Package rekall :: Package plugins :: Package tools :: Module yara_support_test
[frames] | no frames]

Source Code for Module

  1  import logging 
  2  import unittest 
  3  import pyparsing 
  5  from rekall import testlib 
  6  from import yara_support 
9 -class TestYaraParser(testlib.RekallBaseUnitTestCase):
10 rules = [ 11 "rule test { condition: true }", 12 "rule test { condition: true or false }", 13 "rule test { condition: true and true }", 14 "rule test { condition: 0x1 and 0x2}", 15 "rule test { condition: false }", 16 "rule test { condition: true and false }", 17 "rule test { condition: false or false }", 18 "rule test { condition: 2 > 1 }", 19 "rule test { condition: 1 < 2 }", 20 "rule test { condition: 2 >= 1 }", 21 "rule test { condition: 1 <= 1 }", 22 "rule test { condition: 1 == 1 }", 23 "rule test { condition: 1.5 == 1.5}", 24 "rule test { condition: 1.0 == 1}", 25 "rule test { condition: 1.5 >= 1.0}", 26 "rule test { condition: 1.5 >= 1}", 27 "rule test { condition: 1.0 >= 1}", 28 "rule test { condition: 0.5 < 1}", 29 "rule test { condition: 0.5 <= 1}", 30 "rule rest { condition: 1.0 <= 1}", 31 "rule rest { condition: \"abc\" == \"abc\"}", 32 "rule rest { condition: \"abc\" <= \"abc\"}", 33 "rule rest { condition: \"abc\" >= \"abc\"}", 34 "rule rest { condition: \"ab\" < \"abc\"}", 35 "rule rest { condition: \"abc\" > \"ab\"}", 36 "rule rest { condition: \"abc\" < \"abd\"}", 37 "rule rest { condition: \"abd\" > \"abc\"}", 38 "rule test { condition: 1 != 1}", 39 "rule test { condition: 1 != 1.0}", 40 "rule test { condition: 2 > 3}", 41 "rule test { condition: 2.1 < 2}", 42 "rule test { condition: \"abc\" != \"abc\"}", 43 "rule test { condition: \"abc\" > \"abc\"}", 44 "rule test { condition: \"abc\" < \"abc\"}", 45 "rule test { condition: (1 + 1) * 2 == (9 - 1) \\ 2 }", 46 "rule test { condition: 5 % 2 == 1 }", 47 "rule test { condition: 1.5 + 1.5 == 3}", 48 "rule test { condition: 3 \\ 2 == 1}", 49 "rule test { condition: 3.0 \\ 2 == 1.5}", 50 "rule test { condition: 1 + -1 == 0}", 51 "rule test { condition: -1 + -1 == -2}", 52 "rule test { condition: 4 --2 * 2 == 8}", 53 "rule test { condition: -1.0 * 1 == -1.0}", 54 "rule test { condition: 1-1 == 0}", 55 "rule test { condition: -2.0-3.0 == -5}", 56 "rule test { condition: --1 == 1}", 57 "rule test { condition: 1--1 == 2}", 58 "rule test { condition: -0x01 == -1}", 59 "rule test { condition: 0x55 | 0xAA == 0xFF }", 60 "rule test { condition: ~0xAA ^ 0x5A & 0xFF == " 61 "(~0xAA) ^ (0x5A & 0xFF) }", 62 "rule test { condition: ~0x55 & 0xFF == 0xAA }", 63 "rule test { condition: 8 >> 2 == 2 }", 64 "rule test { condition: 1 << 3 == 8 }", 65 "rule test { condition: 1 | 3 ^ 3 == 1 | (3 ^ 3) }", 66 "rule test { condition: ~0xAA ^ 0x5A & 0xFF == 0x0F }", 67 "rule test { condition: 1 | 3 ^ 3 == (1 | 3) ^ 3}", 68 "rule test { strings: $a = \"a\" $a = \"a\" condition: all of them }", 69 "rule test { strings: $ = \"a\" $ = \"b\" condition: all of them }", 70 "rule test { strings: $a = \"a\" condition: $a }", 71 "rule test { strings: $a = \"ab\" condition: $a }", 72 "rule test { strings: $a = \"abc\" condition: $a }", 73 "rule test { strings: $a = \"xyz\" condition: $a }", 74 "rule test { strings: $a = \"abc\" nocase fullword condition: $a }", 75 "rule test { strings: $a = \"aBc\" nocase condition: $a }", 76 "rule test { strings: $a = \"abc\" fullword condition: $a }", 77 "rule test { strings: $a = \"a\" fullword condition: $a }", 78 "rule test { strings: $a = \"ab\" fullword condition: $a }", 79 "rule test { strings: $a = \"abc\" wide fullword condition: $a }", 80 "rule test { strings: $a = \"a\" wide condition: $a }", 81 "rule test { strings: $a = \"a\" wide ascii condition: $a }", 82 "rule test { strings: $a = \"ab\" wide condition: $a }", 83 "rule test { strings: $a = \"ab\" wide ascii condition: $a }", 84 "rule test { strings: $a = \"abc\" wide condition: $a }", 85 "rule test { strings: $a = \"abc\" wide nocase fullword " 86 "condition: $a }", 87 "rule test { strings: $a = \"aBc\" wide nocase condition: $a }", 88 "rule test { strings: $a = \"aBc\" wide ascii nocase condition: $a }", 89 "rule test { strings: $a = \"---xyz\" wide nocase condition: $a }", 90 "rule test { strings: $a = \"abc\" fullword condition: $a }", 91 "rule test { strings: $a = \"abc\" fullword condition: $a }", 92 "rule test { strings: $a = \"abc\" fullword condition: $a }", 93 "rule test { strings: $a = \"abc\" fullword condition: $a }", 94 "rule test { strings: $a = \"abc\" ascii wide fullword condition: $a }", 95 "rule test { strings: $a = \"abc\" ascii wide fullword condition: $a }", 96 "rule test { strings: $a = \"abc\" wide fullword condition: $a }", 97 "rule test { strings: $a = \"abc\" wide fullword condition: $a }", 98 "rule test { strings: $a = \"ab\" wide fullword condition: $a }", 99 "rule test { strings: $a = \"abc\" wide fullword condition: $a }", 100 "rule test { strings: $a = \"abc\" wide fullword condition: $a }", 101 "rule test {\n\ 102 strings:\n\ 103 $a = \"abcdef\"\n\ 104 $b = \"cdef\"\n\ 105 $c = \"ef\"\n\ 106 condition:\n\ 107 all of them\n\ 108 }", 109 "rule test {\n\ 110 strings:\n\ 111 $s1 = \"abc\"\n\ 112 $s2 = \"xyz\"\n\ 113 condition:\n\ 114 for all of ($*) : ($)\n\ 115 }", 116 "rule test { \ 117 strings: $a = { 64 01 00 00 60 01 } \ 118 condition: $a }", 119 "rule test { \ 120 strings: $a = { 64 0? 00 00 ?0 01 } \ 121 condition: $a }", 122 "rule test { \ 123 strings: $a = { 6? 01 00 00 60 0? } \ 124 condition: $a }", 125 "rule test { \ 126 strings: $a = { 64 01 [1-3] 60 01 } \ 127 condition: $a }", 128 "rule test { \ 129 strings: $a = { 64 01 [1-3] (60|61) 01 } \ 130 condition: $a }", 131 "rule test { \ 132 strings: $a = { 4D 5A [-] 6A 2A [-] 58 C3} \ 133 condition: $a }", 134 "rule test { \ 135 strings: $a = { 4D 5A [300-] 6A 2A [-] 58 C3} \ 136 condition: $a }", 137 "rule test { \ 138 strings: $a = { 2e 7? (65 | ?""?"") 