for x in self._copy_file_to_image( 393 resolver, volume, filename, stat_entry): 394 yield x 395 else: 396 397 "Skipping %s: Size larger than %s", 398 filename, self.plugin_args.max_file_size)
399 400
401 - def _copy_file_to_image(self, resolver, volume, filename, 402 stat_entry=None):
403 if stat_entry is None: 404 try: 405 stat_entry = os.stat(filename) 406 except (OSError, IOError): 407 return 408 409 image_urn = volume.urn.Append(utils.SmartStr(filename)) 410 out_fd = None 411 try: 412 with open(filename, "rb") as in_fd: 413 yield ("Adding file {0}".format(filename),) 414 resolver.Set( 415 image_urn, lexicon.AFF4_STREAM_ORIGINAL_FILENAME, 416 rdfvalue.XSDString(os.path.abspath(filename))) 417 418 progress = AFF4ProgressReporter( 419 session=self.session, 420 length=stat_entry.st_size) 421 422 if stat_entry.st_size < self.MAX_SIZE_FOR_SEGMENT: 423 with volume.CreateMember(image_urn) as out_fd: 424 # Only enable compression if we are using it. 425 if (self.compression != 426 lexicon.AFF4_IMAGE_COMPRESSION_STORED): 427 out_fd.compression_method = zip.ZIP_DEFLATE 428 out_fd.WriteStream(in_fd, progress=progress) 429 else: 430 resolver.Set(image_urn, lexicon.AFF4_IMAGE_COMPRESSION, 431 rdfvalue.URN(self.compression)) 432 433 with aff4_image.AFF4Image.NewAFF4Image( 434 resolver, image_urn, volume.urn) as out_fd: 435 out_fd.WriteStream(in_fd, progress=progress) 436 437 except IOError: 438 try: 439 # Currently we can only access NTFS filesystems. 440 if self.session.profile.metadata("os") == "windows": 441 self.session.logging.debug( 442 "Unable to read %s. Attempting raw access.", filename) 443 444 # We can not just read this file, parse it from the NTFS. 445 self._copy_raw_file_to_image( 446 resolver, volume, filename) 447 except IOError: 448 self.session.logging.warn( 449 "Unable to read %s. Skipping.", filename) 450 451 452 finally: 453 if out_fd: 454 resolver.Close(out_fd)
456 - def _copy_raw_file_to_image(self, resolver, volume, filename):
457 image_urn = volume.urn.Append(utils.SmartStr(filename)) 458 459 drive, base_filename = os.path.splitdrive(filename) 460 if not base_filename: 461 return 462 463 ntfs_session = self.session.add_session( 464 filename=r"\\.\%s" % drive, 465 profile="ntfs") 466 467 ntfs_session.plugins.istat(2) 468 469 ntfs = ntfs_session.GetParameter("ntfs") 470 mft_entry = ntfs.MFTEntryByName(base_filename) 471 data_as = mft_entry.open_file() 472 473 self._copy_address_space_to_image(resolver, volume, image_urn, 474 data_as) 475 476 resolver.Set(image_urn, lexicon.AFF4_STREAM_ORIGINAL_FILENAME, 477 rdfvalue.XSDString(os.path.abspath(filename)))
479 - def windows_copy_mapped_files(self, resolver, volume):
480 filenames = set() 481 482 for task in self.session.plugins.pslist().filter_processes(): 483 for vad in task.RealVadRoot.traverse(): 484 try: 485 file_obj = vad.ControlArea.FilePointer 486 file_name = file_obj.file_name_with_drive() 487 if not file_name: 488 continue 489 490 except AttributeError: 491 continue 492 493 if file_name in filenames: 494 continue 495 496 filenames.add(file_name) 497 for x in self._copy_file_to_image(resolver, volume, file_name): 498 yield x 499 500 object_tree_plugin = self.session.plugins.object_tree() 501 for module in self.session.plugins.modules().lsmod(): 502 try: 503 path = object_tree_plugin.FileNameWithDrive( 504 module.FullDllName.v()) 505 506 for x in self._copy_file_to_image(resolver, volume, path): 507 yield x 508 except IOError: 509 self.session.logging.debug( 510 "Unable to read %s. Skipping.", path)
511 512
513 - def copy_mapped_files(self, resolver, volume):
514 # Forces profile autodetection if needed. 515 profile = self.session.profile 516 517 os_name = profile.metadata("os") 518 if os_name == "windows": 519 for x in self.windows_copy_mapped_files(resolver, volume): 520 yield x 521 elif os_name == "linux": 522 for x in self.linux_copy_mapped_files(resolver, volume): 523 yield x
525 - def copy_files(self, resolver, volume, globs):
526 """Copy all the globs into the volume.""" 527 for glob_expression in globs: 528 for path in glob.glob(glob_expression): 529 path = os.path.abspath(path) 530 for x in self._copy_file_to_image(resolver, volume, path): 531 yield x
533 - def copy_page_file(self, resolver, volume):
534 pagefiles = self.session.GetParameter("pagefiles") 535 for filename, _ in pagefiles.values(): 536 yield ("Imaging pagefile {0}\n".format(filename),) 537 for x in self._copy_raw_file_to_image(resolver, volume, filename): 538 yield x
540 - def create_metadata(self, source):
