Therapy During the Holidays

by Hope Relentless

Posted on 18-11-2022 09:20 PM

The Holidays can be a season of celebration.  A time with family, friends, loved ones from the various seasons of life.  But sometiems the holidays can have landmines that can turn a soecial time of the year into a painful one.  If we are not intentional it is easy to completely loose site of what the holidays are all about.  In this Hope Relentless Podcast Chad and Sarah-Gayle discuss how to navigate the holidays.


After listening to the podcast there is a print our pdf to help guide you through key conversations and how to best set up your holiday in a way that can be real, authentic, and enjoyable.  Go to the main Hope Relentless website and click the pop up to get access to the pdf print out guide.


The guide provides practical and useful questions to review by yourself or with your spouse.  Ideally it would be reviewed with your significant other.  When it comes to having a healthy marriage it is important that we manage expectations and get into agreement with one another.  The print out will guide you in that process.