
Source code:

Setup a station for station-based test.


This factory test checks whether properties for a station (Station name, Line number, Station number) is set, and ask the operator to set the properties if it’s not.

The test relies on the station_setup Goofy plugin to work. See the docstring of the station_setup Goofy plugin on the configurable options for the test.

Test Procedure

If all required properties is already filled, and no duplicate station is found on Overlord, the test passes without any user interaction.

Otherwise, the operator is prompted with a form to fill in the required properties. After the input, checks would be performed again, and operator would be prompted again if check fails.


The pytest needs to be run in Goofy, and needs the station_setup Goofy plugin to be enabled.

See README for Goofy plugin on how to enable a plugin.

This test depends on the plugin named "station_setup.station_setup".


To ask the operator to fill the properties of the station when needed, add this in test list:

  "pytest_name": "station_setup"

Test Arguments

This test does not have any arguments.