Start Scaling Your Store

by Admin

Posted on 19-06-2023 01:36 PM

Over the last decade, ecommerce has seen exponential growth, becoming a multi-billion dollar industry. From online stores selling thousands of products to highly-niche products, the ecommerce model has proven effective for businesses of every size and market demographics. Platforms such as woocommerce have revolutionized the ecommerce industry by eliminating the need to have technical skills to develop an online store. find With woocommerce, you can set up an entire store and start selling without even writing a single line of code! in this book, you’ll learn some essential tactics for scaling your woocommerce site. It’s a must-read for any growing ecommerce businesses.

Vertical scaling is simple. When you need more resources, you increase your server’s specifications by adding more ram, cpu, and storage. Then, you are good to go until you need to do this again. This solution works until you reach the maximum capacity of your server. Unfortunately, vertical scaling is not infinite, physical machines that host your store have limitations. This is when scaling becomes complicated, and you must migrate to a multi-server infrastructure. Also, one more reason to not use a cheap server : it will only lead to reaching its maximum capacity faster and requiring migration to a larger server.

1. Theme and Plugin Code

There are a few things to keep in mind when using this plugin to ensure you get the most out of the platform. ads 1. You have to use wordpress as your foundation. Wordpress is a stable and secure platform. Using wordpress will give you access to a wealth of plugins and themes designed explicitly for ecommerce sites. 2. Choose a well-coded theme that’s right for your business. Your ecommerce site’s theme may look great, but without well-coded html, css, and javascript, your site can run into various issues. 3. Site speed is perhaps the most critical factor to consider – a slow site can result in customer frustration, increased load times during busy periods, and even delays in executing actions.

Your woocommerce theme and all of the other plugins and extensions on your site can take up a lot of space on your site. Every time a visitor loads your site, their browser has to send a request to your server. The more requests their browser has to make, the slower your site will be. Minimize the effect of plugins by: -making sure your theme and plugins have optimized code -only keeping the plugins you really need -keeping everything updated always. An outdated version of wordpress or any of its plugins can lead to problems. You can opt for automatic updates with a plugin like jetpack.

Woocommerce is a free wordpress plugin that operates on wordpress’ open source framework. The plugin provides all the elements needed for a successful ecommerce solution. The open source framework means that wordpress’ core code is available to everyone, so developers can edit, modify and build upon this code in any way they see fit. This allows businesses to build a completely unique solution, tailored to their brand. Wordpress has a ‘diy’ reputation, but don’t underestimate it’s potential for enterprise-level businesses. Due to the open source framework and additional plugins, customisations and features , enterprises can create robust solutions on this platform with ultimate control.

1. Choose the Right Host

To get the best return on your woocommerce development efforts, you need to follow certain tips that are discussed below: opt for a dedicated hosting server a dedicated hosting is more reliable than the shared hosting. This is because it is suitable to tackle high traffic during the peak shopping days without any instance of slow speed or crashing. You need to check that the server should be of latest version and databases (php and mysql) should be updated as well. Go with user-friendly theme theme plays a major role in deciding the look and feel of your woocommerce store. You need to ensure that the theme that you choose should be intuitive.