541 """Returns a dict with a standard metadata format. 542 543 We gather data from the session. 544 """ 545 result = dict(Imager="Rekall %s (%s)" % (constants.VERSION, 546 constants.CODENAME), 547 Registers={}, 548 Runs=[]) 549 550 if self.session.HasParameter("dtb"): 551 result["Registers"]["CR3"] = self.session.GetParameter("dtb") 552 553 if self.session.HasParameter("kernel_base"): 554 result["KernBase"] = self.session.GetParameter("kernel_base") 555 556 for run in source.get_address_ranges(): 557 result["Runs"].append(dict(start=run.start, length=run.length)) 558 559 return result
561 - def collect(self):
562 if self.compression: 563 yield ("Will use compression: {0}\n".format(self.compression),) 564 565 # Did the user select any actions which require access to memory? 566 self.memory_access_options = any( 567 (self.plugin_args.also_memory, self.plugin_args.also_pagefile, 568 self.plugin_args.also_mapped_files)) 569 570 # Do we need to access memory? 571 if self.memory_access_options: 572 # If no address space is specified we try to operate in live mode. 573 if self.session.plugins.load_as().GetPhysicalAddressSpace() == None: 574 yield ("Will load physical address space from live plugin.",) 575 576 with 577 for x in self.collect_acquisition(): 578 yield x 579 return 580 581 for x in self.collect_acquisition(): 582 yield x
584 - def collect_acquisition(self):
585 """Do the actual acquisition.""" 586 # If destination looks like a URN, just let the AFF4 library handle it. 587 if self.plugin_args.destination: 588 output_urn = rdfvalue.URN.NewURNFromFilename( 589 self.plugin_args.destination) 590 591 elif self.plugin_args.destination_url: 592 output_urn = rdfvalue.URN(self.plugin_args.destination_url) 593 594 if (output_urn.Parse().scheme == "file" and 595 not self.plugin_args.destination[-1] in "/\\"): 596 # Destination looks like a filename - go through the renderer to 597 # create the file. 598 with self.session.GetRenderer().open( 599 filename=self.plugin_args.destination, 600 mode="a+b") as out_fd: 601 output_urn = rdfvalue.URN.FromFileName( 602 for x in self._collect_acquisition(output_urn=output_urn): 603 yield x 604 else: 605 # Just pass the URL to the AFF4 library. 606 for x in self._collect_acquisition(output_urn=output_urn): 607 yield x
609 - def _collect_acquisition(self, output_urn):
610 with data_store.MemoryDataStore() as resolver: 611 mode = "truncate" 612 if self.plugin_args.append: 613 mode = "append" 614 # Appending means we read the volume first, then add new 615 # members to it. 616 617 resolver.Set(output_urn, lexicon.AFF4_STREAM_WRITE_MODE, 618 rdfvalue.XSDString(mode)) 619 620 phys_as = self.session.physical_address_space 621 with self.credential_manager, self._get_aff4_volume( 622 resolver, output_urn) as volume: 623 # We allow acquiring memory from a non volatile physical 624 # address space as a way of converting an image from another 625 # format to AFF4. 626 if phys_as: 627 if self.plugin_args.also_memory: 628 # Get the physical memory. 629 for x in self.copy_physical_address_space( 630 resolver, volume): 631 yield x 632 633 # We only copy files if we are running on a raw device 634 # and we're not targetting a VM. 635 if phys_as.volatile and not phys_as.virtualized: 636 if self.plugin_args.also_pagefile: 637 for x in self.copy_page_file(resolver, volume): 638 yield x 639 640 if self.plugin_args.also_mapped_files: 641 for x in self.copy_mapped_files(resolver, volume): 642 yield x 643 644 # Always include the minimum file globs 645 # required to support the given OS. 646 file_globs = (self.plugin_args.files + 647 self._default_file_globs()) 648 649 for x in self.copy_files( 650 resolver, volume, file_globs): 651 yield x 652 653 elif any([self.plugin_args.also_pagefile, 654 self.plugin_args.also_mapped_files, 655 self.plugin_args.files]): 656 raise RuntimeError( 657 "Imaging options require access to live memory " 658 "but the physical address space is not " 659 "volatile. Did you mean to specify the --live " 660 "option?") 661 662 elif self.memory_access_options: 663 raise RuntimeError( 664 "Imaging options require access to memory but no " 665 "suitable address space was defined. Did you mean " 666 "to specify the --live option?") 667 668 # User can request to just acquire regular files but only if 669 # no physical_address_space is also specified. 670 elif self.plugin_args.files: 671 for x in self.copy_files(resolver, volume, 672 self.plugin_args.files): 673 yield x
674 675 676 # We can not check the file hash because AFF4 files contain UUID which will 677 # change each time.
