
custom rock work

A masonry contractor can build or repair a red brick building. The contractor will match new materials with old ones to restore the appearance of the home. This is important for the structural integrity of older buildings, as bricks, cement, and mortar deteriorate over time. A masonry contractor can use the right materials to make repairs and restore your building's original appearance. If you're planning to remodel your house, contact a masonry contractor today to start the project.

Kelowna Pro Masonry

custom rock work

custom rock work

Before you hire a masonry contractor, you should know what your options are. This way, you can find out which services are most appropriate for your home. For example, you can ask for a brick veneer wall or crown repair. A masonry contractor can build or repair all these things. You can also hire a masonry contractor for chimney repair or a new brick fireplace. Depending on the project, you may need more than one service.

Fire pit paver

A masonry contractor has the ability to repair or construct a wide variety of features. These include simple fire pits, as well as elaborate fire features. You can take photos if you already have an idea. If you don’t have an idea, you can look around to take photos and get inspiration. Curved features require more work, and are therefore more complex. The cost of a masonry contractor building or repairing a firepit should not be prohibitive for most homeowners.

Fire pit paver
masonry work

masonry work

A masonry contractor must obtain a license in order to provide services in their particular area. This license ensures that the contractor is knowledgeable and experienced to complete the project in accordance with the rules and regulations of their state licensing board. A licensed masonry contractor is the best choice, as they will have the knowledge and experience to help you. After the job is done, a licensed mason contractor will be able respond to any questions.

New Chimney

There is no one 'perfect' material for every project - masonry included. Both drywall and brick can be used to create beautiful houses that last long. Drywall is a versatile material as it offers good insulation properties, moisture protection, and low sound transmission rates. Additionally, it is affordable, easy to work with, and has a neutral look that can be customized to any home's style.

Masonry Veneer
Masonry Veneer

The heart of your home is your chimney. It's the heart of your home and can cause serious damage to walls, ceilings, or floors if it's not properly maintained. Water damage from cracks in the chimney's brickwork is the most common cause. Even small cracks can grow and cause significant damage. Masonry Contractors will be able to help you determine the best option if you suspect your chimney is in dire need of repair.

Stone PatiosWalkway and steps Light posts

Once you've decided on a material, you can start decorating your masonry fire pit with any type of stones or pavers you choose. And if you're looking for an affordable and unique way to add some character to your backyard, a masonry fire pit is the perfect solution!

Stone PatiosWalkway and steps Light posts