Package rekall :: Package plugins :: Package windows :: Package gui :: Module atoms :: Class Atoms
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Class Atoms

source code

Print session and window station atom tables.


An atom table is a system-defined table that stores strings and corresponding identifiers. An application places a string in an atom table and receives a 16-bit integer, called an atom, that can be used to access the string. A string that has been placed in an atom table is called an atom name.

The global atom table is available to all applications. When an application places a string in the global atom table, the system generates an atom that is unique throughout the system. Any application that has the atom can obtain the string it identifies by querying the global atom table.

(The global atom tables are only global within each session).

Nested Classes
Automatic Plugin Registration through metaclasses. (Inherited from rekall.plugin.Command)
A command can be run from the rekall command line. (Inherited from rekall.plugin.Command)
Instance Methods
station_atoms(self, station)
Generate all the atoms in the windows station atom table.
source code
session_atoms(self, session)
Generate all (Session) Global User Atoms.
source code
find_atoms(self) source code
Collect data that will be passed to renderer.table_row.
source code
__init__(self, win32k_profile=None, **kwargs)
x.__init__(...) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature (Inherited from
source code
Make plugins that define collect iterable, as convenience. (Inherited from rekall.plugin.Command)
source code
repr(x) (Inherited from rekall.plugin.Command)
source code
Render into a string using the text renderer. (Inherited from rekall.plugin.Command)
source code
collect_as_dicts(self) (Inherited from rekall.plugin.TypedProfileCommand) source code
Returns instances for each column definition. (Inherited from rekall.plugin.TypedProfileCommand)
source code
get_column(self, name) (Inherited from rekall.plugin.TypedProfileCommand) source code
get_column_type(self, name) (Inherited from rekall.plugin.TypedProfileCommand) source code
get_plugin(self, name, **kwargs)
Returns an instance of the named plugin. (Inherited from rekall.plugin.Command)
source code
getkeys(self) (Inherited from rekall.plugin.TypedProfileCommand) source code
reflect(self, member) (Inherited from rekall.plugin.TypedProfileCommand) source code
render(self, renderer, **options) (Inherited from rekall.plugin.TypedProfileCommand) source code

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __subclasshook__

Class Methods
GetActiveClasses(cls, session)
Return only the active commands based on config. (Inherited from rekall.plugin.Command)
source code
GetPrototype(cls, session)
Return an instance of this plugin with suitable default arguments. (Inherited from rekall.plugin.Command)
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ImplementationByClass(self, name) source code
ImplementationByName(self, name) source code
args(cls, parser) (Inherited from source code
is_active(cls, session)
Checks we are active. (Inherited from rekall.plugin.ProfileCommand)
source code
Class Variables
  table_header = [{'name': 'offset_p', 'style': 'address'}, {'na...
  PHYSICAL_AS_REQUIRED = True (Inherited from rekall.plugin.PhysicalASMixin)
  PROFILE_REQUIRED = True (Inherited from rekall.plugin.ProfileCommand)
  ROW_OPTIONS = set(['annotation', 'depth', 'hex_width', 'highli... (Inherited from rekall.plugin.TypedProfileCommand)
  classes = {'AFF4Acquire': <class ' (Inherited from rekall.plugin.Command)
  classes_by_name = {None: [<class ' (Inherited from rekall.plugin.Command)
  error_status = None
hash(x) (Inherited from rekall.plugin.Command)
  interactive = False (Inherited from rekall.plugin.Command)
  mode = 'mode_windows_memory'
hash(x) (Inherited from
  plugin_args = None
hash(x) (Inherited from rekall.plugin.ArgsParserMixin)
  plugin_feature = 'Command' (Inherited from rekall.plugin.Command)
  producer = False (Inherited from rekall.plugin.Command)
  table_options = {} (Inherited from rekall.plugin.TypedProfileCommand)
  name (Inherited from rekall.plugin.Command)

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details


source code 

Collect data that will be passed to renderer.table_row.

Overrides: plugin.TypedProfileCommand.collect
(inherited documentation)

ImplementationByClass(self, name)
Class Method

source code 
Overrides: plugin.Command.ImplementationByClass

ImplementationByName(self, name)
Class Method

source code 
Overrides: plugin.Command.ImplementationByName

Class Variable Details



[{'name': 'offset_p', 'style': 'address'},
 {'name': 'session', 'width': 10},
 {'name': 'windows_station', 'width': 18},
 {'name': 'atom', 'style': 'address'},
 {'name': 'ref_count', 'width': 10},
 {'name': 'hindex', 'width': 10},
 {'name': 'pinned', 'width': 10},
 {'name': 'name'}]