Package rekall :: Package plugins :: Package windows :: Package registry :: Module printkey
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Source Code for Module

  1  # Rekall Memory Forensics 
  2  # Copyright (C) 2012 Michael Cohen <> 
  3  # Copyright (c) 2008 Brendan Dolan-Gavitt <> 
  4  # Copyright 2013 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. 
  5  # 
  6  # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify 
  7  # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by 
  8  # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at 
  9  # your option) any later version. 
 10  # 
 11  # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but 
 12  # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 
 14  # General Public License for more details. 
 15  # 
 16  # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License 
 17  # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software 
 18  # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA 
 19  # 
 21  """ 
 22  @author:       Michael Cohen <> 
 23  @author:       AAron Walters and Brendan Dolan-Gavitt 
 24  @license:      GNU General Public License 2.0 or later 
 25  @contact:, 
 26  @organization: Volatile Systems 
 27  """ 
 28  import re 
 30  from rekall import addrspace 
 31  from rekall.plugins import core 
 32  from import registry 
 33  from rekall.plugins.overlays import basic 
 34  from rekall_lib import utils 
35 36 37 -class PrintKey(registry.RegistryPlugin):
38 """Print a registry key, and its subkeys and values""" 39 __name = "printkey" 40 41 @classmethod
42 - def args(cls, parser):
43 """Declare the command line args we need.""" 44 super(PrintKey, cls).args(parser) 45 46 parser.add_argument("-k", "--key", default="", 47 help="Registry key to print.") 48 49 parser.add_argument("-r", "--recursive", default=False, 50 type="Boolean", 51 help='If set print the entire subtree.')
52 53
54 - def __init__(self, key="", recursive=False, **kwargs):
55 """Print all keys and values contained by a registry key. 56 57 Args: 58 key: The key name to list. If not provided we list the root key in the 59 hive. 60 61 recursive: If set print the entire subtree. 62 """ 63 super(PrintKey, self).__init__(**kwargs) 64 self.key = key 65 self.recursive = recursive
67 - def _list_keys(self, key=None):
68 yield key 69 70 if self.recursive: 71 for subkey in key.subkeys(): 72 for subkey in self._list_keys(subkey): 73 yield subkey
75 - def list_keys(self):
76 """Return the keys that match.""" 77 seen = set() 78 for hive_offset in self.hive_offsets: 79 reg = registry.RegistryHive( 80 profile=self.profile, session=self.session, 81 kernel_address_space=self.kernel_address_space, 82 hive_offset=hive_offset) 83 84 key = reg.open_key(self.key) 85 for subkey in self._list_keys(key): 86 if subkey in seen: 87 break 88 89 seen.add(subkey) 90 91 yield reg, subkey
93 - def voltext(self, key):
94 """Returns a string representing (S)table or (V)olatile keys.""" 95 return "(V)" if key.obj_offset & 0x80000000 else "(S)"
97 - def render(self, renderer):
98 renderer.format("Legend: (S) = Stable (V) = Volatile\n\n") 99 for reg, key in self.list_keys(): 100 self.session.report_progress( 101 "Printing %s", lambda key=key: key.Path) 102 103 if key: 104 renderer.format("----------------------------\n") 105 renderer.format("Registry: {0}\n", reg.Name) 106 renderer.format("Key name: {0} {1} @ {2:addrpad}\n", key.Name, 107 self.voltext(key), key.obj_vm.vtop(int(key))) 108 109 renderer.format("Last updated: {0}\n", key.LastWriteTime) 110 renderer.format("\n") 111 renderer.format("Subkeys:\n") 112 113 for subkey in key.subkeys(): 114 if not subkey.Name: 115 renderer.format( 116 " Unknown subkey: {0}\n", subkey.Name.reason) 117 else: 118 renderer.format(u" {1} {0}\n", 119 subkey.Name, self.voltext(subkey)) 120 121 renderer.format("\n") 122 renderer.format("Values:\n") 123 for value in key.values(): 124 renderer.format("{0:addrpad} ", value.obj_vm.vtop(value)) 125 if value.Type == 'REG_BINARY': 126 data = value.DecodedData 127 if isinstance(data, basestring): 128 renderer.format( 129 u"{0:width=13} {1:width=15} : {2}\n", 130 value.Type, value.Name, self.voltext(value)) 131 utils.WriteHexdump(renderer, value.DecodedData) 132 else: 133 renderer.format( 134 u"{0:width=13} {1:width=15} : {2} {3}\n", 135 value.Type, value.Name, self.voltext(value), 136 utils.SmartUnicode(value.DecodedData).strip())
