1. Fossil fuels

Download a pdf version of the full report on how the government should address the Climate Emergency here.

End new fossil fuel extraction and phase out existing production

There are more fossil fuels already discovered than can be burned for a safe climate. Searching or drilling for more is simply not an option. The real challenge is supporting those people and communities dependent on existing fossil fuel extraction to have a sustainable economic future.

  • Halt new coal, oil and gas exploration and development, including banning fracking
  • Refuse all permissions for new or extensions of existing coal mining. All thermal coal mining should cease by 2024
  • Cancel the 31st (and subsequent) offshore oil and gas licensing rounds and existing oil and gas licenses on which no work has yet been carried out
  • Repeal the duty on the Oil and Gas Authority to maximise economic recovery of petroleum
  • Review how fast existing oil and gas production facilities need to be phased down to achieve net zero carbon well before 2045 – and implement phase-down accordingly
  • Turn the proposed oil and gas industrial strategy sector deal into the oil and gas transition sector deal. The sector deal should focus on reskilling people to work in renewables and other low-carbon growth sectors
  • Terminate all subsidies for oil and gas production, including transferable tax credits and other tax breaks introduced over the last ten years as part of the Government’s late-life policy for supporting the fossil fuel industry
  • End UK government export finance to any projects that are not compatible with a global zero carbon economy, within the framework of sustainable livelihoods for all citizens. This includes an end to all support for fossil fuel extraction. Fossil fuels currently dominate export finance