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Microsuction Ear Wax Removal

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We are an Audiologist-led network of earwax removal clinics.


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middle ear infection

What Are The Symptoms Of A Middle Ear Infection?

Otitis Media (Middle Ear Infection) in Adults What Are The Symptoms Of A Middle Ear Infection?: If your child has certain medical problems, their doctor may recommend treatment to drain fluid from the middle ear. For instance, if your child has had recurrent, long-term ear infections (chronic otitis media) or a persistent buildup of fluid in the ear following infection resolution (otitis media with effusion), your child's doctor may consider this procedure. A myringotomy is a minor surgical procedure performed on an outpatient basis in which a surgeon cuts a tiny hole in the eardrum to drain the middle ear contents. The aperture is then introduced with a tiny tube (tympanostomy tube) to assist in ventilating the middle ear and preventing the collection of additional fluids. Middle ear diseases connected with or result in similar middle ear problems include otitis media with effusion or swelling and fluid accumulation (effusion) in the middle ear in the absence of infection by bacteria or viruses. This may occur due to the accumulation of leftover fluid following the clearance of an ear infection. It can be caused by dysfunction of the Eustachian tube or by a non-infectious blockage. A...

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can earwax affect memory

Can Earwax Have An Effect On Memory?

Earwax Might Be a Bigger Health Issue Than You Think Can Earwax Have An Effect On Memory? This Could Be A Serious Health Problem: While you may have physically cleansed your ears for most of your life, you are actually causing more harm than good. If you are considering cleaning your ears, you must consult a medical practitioner. While a cotton swab or, in some cases, a pen, car key, or other objects may appear to be the simplest alternative, this is not recommended. The risks outweigh the benefits by a large margin, and more harm can be done than good. Additionally, if you use these devices to remove earwax, you risk pushing the earwax farther into the ear, worsening the condition. It is not identical to the high-pitched noise produced when you clench your teeth, but it is analogous in that this noise also lasts for a brief period. You risk death if you do not act immediately and seek medical assistance. Excess fluid may accumulate as a result of either excessive production or inadequate absorption. I'm flattered that you're interested in my work. Dr It lasts around three or four seconds before...

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ear problems affect eyes

Taking Care Of Eye And Ear Infections - Stress And Your Hearing

Locate a Vision Therapy Eye Doctor in Your Area Can Ear Problems Affect Your Vision: Fortunately, testing vision for its impact on the vestibular and proprioceptive systems is not complex, but it does require a knowledgeable clinician. A physiotherapy assessment of the visual system consists of several components, one of which is an eye health check. The doctor also evaluates the oculomotor function, focusing on how effectively the mind perceives and responds to visual input. Because the optical system analyses input almost instantly, it is critical to determine if the eyes can work in tandem with the brain and other systems. Our patient's problems surfaced after 30 years of ineffective treatment. She presented an extremely complicated issue. Prolotherapy treatments are simple injections that are discussed and shown below. These gains have been found after eight treatments—optic nerve augmentation. When I went to see my doctor last summer, he told me that both of my eyes (vision) were improving at the same time (the mid-50s). Taking Care of Eye and Ear Infections A tiny amount of the chemicals may accumulate in the eye due to inflammation, for example. An infection...

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Is your child’s hearing loss genetic?

Hearing Loss and Genetics Hereditary hearing loss is evaluated by a genetic counsellor and a paediatric geneticist.  A Doctor will gather your child's medical and family history, and the doctor will perform a physical examination. This test can tell you which genes are most likely to be involved in your child's hearing loss and which genetic testing is most suitable. The genetics experts will also explain how hearing loss can be handed down from generation to generation and give help and recommendations to other specialists as needed.

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We are an Audiologist-led network of earwax removal clinics. An audiologist is "a health care professional who is trained to evaluate hearing loss and related disorders, such as tinnitus (ringing in the ears) and to rehabilitate individuals with hearing loss and related disorders." The advantage is that if you feel that you have an ear wax blockage, but it turns out that there isn't any, we can also provide hearing tests and give unbiased independent advice on the best treatment.

Many people are finding that their local NHS GP surgery has stopped offering ear syringing (also known as "ear irrigation"). No doubt this is partly down to a lack of funding, but the fact that ear syringing is inherently less safe than ear micro-suction has played a large part. Many people have been injured by the ear syringing process and this is why we don't offer ear syringing as a service.

Our clients have told us time and again that the amount they paid was worth it for the relief of being able to hear properly again... without having to wait months for a micro suction appointment. You don't need to wait months for ear wax removal, either. Why not jump the queue by "going private"?

Contact Address

Contact Details


Microsuction Earwax Removal Network, 5 - 7 Melcombe Street, London NW1 6AE

Contact telephone:

0800 133 7987
0800 133 7987

