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Microsuction Ear Wax Removal

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Ear Care Clinics Across London & The UK

We are an Audiologist-led network of earwax removal clinics.


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Conductive Hearing Loss

What Is The Cause of Conductive Hearing Loss?

What are the signs of conductive hearing loss? What are the signs of conductive hearing loss? It is always a safe idea to get your hearing loss evaluated as soon as you or a family member experiences symptoms. After all, if you have substantial hearing loss, you can believe that you cannot fully participate in daily activities and events. And, even though your hearing loss may be permanent, there are ways to improve your hearing and return to your everyday lifestyle. Aside from the ear infection symptoms mentioned above, an untreated ear infection can cause any or all of the following: Infections in other parts of the brain can cause irreversible hearing loss, which can interfere with speech production. To treat congenital absence of the ear canal or the opening of otosclerotic hearing loss, surgery, amplification with a bone conduction hearing aid, a surgically implanted bone-anchored device (e.g. Baha or Ponto system), or a conventional amplification system may be used. The signs and symptoms of conductive hearing loss There are several forms of hearing disorders and conductive hearing loss, in particular, necessitates medical attention, including medication and...

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Conditions Of The Inner Ear - Issues and Solutions of Hearing

Conditions Of The Inner Ear Inner ear health: The human ear is a susceptible organ. Unfortunately, most people are unaware of this simple reality, which is the root cause of many ear problems. Hearing loss is the most common ear disease. This is often the product of our attempts to clean the ear. The ear has inherent cleaning processes that do not need outside intervention. Earwax is made up of ear-friendly secretions as well as dust spores. It is usually expelled by the ear and causes no damage. However, any time we try to clean it, the wax comes back out, causing ear blockage or tinnitus (ringing in the ears). These sounds range from ringing to humming to clicking to static. Tinnitus is a symptom of underlying conditions such as cardiovascular disease, neurological disease, or brain tumors. On the other hand, loud noises may be a source of the condition even at a young age. It is a global problem that affects millions of people. Loud noises, as well as stress and exhaustion, may aggravate tinnitus. Itchy ears are another common issue. Eczema and psoriasis are two apparent causes. When external objects...

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Earwax Causing Ringing In The Ear?

Earwax Can Cause Ringing In The Ear Tinnitus is a condition that causes buzzing or ringing in the ear. The noise can be intermittent or present all the time. Also, some people hear low frequencies while others hear high frequencies.Many different things can cause tinnitus. The most common cause of tinnitus is sustained exposure to loud noises. It can also be caused by trauma to the head or ear. However, a buildup of earwax also causes ringing in the ear.Earwax is a normal bodily secretion. Your ear canal is a sensitive area. Earwax helps protect the inside of your ear canal. However, earwax can build up over time. Therefore, you need to clean your ears thoroughly at regular intervals. If you don't clean your ears regularly, the earwax can become compacted. This prevents outside sounds from reaching the inside of your ears. For this reason, earwax causes ringing in your ears. You may also hear other sounds, as mentioned earlier.There are certain...

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Get Rid Of Ear Wax - Which Oil Removes Earwax

How To Get Rid Of Earwax? Many Ear Wax Removal Sites Across The UK . Before we talk about how to get rid of clogged ears, we should first look at what causes clogged ears. Below are the most common factors for blocked ears. Earwax accumulation: Earwax plays an important role in keeping the ear canal clean and free of infection, but it can accumulate to the point where it causes blockage. Factors such as excessive secretion of earwax, production of wax that is too thick or dry, very hairy or narrow ear canal, aging (which leads to the secretion of low-quality earwax), growths in the ear canal, and regular use of solid objects. You can remove the excess earwax yourself, in the comfort of your own home. Remember that your ears are sensitive, so use cotton swabs only on the outer ears. Can a hairdryer remove earwax? . Glycerin has lubricating and moisturizing properties that effectively help remove hardened earwax. Glycerin is readily available at any medical supply store. How to use: Using a dropper, place 4 to...

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We are an Audiologist-led network of earwax removal clinics. An audiologist is "a health care professional who is trained to evaluate hearing loss and related disorders, such as tinnitus (ringing in the ears) and to rehabilitate individuals with hearing loss and related disorders." The advantage is that if you feel that you have an ear wax blockage, but it turns out that there isn't any, we can also provide hearing tests and give unbiased independent advice on the best treatment.

Many people are finding that their local NHS GP surgery has stopped offering ear syringing (also known as "ear irrigation"). No doubt this is partly down to a lack of funding, but the fact that ear syringing is inherently less safe than ear micro-suction has played a large part. Many people have been injured by the ear syringing process and this is why we don't offer ear syringing as a service.

Our clients have told us time and again that the amount they paid was worth it for the relief of being able to hear properly again... without having to wait months for a micro suction appointment. You don't need to wait months for ear wax removal, either. Why not jump the queue by "going private"?

Contact Address

Contact Details


Microsuction Earwax Removal Network, 5 - 7 Melcombe Street, London NW1 6AE

Contact telephone:

0800 133 7987
0800 133 7987