138 139 -class RegDump(core.DirectoryDumperMixin, registry.RegistryPlugin):
140 """Dump all registry hives from memory into a dump directory.""" 141 142 __name = 'regdump' 143
144 - def dump_hive(self, hive_offset=None, reg=None, fd=None):
145 """Write the hive into the fd. 146 147 Args: 148 hive_offset: The virtual offset where the hive is located. 149 reg: Optionally an instance of registry.Registry helper. If provided 150 hive_offset is ignored. 151 fd: The file like object we write to. 152 """ 153 if reg is None: 154 reg = registry.RegistryHive( 155 profile=self.profile, 156 kernel_address_space=self.kernel_address_space, 157 hive_offset=hive_offset) 158 159 count = 0 160 for data in 161 fd.write(data) 162 count += len(data) 163 self.session.report_progress( 164 "Dumping {0}Mb".format(count/1024/1024))
166 - def render(self, renderer):
167 # Get all the offsets if needed. 168 for hive_offset in self.hive_offsets: 169 reg = registry.RegistryHive( 170 profile=self.profile, session=self.session, 171 kernel_address_space=self.kernel_address_space, 172 hive_offset=hive_offset) 173 174 # Make up a filename for it, should be similar to the hive name. 175 filename = reg.Name.rsplit("\\", 1).pop() 176 177 # Sanitize it. 178 filename = re.sub(r"[^a-zA-Z0-9_\-@ ]", "_", filename) 179 180 # Make up the path. 181 renderer.section() 182 renderer.format("Dumping {0} into \"{1}\"\n", reg.Name, filename) 183 184 with, 185 filename=filename, 186 mode="wb") as fd: 187 self.dump_hive(reg=reg, fd=fd) 188 renderer.format("Dumped {0} bytes\n", fd.tell())
190 191 192 -class HiveDump(registry.RegistryPlugin):
193 """Prints out a hive""" 194 195 __name = "hivedump" 196
197 - def _key_iterator(self, key, seen):
198 yield key 199 200 if key in seen: 201 return 202 203 seen.add(key) 204 205 for subkey in key.subkeys(): 206 for subsubkey in self._key_iterator(subkey, seen): 207 yield subsubkey
209 - def render(self, renderer):
210 seen = set() 211 212 for hive_offset in self.hive_offsets: 213 reg = registry.RegistryHive( 214 hive_offset=hive_offset, session=self.session, 215 kernel_address_space=self.kernel_address_space, 216 profile=self.profile) 217 218 renderer.section() 219 renderer.format("Hive {0}\n\n", reg.Name) 220 221 renderer.table_header([("Last Written", "timestamp", "<24"), 222 ("Key", "key", "")]) 223 224 for key in self._key_iterator(reg.root, seen): 225 renderer.table_row(key.LastWriteTime, key.Path)
226 227 228 # Special types to parse the SAM data structures. 229 sam_vtypes = { 230 "UNICODE_STRING": [12, { 231 "offset": [0, ["unsigned int"]], 232 "len": [4, ["unsigned int"]], 233 "Value": lambda x: x.obj_profile.UnicodeString( 234 offset=x.offset+0xCC, 235 length=x.len, vm=x.obj_vm), 236 237 }], 238 239 "Hash": [12, { 240 "offset": [0, ["unsigned int"]], 241 "len": [4, ["unsigned int"]], 242 "Value": lambda x: 243 x.offset+0xCC, x.len).encode("hex"), 244 245 }], 246 247 "V": [None, { 248 "Type": [4, ["Enumeration", dict( 249 choices={ 250 0xBC: "Default Admin User", 251 0xd4: "Custom Limited Acct", 252 0xb0: "Default Guest Acct" 253 }, 254 target="unsigned int" 255 )]], 256 "UserName": [12, ['UNICODE_STRING']], 257 "FullName": [24, ['UNICODE_STRING']], 258 "Comment": [36, ['UNICODE_STRING']], 259 "LanHash": [156, ['Hash']], 260 "NTHash": [168, ['Hash']], 261 }], 262 263 "F": [None, { 264 "LastLoginTime": [8, ['WinFileTime']], 265 "PwdResetDate": [24, ["WinFileTime"]], 266 "AccountExpiration": [32, ["WinFileTime"]], 267 "PasswordFailedTime": [40, ["WinFileTime"]], 268 "LoginCount": [66, ["unsigned short int"]], 269 "FailedLoginCount": [64, ["unsigned short int"]], 270 "Rid": [48, ["unsigned int"]], 271 "Flags": [56, ["Flags", dict( 272 maskmap=utils.Invert({ 273 0x0001: "Account Disabled", 274 0x0002: "Home directory required", 275 0x0004: "Password not required", 276 0x0008: "Temporary duplicate account", 277 0x0010: "Normal user account", 278 0x0020: "MNS logon user account", 279 0x0040: "Interdomain trust account", 280 0x0080: "Workstation trust account", 281 0x0100: "Server trust account", 282 0x0200: "Password does not expire", 283 0x0400: "Account auto locked" 284 }), 285 target="unsigned short int" 286 )]], 287 }], 288 }