678 -class TestAFF4Acquire(testlib.SimpleTestCase):
679 PARAMETERS = dict(commandline="aff4acquire %(tempdir)s/output_image.aff4") 680
681 - def filter(self, output):
682 result = [] 683 for line in output: 684 # Remove progress lines. 685 if "Reading" in line: 686 continue 687 688 result.append(re.sub("aff4:/+[^/]+/", "aff4:/XXXX/", line)) 689 return result
691 - def testCase(self):
692 """AFF4 uses GUIDs which vary all the time.""" 693 previous = self.filter(self.baseline['output']) 694 current = self.filter(self.current['output']) 695 696 # Compare the entire table 697 self.assertEqual(previous, current)
698 699
700 -class AFF4Ls(AbstractAFF4Plugin):
701 """List the content of an AFF4 file.""" 702 703 name = "aff4ls" 704 705 __args = [ 706 dict(name="long", type="Boolean", 707 help="Include additional information about each stream."), 708 709 dict(name="regex", default=".", type="RegEx", 710 help="Regex of filenames to dump."), 711 712 dict(name="volume", required=True, positional=True, 713 help="Volume to list."), 714 ] 715 716 namespaces = { 717 lexicon.AFF4_NAMESPACE: "aff4:", 718 lexicon.XSD_NAMESPACE: "xsd:", 719 lexicon.RDF_NAMESPACE: "rdf:", 720 lexicon.AFF4_MEMORY_NAMESPACE: "memory:", 721 lexicon.AFF4_DISK_NAMESPACE: "disk:", 722 "": "google:", 723 } 724 725 table_header = [ 726 dict(name="Size", width=10, align="r"), 727 dict(name="Type", width=15), 728 dict(name="Original Name", width=50), 729 dict(name="URN"), 730 ] 731
732 - def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
733 super(AFF4Ls, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) 734 self.resolver = data_store.MemoryDataStore()
736 - def _shorten_URN(self, urn):
737 if not isinstance(urn, rdfvalue.URN): 738 return urn 739 740 urn = unicode(urn) 741 742 for k, v in self.namespaces.iteritems(): 743 if urn.startswith(k): 744 return "%s%s" % (v, urn[len(k):]) 745 746 return urn
748 - def collect(self):
749 """Render a detailed description of the contents of an AFF4 volume.""" 750 volume_urn = rdfvalue.URN(self.plugin_args.volume) 751 752 with self.credential_manager, self._get_aff4_volume( 753 self.resolver, volume_urn, "Reading") as volume: 754 if self.plugin_args.long: 755 subjects = self.resolver.QuerySubject(self.plugin_args.regex) 756 else: 757 subjects = self.interesting_streams(volume) 758 759 for subject in sorted(subjects): 760 urn = unicode(subject) 761 filename = None 762 if (self.resolver.Get(subject, lexicon.AFF4_CATEGORY) == 763 lexicon.AFF4_MEMORY_PHYSICAL): 764 filename = "Physical Memory" 765 else: 766 filename = self.resolver.Get( 767 subject, lexicon.AFF4_STREAM_ORIGINAL_FILENAME) 768 769 if not filename: 770 filename = volume.urn.RelativePath(urn) 771 772 type = str(self.resolver.Get( 773 subject, lexicon.AFF4_TYPE)).split("#")[-1] 774 775 size = self.resolver.Get(subject, lexicon.AFF4_STREAM_SIZE) 776 if size is None and filename == "Physical Memory": 777 with self.resolver.AFF4FactoryOpen(urn) as fd: 778 last_range = fd.GetRanges()[-1] 779 size = last_range.map_offset + last_range.length 780 781 yield (size, type, filename, urn)
782 783 AFF4IMAGE_FILTER_REGEX = re.compile("/[0-9a-f]+8(/index)?$") 784
785 - def interesting_streams(self, volume):
