Package rekall :: Package ui :: Module json_renderer :: Class BaseObjectRenderer
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Class BaseObjectRenderer

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Nested Classes
Automatic Plugin Registration through metaclasses. (Inherited from rekall.ui.renderer.ObjectRenderer)
Baseclass for all TestRenderer object renderers. (Inherited from rekall.ui.renderer.ObjectRenderer)
Instance Methods
DecodeFromJsonSafe(self, value, options)
Decode the item from its Json safe representation.
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GetState(self, item, **_) source code
DelegateObjectRenderer(self, item)
Create an object renderer for an item based on this object renderer. (Inherited from rekall.ui.renderer.ObjectRenderer)
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EncodeToJsonSafe(self, item, details=False, **options)
Convert the item into a JSON safe item. (Inherited from rekall.ui.json_renderer.StateBasedObjectRenderer)
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Summary(self, item, **options)
Returns the object formatted as a string. (Inherited from rekall.ui.json_renderer.JsonObjectRenderer)
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__init__(self, renderer=None, session=None, **options)
x.__init__(...) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature (Inherited from rekall.ui.renderer.ObjectRenderer)
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render_header(self, name=None, **options)
This should be overloaded to return the header Cell. (Inherited from rekall.ui.renderer.ObjectRenderer)
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render_row(self, item, **options)
The Json object renderer returns a json safe object for encoding. (Inherited from rekall.ui.json_renderer.JsonObjectRenderer)
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Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Class Methods
ByName(cls, name, renderer)
A constructor for an ObjectRenderer by name. (Inherited from rekall.ui.renderer.ObjectRenderer)
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ForTarget(cls, target, renderer)
Get the best ObjectRenderer to encode this target. (Inherited from rekall.ui.renderer.ObjectRenderer)
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ForType(cls, target_type, renderer)
Get the best ObjectRenderer to encode this target type. (Inherited from rekall.ui.renderer.ObjectRenderer)
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FromEncoded(cls, item, renderer)
Get an JsonObjectRenderer class to parse the encoded item. (Inherited from rekall.ui.json_renderer.JsonObjectRenderer)
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FromMRO(cls, mro, renderer)
Get the best object renderer class from the MRO. (Inherited from rekall.ui.renderer.ObjectRenderer)
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ImplementationByClass(self, name) source code
ImplementationByName(self, name) source code
cache_key(cls, item)
Get the decoding cache key from the json safe encoding. (Inherited from rekall.ui.json_renderer.StateBasedObjectRenderer)
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cache_key_from_object(cls, item)
Get the cache key from the object. (Inherited from rekall.ui.json_renderer.JsonObjectRenderer)
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Static Methods
GetImplementationFromMRO(base_class, value)
Get the class referred to by the head of the value's MRO. (Inherited from rekall.ui.json_renderer.JsonObjectRenderer)
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Return the MRO of an item. (Inherited from rekall.ui.renderer.ObjectRenderer)
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Class Variables
  renders_type = 'BaseObject'
  classes = {'ArrayObjectRenderer': <class 'rekall.plugins.rende... (Inherited from rekall.ui.renderer.ObjectRenderer)
  classes_by_name = {None: [<class 'rekall.ui.renderer.ObjectRen... (Inherited from rekall.ui.renderer.ObjectRenderer)
  plugin_feature = 'ObjectRenderer' (Inherited from rekall.ui.renderer.ObjectRenderer)
  renderers = ['JsonRenderer'] (Inherited from rekall.ui.json_renderer.JsonObjectRenderer)

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details

DecodeFromJsonSafe(self, value, options)

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Decode the item from its Json safe representation.

This should essentially be the reverse of EncodeToJsonSafe(). Each
ObjectRenderer class should implement this method to invert

  value: The json safe object to decode.
  options: A dict which will receive any options encoded by the encoder.

  A python object.

  • @CacheableState
Overrides: JsonObjectRenderer.DecodeFromJsonSafe
(inherited documentation)

GetState(self, item, **_)

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Overrides: StateBasedObjectRenderer.GetState

ImplementationByClass(self, name)
Class Method

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Overrides: renderer.ObjectRenderer.ImplementationByClass

ImplementationByName(self, name)
Class Method

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Overrides: renderer.ObjectRenderer.ImplementationByName