289 290 291 292 -class SAMProfile(basic.Profile32Bits, basic.BasicClasses):
293 """A profile to parse the SAM.""" 294 295 @classmethod
296 - def Initialize(cls, profile):
301 302 -class Users(registry.RegistryPlugin):
303 """Enumerate all users of this system. 304 305 Ref: 306 from RegRipper. 307 308 # copyright 2012 Quantum Analytics Research, LLC 309 # Author: H. Carvey, 310 """ 311 name = "users" 312
313 - def GenerateUsers(self):
314 """Generates User RID keys, V and F structs for all users.""" 315 sam_profile = SAMProfile(session=self.session) 316 317 for hive_offset in self.hive_offsets: 318 reg = registry.RegistryHive( 319 hive_offset=hive_offset, session=self.session, 320 kernel_address_space=self.kernel_address_space, 321 profile=self.profile) 322 323 users = reg.open_key("SAM/Domains/Account/Users") 324 for user_rid in users.subkeys(): 325 # The V value holds the information we are after. 326 v_data = user_rid.open_value("V") 327 if not v_data: 328 continue 329 330 v = sam_profile.V(vm=addrspace.BufferAddressSpace( 331 data=v_data.DecodedData, session=self.session)) 332 333 f_data = user_rid.open_value("F") 334 f = sam_profile.F(vm=addrspace.BufferAddressSpace( 335 data=f_data.DecodedData, session=self.session)) 336 337 yield user_rid, v, f
339 - def render(self, renderer):
340 for user_rid, v, f in self.GenerateUsers(): 341 renderer.section() 342 renderer.format("Key {0} \n\n", user_rid.Path) 343 renderer.table_header( 344 columns=[("", "property", "20"), 345 ("", "value", "")], 346 suppress_headers=True) 347 348 for field in v.members: 349 try: 350 renderer.table_row(field, getattr(v, field).Value) 351 except AttributeError: 352 renderer.table_row(field, getattr(v, field)) 353 354 for field in f.members: 355 renderer.table_row(field, getattr(f, field))
357 358 -class Services(registry.RegistryPlugin):
359 """Enumerate all services.""" 360 name = "services" 361 362 # 363 # CreateService function. 364 SERVICE_TYPE = { 365 0x00000004: 'SERVICE_ADAPTER', 366 0x00000002: 'SERVICE_FILE_SYSTEM_DRIVER', 367 0x00000001: 'SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER', 368 0x00000008: 'SERVICE_RECOGNIZER_DRIVER', 369 0x00000010: 'SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS', 370 0x00000020: 'SERVICE_WIN32_SHARE_PROCESS' 371 } 372 373 START_TYPE = { 374 0x00000002: 'SERVICE_AUTO_START', 375 0x00000000: 'SERVICE_BOOT_START', 376 0x00000003: 'SERVICE_DEMAND_START', 377 0x00000004: 'SERVICE_DISABLED', 378 0x00000001: 'SERVICE_SYSTEM_START' 379 } 380 381 ERROR_CONTROL = { 382 0x00000003: 'SERVICE_ERROR_CRITICAL', 383 0x00000000: 'SERVICE_ERROR_IGNORE', 384 0x00000001: 'SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL', 385 0x00000002: 'SERVICE_ERROR_SEVERE' 386 } 387
388 - def GenerateServices(self):
389 for hive_offset in self.hive_offsets: 390 reg = registry.RegistryHive( 391 profile=self.profile, session=self.session, 392 kernel_address_space=self.kernel_address_space, 393 hive_offset=hive_offset) 394 395 for service in reg.CurrentControlSet().open_subkey( 396 "Services").subkeys(): 397 yield service
399 - def render(self, renderer):
400 for service in self.GenerateServices(): 401 renderer.section(service.Name.v()) 402 renderer.table_header([("Key", "key", "20"), 403 ("Value", "value", "[wrap:60]")], 404 suppress_headers=True) 405 406 for value in service.values(): 407 k = value.Name.v() 408 v = value.DecodedData 409 if value.Type == "REG_BINARY": 410 continue 411 412 if isinstance(v, list): 413 v = ",".join([x for x in v if x]) 414 415 if k == "Type": 416 v = self.SERVICE_TYPE.get(v, v) 417 418 if k == "Start": 419 v = self.START_TYPE.get(v, v) 420 421 if k == "ErrorControl": 422 v = self.ERROR_CONTROL.get(v, v) 423 424 renderer.table_row(k, v)