786 """Returns the interesting URNs and their filenames.""" 787 urns = {} 788 789 for (subject, _, value) in self.resolver.QueryPredicate( 790 lexicon.AFF4_STREAM_ORIGINAL_FILENAME): 791 # Normalize the filename for case insensitive filesysyems. 792 urn = unicode(subject) 793 urns[urn] = unicode(value) 794 795 for (subject, _, value) in self.resolver.QueryPredicate( 796 lexicon.AFF4_CATEGORY): 797 urn = unicode(subject) 798 if value == lexicon.AFF4_MEMORY_PHYSICAL: 799 urns[urn] = "Physical Memory" 800 801 # Add metadata files. 802 for subject in self.resolver.QuerySubject( 803 re.compile(".+(yaml|turtle)")): 804 urn = unicode(subject) 805 urns[urn] = volume.urn.RelativePath(urn) 806 807 return urns
809 -class AFF4Dump(AFF4Ls):
810 """Dump the entire resolver contents for an AFF4 volume.""" 811 812 name = "aff4dump" 813 814 table_header = [ 815 dict(name="URN", width=60), 816 dict(name="Attribute", width=30), 817 dict(name="Value"), 818 ] 819
820 - def collect(self):
821 """Render a detailed description of the contents of an AFF4 volume.""" 822 volume_urn = rdfvalue.URN(self.plugin_args.volume) 823 with self.credential_manager, self._get_aff4_volume( 824 self.resolver, volume_urn, "Reading") as volume: 825 if self.plugin_args.long: 826 subjects = self.resolver.QuerySubject(self.plugin_args.regex) 827 else: 828 subjects = self.interesting_streams(volume) 829 830 for subject in sorted(subjects): 831 for pred, value in self.resolver.QueryPredicatesBySubject( 832 subject): 833 834 yield (volume.urn.RelativePath(subject), 835 self._shorten_URN(rdfvalue.URN(pred)), 836 self._shorten_URN(value))
837 838
839 -class AFF4Export(core.DirectoryDumperMixin, AbstractAFF4Plugin):
840 """Exports all the streams in an AFF4 Volume.""" 841 dump_dir_optional = False 842 default_dump_dir = None 843 844 BUFFERSIZE = 1024 * 1024 845 846 name = "aff4export" 847 848 __args = [ 849 dict(name="regex", default=".", type="RegEx", 850 help="Regex of filenames to dump."), 851 852 dict(name="volume", required=True, positional=True, 853 help="Volume to list."), 854 ] 855
856 - def _sanitize_filename(self, filename):
857 filename = filename.replace("\\", "/") 858 filename = filename.strip("/") 859 result = [] 860 for x in filename: 861 if x == "/": 862 result.append("_") 863 elif x.isalnum() or x in "_-=.,; ": 864 result.append(x) 865 else: 866 result.append("%" + x.encode("hex")) 867 868 return "".join(result)
870 - def copy_stream(self, in_fd, out_fd, length=2**64):
871 total = 0 872 while 1: 873 available_to_read = min(length - total, self.BUFFERSIZE) 874 data = 875 if not data: 876 break 877 878 out_fd.write(data) 879 total += len(data) 880 self.session.report_progress("Reading %s @ %#x", in_fd.urn, total)
882 - def copy_map(self, in_fd, out_fd):
883 for range in in_fd.GetRanges(): 884"Range %s", range) 885 886 887 self.copy_stream(in_fd, out_fd, range.length)
889 - def render(self, renderer):
890 aff4ls = self.session.plugins.aff4ls(volume=self.plugin_args.volume) 891 self.resolver = aff4ls.resolver 892 893 volume_urn = rdfvalue.URN().FromFileName(self.plugin_args.volume) 894 with zip.ZipFile.NewZipFile(self.resolver, volume_urn) as volume: 895 for urn, filename in aff4ls.interesting_streams( 896 volume).items(): 897 if self.plugin_args.regex.match(filename): 898 # Force the file to be under the dumpdir. 899 filename = self._sanitize_filename(filename) 900"Dumping %s", filename) 901 902 with, 903 filename=filename, 904 mode="wb") as out_fd: 905 with self.resolver.AFF4FactoryOpen(urn) as in_fd: 906 if isinstance(in_fd, aff4_map.AFF4Map): 907 self.copy_map(in_fd, out_fd) 908 else: 909 self.copy_stream(in_fd, out_fd)