78 } \ 139 condition: $a }", 140 "rule test { \ 141 strings: $a = { 4D 5A [0-300] 6A 2A } \ 142 condition: $a }", 143 "rule test { \ 144 strings: $a = { 4D 5A [0-128] 45 [0-128] 01 [0-128] C3 } \ 145 condition: $a }", 146 "rule test { \ 147 strings: $a = { 31 32 [-] 38 39 } \ 148 condition: $a }", 149 "rule test { \ 150 strings: $a = { 31 32 [-] // Inline comment\n\ 151 38 39 } \ 152 condition: $a }", 153 "rule test { \ 154 strings: $a = { 31 32 /* Inline comment */ [-] 38 39 } \ 155 condition: $a }", 156 "rule test { \ 157 strings: $a = { 31 32 /* Inline multi-line\n\ 158 comment */ [-] 38 39 } \ 159 condition: $a }", 160 "rule test { \ 161 strings: $a = { 31 32 [-] 33 34 [-] 38 39 } \ 162 condition: $a }", 163 "rule test { \ 164 strings: $a = { 31 32 [1] 34 35 [2] 38 39 } \ 165 condition: $a }", 166 "rule test {\ 167 strings: $a = { 31 32 [1-] 34 35 [1-] 38 39 } \ 168 condition: $a }", 169 "rule test { \ 170 strings: $a = { 31 32 [0-3] 34 35 [1-] 38 39 } \ 171 condition: $a }", 172 "rule test { \ 173 strings: $a = { 31 32 [0-2] 35 [1-] 37 38 39 } \ 174 condition: $a }", 175 "rule test { \ 176 strings: $a = { 31 32 [-] 38 39 } \ 177 condition: all of them }", 178 "rule test { \ 179 strings: $a = { 31 32 [-] 32 33 } \ 180 condition: $a }", 181 "rule test { \ 182 strings: $a = { 35 36 [-] 31 32 } \ 183 condition: $a }", 184 "rule test { \ 185 strings: $a = { 31 32 [2-] 34 35 } \ 186 condition: $a }", 187 "rule test { \ 188 strings: $a = { 31 32 [0-3] 37 38 } \ 189 condition: $a }", 190 "rule test { \ 191 strings: $a = { 01 [0] 02 } \ 192 condition: $a }", 193 "rule test { \ 194 strings: $a = { [-] 01 02 } condition: $a }", 195 "rule test { \ 196 strings: $a = { 01 02 [-] } \ 197 condition: $a }", 198 199 "rule test { \ 200 strings: $a = { 01 02 ([-] 03 | 04) } \ 201 condition: $a }", 202 203 "rule test { \ 204 strings: $a = { 01 02 (03 [-] | 04) } \ 205 condition: $a }", 206 207 "rule test { \ 208 strings: $a = { 01 02 (03 | 04 [-]) } \ 209 condition: $a }", 210 211 "rule test { strings: $a = \"ssi\" condition: #a == 2 }", 212 213 "rule test { \ 214 strings: $a = \"ssi\" \ 215 condition: $a at 2 and $a at 5 }", 216 217 "rule test { \ 218 strings: $a = \"mis\" \ 219 condition: $a at ~0xFF & 0xFF }", 220 "rule test { \ 221 strings: $a = { 00 00 00 00 ?? 74 65 78 74 } \ 222 condition: $a at 308}", 223 "rule test { strings: $a = \"ssi\" condition: @a == 2 }", 224 "rule test { strings: $a = \"ssi\" condition: @a == @a[1] }", 225 "rule test { strings: $a = \"ssi\" condition: @a[2] == 5 }", 226 "rule test { strings: $a = /m.*?ssi/ condition: !a == 5 }", 227 "rule test { strings: $a = /m.*?ssi/ condition: !a[1] == 5 }", 228 "rule test { strings: $a = /m.*ssi/ condition: !a == 8 }", 229 "rule test { strings: $a = /m.*ssi/ condition: !a[1] == 8 }", 230 "rule test { strings: $a = /ssi.*ppi/ condition: !a[1] == 9 }", 231 "rule test { strings: $a = /ssi.*ppi/ condition: !a[2] == 6 }", 232 "rule test { strings: $a = { 6D [1-3] 73 73 69 } condition: !a == 5}", 233 "rule test { strings: $a = { 6D [-] 73 73 69 } condition: !a == 5}", 234 "rule test { strings: $a = { 6D [-] 70 70 69 } condition: !a == 11}", 235 "rule test { strings: $a = { 6D 69 73 73 [-] 70 69 } " 236 "condition: !a == 11}", 237 "rule test { strings: $a = \"ssi\" $b = \"mis\" $c = \"oops\" " 238 "condition: any of them }", 239 "rule test { strings: $a = \"ssi\" $b = \"mis\" $c = \"oops\" " 240 "condition: 1 of them }", 241 "rule test { strings: $a = \"ssi\" $b = \"mis\" $c = \"oops\" " 242 "condition: 2 of them }", 243 "rule test { strings: $a1 = \"dummy1\" $b1 = \"dummy1\" $b2 = \"ssi\"" 244 "condition: any of ($a*, $b*) }", 245 "rule test { \ 246 strings: \ 247 $ = /abc/ \ 248 $ = /def/ \ 249 $ = /ghi/ \ 250 condition: \ 251 for any of ($*) : ( for any i in (1..