Brick Masonry

Masonry handsaw

Hire a masonry contractor to help you add a chimney, outdoor kitchen, or fire pit to your home. These professionals can build and repair any type of masonry structure. However, homeowners often have questions about what to expect of these professionals. This article will outline what you can expect of a masonry company. Here's how you can choose the right contractor. Before hiring Masonry Contractors to repair or build your house, verify their insurance and license. This ensures that they have the right knowledge to complete the job. A licensed masonry contractor is qualified to handle large-scale constructions. Without a license, you risk the strength and quality of your building. The following tips can help you choose the best contractor for your job.

Masonry handsaw

Masonry handsaw

Masonry is a type of construction that uses various types of stones as the foundation, layer, or finish. As a masonry contractor servicing Kelowna, you'll likely be called upon to work with a variety of different stones. This includes bricklaying, stonemasonry, and carpentry - all of which are skills that a masonry contractor should be experienced in. Masonry projects can range from small repairs to full construction jobs for new buildings and homes.

Masonry fence

A masonry contractor is capable of performing various types masonry work, such as restoration and repair. Repair services can include the replacement or repair of masonry materials that have become worn out. Masonry restoration is especially important for older buildings because the masonry can deteriorate over time and must always be repaired in order to preserve its structural integrity. Repointing walls, as well as replacing bricks and mortar that is cracked, are all part of masonry repair.

Masonry fence
Concrete paver

Concrete paver

A masonry contractor can build or repair a crown to prevent your chimney from leaking. Crowns are designed to cover the top surface of the masonry chimney and are usually built with 3 inches of thickness at the thickest point. The height of a crown must be angled slightly so that it extends above the chimney's masonry base. A quality cement is used to construct the crown, which is designed to withstand the elements. The average cost to repair a crown varies from about $60 to $3,000, depending on the type of material and the damage. The work is often more complex than simple crown repairs, and the type of material is also an important consideration in determining cost. The table below lists the most common materials and their repair prices. For a general idea of what you can expect to pay, you can consult an expert.

Asphalt paver

If you are unhappy with the installation of your pavers, you can hire an experienced masonry contractor to fix it or build new ones. This service can help you avoid costly mistakes that could jeopardize your investment. A better quality paver should be purchased if your pavers are chipped, cracked or fading. You should ensure that your pavers are color through to avoid cracking and fading.

Paver labor
Paver labor

A firepit repair, which is built or repaired by a contractor in masonry construction, is a great way of keeping the heat in your backyard year round. While an outdoor fireplace built well can last for many decades, cracks in bricks and mortar can quickly damage it. Exposure to moisture and poor construction can also affect the fireplace's life expectancy. Cracks within the chimney can allow heat to escape and flue gasses to escape.

Kelowna Pro Masonry
Paver moulds

Masonry repair may involve filling cracks and replacing cracked stone slabs. Sometimes it involves removing damaged stone slabs and replacing them. Concrete filling, caulking or sandfilling might be required for other problems. An experienced masonry contractor can recommend the best solution to your problem. The building will look amazing once the repairs are complete.

Paver moulds