Marriage Wisdom: The Power of Choice

The Power of Choice In Marriage we have the power of choice.  The reality is the marriage we have today is a direct reult of the chocies we have made leading up to this point.  If we have sowed seeds of generosity, grace, encouragement, and availability to our spouse then likely we are reaping an incredible relationship with our significant other.  But if we have sowed seeds of discouragement, doubt, fear, jealousy, anger, etc.  Then we are likely experiencing or on the brink of difficult and painful seasons in our marriage.   The great news is, that regardless of where we are today, we can choose to have a positive impact on tomorrow.  Great relationships are not built over night.  They are a culmination of the daily routines that are intentional.  This is why the power of choice is so important.  Whether we realize it or not our chocies matter.  Our words matter, our actions matter.  All the little things that we can ignore.  They all matter. Hope Relentless is passionate about supporting marriages in every season of life.  By working with a Hope Relentless Counselor you can make the choice to invest in your

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When is Marriage Therapy Needed?

Ever had a Marriage Tantrum? When I hear the word tantrum, I quickly think about a toddler.  Toddlers are a unique combination of helpless and selfish.  This create a level of neediness and demands that often gets the attention they are looking for and the result they wanted for themselves.  Very rarely will a toodler think about the needs, desires, and fears of the people around them.  And yet parents love their kids.  The hopeful thing is that the toddler will mature both physically, mentally, emotionally, and socially.  As the child gets older the expectation is that the toddler matures.  The child becomes more aware of the needs, dreams, and desires of the people around them.  Also the toddler elarns new skills that allow them to do many of the basic human actions on their won.   Can you imagine if this didnt change? If the toddler turned into a teenager, or an adult and still cried and yelled for help every time something was hard or didnt go there way?  It would be sad.  It would be a sign of some type of developmental challenge.  The reality is often when working with marriages, I discover that

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Marriage Wisdom

At Hope Relentless we are passionate about helpign couples thrive in their marriage.  The reality is that is easier said than done.  Marriages can go through various seasons of life.  Some seasons are easy, while many seasons are filled with various obstacles, challenges, and painful moments.  Regardless of the season we can all benefit from practical guidance and wisdom.  Today's post is all about sharing some of our favorite quotes.  I hope they inspire and encourage you to keep pushing ahead.   "Remember, in Marriage you are in it TOGETHER "   "What I hear you saying is?"   "One Day At a Time"   "We reap what we sow, SOW Carefully, So with Intentionality"   "What we focus on Grows"   "Love your Spouse like your marriage depends on it."   "Fight for what you want"   "Your Marriage is worth it"   A key part of therapy is to help clients becomes more aware of the thoughts and mindset they are approachign the day to day with.  Work, kids, health, sports, hobbies, entertainment, and the list goes on all compete

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Therapy During the Holidays

The Holidays can be a season of celebration.  A time with family, friends, loved ones from the various seasons of life.  But sometiems the holidays can have landmines that can turn a soecial time of the year into a painful one.  If we are not intentional it is easy to completely loose site of what the holidays are all about.  In this Hope Relentless Podcast Chad and Sarah-Gayle discuss how to navigate the holidays.   After listening to the podcast there is a print our pdf to help guide you through key conversations and how to best set up your holiday in a way that can be real, authentic, and enjoyable.  Go to the main Hope Relentless website and click the pop up to get access to the pdf print out guide.   The guide provides practical and useful questions to review by yourself or with your spouse.  Ideally it would be reviewed with your significant other.  When it comes to having a healthy marriage it is important that we manage expectations and get into agreement with one another.  The print out will guide you in that process.  

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