3. MonsterInsights: Best Analytics Plugin

by Admin

Posted on 13-06-2023 11:45 AM

You’ve probably heard of google analytics before, but if you’re unfamiliar with the features, here is a 30,000-foot overview of what kind of information it can show you: how many views your blog is getting per day what social media platforms or search engines those visitors are coming from where in the world they are viewing your website from what time they are accessing your website as well how long they are spending on your pages and more! this is what the google analytics dashboard looks like: you can access it anytime by going to their website , but there is also a wordpress plugin by monsterinsights that lets you view the data right in your wordpress dashboard:. chat

Best for analytics monsterinsights lite is the best free wordpress plugin for google analytics. It makes it easy to connect your blog with google analytics and allows you to monitor all of your important traffic stats from within your wordpress dashboard. With monsterinsights, you can track page views, referral sources, downloads, outbound links, and more. This data will help you understand what content resonates with your audience so that you can make smarter decisions about how to grow your blog. It’s also incredibly simple to set up – just install the plugin and follow the on-screen instructions to get started in minutes.

Another really important tool for all wordpress business websites to have is analytics. Monsterinsights provides some of the very best analytics tools around. The plugin attaches directly to google analytics and provides you every stat and chart you can think of. That’s not all. You are able to manage the entire setup right from the comfort of your wordpress admin dashboard. This means no going back and forth from google analytics to your wordpress website. Everything is right in front of you, easily managed, in one place. If you want actionable reports and customized reports that eliminate fluff and allow you to better understand your traffic and marketing attempts, then monsterinsights is a plugin you need to install on your site today.

Monsterinsights is a google analytics plugin that makes it easy to track your website’s traffic and performance. With monsterinsights, you can see how many people are visiting your site, which pages are most popular, and more.

As a data-driven digital hotel marketing agency , we’re putting monsterinsights at the top of our list. This no-code-needed plugin allows even the most inexperienced wordpress users to set up analytics tracking. View and analyze useful information like referring domains, device type and more directly inside your wordpress dashboard. Download monsterinsights for less than $10 / month here.

4. WPForms: Best Contact Form Plugin

If you’re going to run a blog on your site, accept comments on pages, or let people reach out to you through a contact form, you need akismet. This plugin automatically checks comments and contact form submissions against a global spam database, then uses that data to filter out anything that looks like spam. The most obvious spam is discarded outright, saving you massive amounts of time and storage space. Questionable comments are put into the spam category so you can easily sort through them and approve any comments that were accidentally caught in akismet’s filters. buy 💵 pricing: akismet is free for personal blogs.