Package rekall :: Package plugins :: Package tools :: Module profile_tool
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Module profile_tool

source code

Converts Volatility profile files into the Rekall format.

The Volatility profiles are derived by dumping debugging symbols using various
means into a zip file:

- On Linux the output of dwarfdump is stored and parsed on each execution. The
  constants are just copied from the System map.

- On OSX the symbols are produced using the dsymutil tool while the vtypes are
  python files.

- On Windows the vtypes are python files which must be executed.

Rekall profiles are more structured. All profiles contain a metadata file within
the zip archive called "metadata" which simply contains key value pairs encoded
using json. For example:

 # This must point at the implementation of this profile (i.e. the class which
 # should be created). Valid values include Linux32, Linux64, WinXPSP1x86
 # etc. You can use the 'info' plugin to see which classes already exist.

 "ProfileClass": "Linux64"

 # This is the name of a member inside this zip file which contains the
 # constant list.

 "Constants":  ""

 # This points at a json file within this zip file which contains the vtype
 # definitions for this profile.

 "VTypes": "vtypes.json"

We chose to use json to store the vtype data structures because loading json
files in python is extremely quick and leads to much faster start up times than
having to parse the vtypes in other formats (We do not allow loading of vtypes
inside python files because this may lead to arbitrary code execution since the
vtype file needs to be evaluated.).

Often users already have profiles created for Volatility which they want to use
in Rekall. Rather than fall back to the slow and inefficient parsing of these
profiles, Rekall allows users to convert the old profile into a new, efficient
profile representation. This is what this module does with the convert command.

For example, suppose you have an existing profile created for use in Volatility,
you can just convert it to the rekall format:

./tools/ convert    Ubuntu-3.0.0-32-generic-pae.rekall.json

$ ls -l Ubuntu-3.0.0-32-generic-pae.*
-rw-r----- 1 scudette g 643711 Dec 12 02:12 Ubuntu-3.0.0-32-generic-pae.rekall.json
-rw-r----- 1 scudette g 726480 Dec 12 00:30

Now simply specify the rekall profile using the --profile command line arg.

Michael Cohen <>, Jordi Sanchez <>
Base class for converters.
Convert an existing Linux profile zip file.
Automatic conversion from Volatility OSX style profiles.
Convert a profile from another program to the Rekall format.
Generate a profile index file based on an index specification.
Download and builds a profile locally in one step.
  __package__ = ''