The City of Scales

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George's 700+ Pages of GURPS Mandala


​ My trio of "better worldbuilding" RPG settings was born out of my enthusiasm for learning about science and the fun I have with it. The previous work I did on The City of Scales provided some fuel for my creativity as well. I knew I wouldn't be able to make money off of it so it was purely a labor of love - love of creativity and love of gaming. I used GURPS as the system for all three of my game manuals, none of which are official or were endorsed by Steve Jackson Games. The game universes are my takes on Dragon Ball, Star Wars, and Faerun. The settings are called "better worldbuilding" because my focus was to create game universes with coherent worldbuilding, which I eventually came to believe was an okay objective to have. Even if I wanted to make money off of my manuals, it would be very hard to do so without permission from all the franchise owners and I don't want to commercialize my content anyway.

I believe I created a coherent system for magic (and ki and the Force). For example, the enhanced strength for Dragon Ball characters in my setting comes from use of dense body ki that a character infuses their spirit body with. (Ki is energized particles that evaporate off of a character's spirit body.) Dense body ki enhances both the inertial mass and the charge forces of matter in the character's body, and in equal amounts. If you do the math you will see that this increases striking energy, lifting strength, knockback resistance, and physical durability - it's one of the physics alterations behind a lot of superheroes. Because the response of mass to gravity isn't increased, characters don't get heavier (only more massive) and they would have to use their flight ability to simulate normal gravity. Otherwise they will not be able to walk or jump normally, as if they were on a smaller planet or moon.

I am not a Buddhist and I don't think I quite agree with the idea of non-attachment (I may not understand it) but I see a similarity between the work I did in creating my game manuals and what a Buddhist monk does when he helps create an elaborate mandala with colored sand before wiping it out and moving on.

I decided to remove my content from the Internet for now but if you email me I might send you the PDF's. 284 pages of GURPS Dragon Ball, 54 pages of BWB Star Wars, and 398 pages of BWB Faerun. Here are the cool covers I made in paint:

GURPS Dragon Ball:
GURPS Dragon Ball Cover
BWB Star Wars:

BWB Star Wars Cover
BWB Faerun:

BWB Faerun Cover

Here is the formula for ki telekinesis from my setting:
GURPS Dragon Ball Ki TK Formula

Here is an excerpt about the Saiyan tail gland:
GURPS Dragon Ball Tail Gland

I have my reasons for being not wanting my content published on the Internet, at least for now. I still own the copyrights though so I will do what I have to in order to keep my BWB settings from being published online without my permission. That doesn't mean I won't send you the PDF's or discuss my BWB settings with you.

© 2019 by George Young