4. Set up a content delivery network (CDN)

by Admin

Posted on 25-05-2023 07:09 AM

A content delivery network (cdn), also called content distribution network, is a framework of distributed servers that deliver pages and contents to a web user. It is based on the user’s geographic location, the webpage origin, and the content delivery server. When a customer visits your woocommerce store from a place near a server where your site is stored, the contents won’t have to transfer far from the shopper’s browser. But if the server and the customer’s location are far each other,  the contents have to travel much further, prompting a slow page load. tools A cdn service can help resolve the geographical distance problem, especially for woocommerce stores with an international presence.

Adding a cdn (content delivery network) is a great way to get your website content across the globe in a snap! a cdn is a collection of servers around the whole world that hold a copy of your site. When someone goes to your website, the server closest to them will serve the request, meaning the site loads in record time. Load time is slightly dependent on the location of your site’s server and the location of the site visitor, so a cdn can drastically speed things up if you have a global audience.

Another way to speed up your site is to use a content delivery network (cdn). Cdns enable you to host images off your server to decrease image load times. They are also helpful in storage and potential migration of your site to a new host. How does this help with site load speed? cdns store requested files – cached static content – close to a visitor’s geographic location. So if your website is hosted in the united states, and a user accesses your site in chicago, they may receive your site images from a data center in illinois. Similarly, even with your site being hosted in the us, if a user in london accesses your site, they may receive your images from a data center within the uk.

While it’s a good idea to get a server located near your frequent visitor’s location. This is not enough to cater to all the people who come to your site. And cdn solves that issue for you. Content delivery network (cdn)  keeps a copy of the website in different datacenters located in different places of the world. This way you can be assured your website loads at a certain speed irrespective of the location someone tries to access your site. Note: you can use cloudflare as a cdn service.

To automatically optimize your images, we recommend using one of the following two plugins: optimole shortpixel adaptive images (this is different from the basic shortpixel plugin, though that’s a good option, too). In addition to automatically resizing and compressing your images as soon as you upload them, these tools also go further. They: dynamically serve properly-sized images based on a visitor’s device. For example, someone browsing on a smartphone gets a lower-resolution image than someone browsing on a laptop with a retina screen. Serve your images from a global content delivery network (cdn). This speeds up your global page load times (more on cdns later).

5. Use a WordPress caching plugin

Every time someone loads your online store, their browser downloads all of the data from your site, which can take a while. But when you enable caching, their browser will save a copy of your content, so that the next time they visit, your site will load much more quickly. Many hosting providers offer caching at the server level, but there are also wordpress plugins, like wp super cache , that take care of this for you. popular