Competition rules

The rules (the short version):

1. You can send entries on paper, or in digital form. We'll accept -
- up to two sides of A3 paper
- or JPEG, PDF or TIFF files of artwork or photos, up to 2MB in total

And only one entry per person so make it count.

2. The judges will be looking for the best ideas and creative genius, not the most polished entry. So don't worry if your entry has more enthusiasm and creativity than pixel-perfect polish. Your design should reflect the core Greenpeace principles, particularly of non violence.

3. Please complete the entry form found here. If you don't complete a form, we may not be able to accept your entry.

4. The closing date is Monday 28th June. We have to receive all entries by that date, even postal ones, so make sure you send them in time. Judging will take place in the following two weeks, and the winners will be announced on the Greenpeace website no later than the 23rd July.

5. The overall prize will be the use of the winning entry in our campaign, and if the winner wants and can attend, a day with a top designer to work on their idea. Winners in each category will receive a Greenpeace goody bag. We will also pick a logo from each week's entries and its creator will be sent a Greenpeace goody bag.

6. Check the full rules for all the legal stuff.

The full rules:

1. The closing date for all entries is 5.30pm on Monday 28th June. That includes postal entries so make sure you get yours in on time. Only one entry per person.

2. Entries must be either:

- Up to two A3 sides of designs by post;

- One or more JPEG, PDF, TIFF files totaling no more than 2MB in size by email;

3. We can't accept any other form of entries.

4. To enter, begin by filling in the form found here. You will then be provided with email and postal addresses to submit your entry.

5. Please fill in the entry form and send it with your entry. All personal details will be handled in accordance with our privacy policy.

6. We can't return any submissions - sorry.

7. The competition is open to all ages, in three categories - design professionals and design students, a public category, and a category for under 18s.

8. The winner will be selected by the judging panel and they'll be looking for ideas and creativity, not artistic excellence or technical brilliance, so thinking caps on. Entries must also reflect Greenpeace values, particularly that of nonviolent direct action. Of course, the judge's decision is final.

9. The overall prize will be the use of the winning entry in our campaign, and if the winner wants and can attend, a day with a top designer in London to work on their idea and a Greenpeace boat training day. A replacement prize will be offered if the overall winner is an international entry. Winners in each category will receive a Greenpeace goody bag. We will also pick a logo from each week's entries and its creator will be sent a Greenpeace goody bag.

10. The winner will be notified by phone.

11. You still own the rights to your design, but by entering the competition, you give Greenpeace permission to use any material submitted (not just the winning entries) on our website, in campaign and publicity materials and in exhibitions, for all purposes. Greenpeace will indemnify you against any legal claim arising from Greenpeace's use of your design provided that you do not agree to settle any claim, or threatened claim, without prior permission in writing from Greenpeace.

12. You can't be an employee or immediate relative of any employee of Greenpeace. (We know some of our staff have submitted entries, but you can't win anything guys, sorry.)

13. Greenpeace does not accept responsibility for entries lost or damaged in the post or via email.

14. The competition winner accepts the prize at their own risk. Greenpeace does not accept liability for expenses, personal injury, damage theft or loss incurred in connection with the prize won.

15. Greenpeace reserves the right to cancel or alter or amend the competition at any stage if deemed necessary in its opinion and entirely at its own discretion, or if circumstances arise outside its control.

16. The competition is governed by the laws of England and Wales.