Marriage Wisdom: The Power of Choice

by Hope Relentless Marriage Therapy

Posted on 07-12-2022 10:36 PM

The Power of Choice

In Marriage we have the power of choice.  The reality is the marriage we have today is a direct reult of the chocies we have made leading up to this point.  If we have sowed seeds of generosity, grace, encouragement, and availability to our spouse then likely we are reaping an incredible relationship with our significant other.  But if we have sowed seeds of discouragement, doubt, fear, jealousy, anger, etc.  Then we are likely experiencing or on the brink of difficult and painful seasons in our marriage.


The great news is, that regardless of where we are today, we can choose to have a positive impact on tomorrow.  Great relationships are not built over night.  They are a culmination of the daily routines that are intentional.  This is why the power of choice is so important.  Whether we realize it or not our chocies matter.  Our words matter, our actions matter.  All the little things that we can ignore.  They all matter.

Hope Relentless is passionate about supporting marriages in every season of life.  By working with a Hope Relentless Counselor you can make the choice to invest in your marriage.  By making this decision, you areintetnionally choosing your marriage and its health.

Call us today, we would love to encourage your most important relationship.   

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