#): (uint8(@[i] - 1) == 0x00) )\ 252 }", 253 "rule test { \ 254 strings: \ 255 $a = \"ssi\" \ 256 $b = \"mis\" \ 257 $c = \"oops\" \ 258 condition: \ 259 all of them \ 260 }", 261 "rule test { condition: all of ($a*) }", 262 263 "rule test { condition: all of them }", 264 "rule test { \ 265 strings: \ 266 $a = \"ssi\" \ 267 condition: \ 268 for all i in (1..#a) : (@a[i] >= 2 and @a[i] <= 5) \ 269 }", 270 "rule test { \ 271 strings: \ 272 $a = \"ssi\" \ 273 $b = \"mi\" \ 274 condition: \ 275 for all i in (1..#a) : ( for all j in (1..#b) : (@a[i] >= @b[j])) \ 276 }", 277 "rule test { \ 278 strings: \ 279 $a = \"ssi\" \ 280 condition: \ 281 for all i in (1..#a) : (@a[i] == 5) \ 282 }", 283 "rule test { strings: $a = /ssi/ condition: $a }", 284 "rule test { strings: $a = /ssi(s|p)/ condition: $a }", 285 "rule test { strings: $a = /ssim*/ condition: $a }", 286 "rule test { strings: $a = /ssa?/ condition: $a }", 287 "rule test { strings: $a = /Miss/ nocase condition: $a }", 288 "rule test { strings: $a = /(M|N)iss/ nocase condition: $a }", 289 "rule test { strings: $a = /[M-N]iss/ nocase condition: $a }", 290 "rule test { strings: $a = /(Mi|ssi)ssippi/ nocase condition: $a }", 291 "rule test { strings: $a = /ppi\\tmi/ condition: $a }", 292 "rule test { strings: $a = /ppi\\.mi/ condition: $a }", 293 "rule test { strings: $a = /^mississippi/ fullword condition: $a }", 294 "rule test { strings: $a = /mississippi.*mississippi$/s " 295 "condition: $a }", 296 "rule test { strings: $a = /^ssi/ condition: $a }", 297 "rule test { strings: $a = /ssi$/ condition: $a }", 298 "rule test { strings: $a = /ssissi/ fullword condition: $a }", 299 "rule test { strings: $a = /^[isp]+/ condition: $a }", 300 "rule test { \ 301 strings: $a = { 6a 2a 58 c3 } \ 302 condition: $a at entrypoint }", 303 "rule test { \ 304 strings: $a = { b8 01 00 00 00 bb 2a } \ 305 condition: $a at entrypoint }", 306 307 "rule test { \ 308 strings: $a = { b8 01 00 00 00 bb 2a } \ 309 condition: $a at entrypoint }", 310 "rule test { condition: entrypoint >= 0 }", 311 ] 312
313 - def normalize_rule(self, rule):
314 """Approximate match removing whitespace.""" 315 rule = pyparsing.cppStyleComment.suppress().transformString(rule) 316 return rule.replace("\n", "").replace(" ", "")
318 - def testParser(self):
319 for rule in self.rules: 320 parsed = yara_support.parse_yara_to_ast(rule) 321 self.assertTrue(len(parsed) > 0) 322 323 # Now check to make sure that the reconstructed rule is the same as 324 # the original rule. We do not preserve comments though. 325 self.assertEqual(self.normalize_rule(rule), 326 self.normalize_rule( 327 yara_support.ast_to_yara(parsed)))
328 329 330 if __name__ == "__main__": 331 logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) 332 unittest.main() 333