How to Measure Page Speed

by Admin

Posted on 16-06-2023 11:40 AM

Any scripted web page elements loaded from somewhere else make you dependent on the availability of these scripts from another source. External scripts can slow a webpage or cause the webpage to not load all at once. quality According to research conducted by google, a good page loading time can be at 3 seconds at best and 7 seconds at the very least. Fortunately, there are various tools you can use to test and measure page speed to see where your website stands and make the necessary improvements.

When you start exploring this, it becomes very difficult to answer the question, “how do you measure speed?” how do you put a metric against how fast your website is? you could probably start off by saying “the time how long it takes for a page to finish loading. ”but, what does that mean? what if the server responds quickly, but then it takes ages to show the content? what if the page has components which only load when you interact, or scroll? are they “finished”? we need better definitions to understand how well we are doing. Most stock metrics from speed check and optimization tools are flawed and designed to give you a false sense of comfort.

Among the speed-boosting tools at your disposal, progressive web apps (pwas) are perhaps the most powerful of all. Pwas are modern websites, built for speed. They have lightning-fast browsing transitions, but their first loads tend to be slower than traditional sites. To capitalize on your pwa’s speed, you first must understand how to measure website speed correctly. Developers typically focus on first-page load speed is, but you’re missing critical information if you’re only measuring and optimizing for first loads. Browsing speed is a significant part of a user’s journey, as most of the session occurs after the first load.

Consumers don’t like to wait. Anything longer than 3 seconds’ wait, and the probability of bounce rate increases by 32%. When visitors keep leaving your website, you get lower rankings on organic search, low conversion rates, poor user experience , and overall, a bad reputation. Google’s analytics advocate, krista seiden , confirms this: “page speed is one of the most overlooked and yet most important factors in customer attention, retention, and ultimately, converting browsers to buyers. Ensuring that you’re taking measures to increase page speed or reduce lag can be the difference between failure and success. ”overall, page speed is focused on improving the user experience when they land on your website.

2. Compress and optimize your images.

Large images can significantly slow down your website. Make sure to optimize your images by compressing them and reducing their size without compromising their quality. customer Use tools like tinypng or kraken. Io to compress your images without sacrificing quality.

When your images are huge with high resolution, it can dramatically slow down your site’s loading time. The solution is to compress the images down to manageable file sizes. Images can be compressed 20-50% without a loss in quality. Something as simple as this is often overlooked, but it can save you an extra 1-2 seconds in site loading time. Our website speed optimization service will review and optimize all your images.