What we have achieved

As part of a global movement we work closely with other Greenpeace offices around the world to maximise our impact. For example in recent years we helped deliver the following:

  • Investment in our scientists and equipment based at Exeter University who delivered a range of studies including ‘Can GM rice be contained? –An analysis of GM contamination cases’, ‘Pesticides and our health: A growing concern’, and ‘The impact of contaminants at e-waste recycling centres in China’.
  • Support for the sustainable inshore fishing fleets in the UK, by working closely with NUTFA (the New Under 10m Fishing Association) and helping to protect their industry and way of life against the large-scale industrial fleets.
  • Supporting Greenpeace in Africa to help protect the Congo rainforest from commercial logging and conversion to agriculture.
  • Educating young people about climate change and involving them in delivering projects, including forest restoration in Russia.

Since our founding in 1982 Greenpeace Environmental Trust, with partner organisations, contributed to work that led to many successes for the environment including:

1989   A moratorium on driftnet fishing is put in place and saves thousands of dolphins and other marine life

1991   Antarctica is protected from mining and declared a sanctuary from exploitation

1993   Toxic dumping at sea is banned internationally

2002   Mahogany exports from the Amazon rainforests are made illegal

2004  An international agreement to treat obsolete ships as waste is brought into force by 163 nations.

For a summary of Greenpeace UK’s most recent achievements see our impact report.