Document Editor

OfficeSuite supports all of the major Word document types including .DOC, .DOCX, .RTF, .ODT, .TXT, and .LOG. To access the Document Editor, either open or create a new word file. There are also Documents keyboard shortcuts for attached physical keyboards.

The Document Editor is easily identified by its characteristic blue-colored menu bar.

Viewer mode

Existing Word documents are automatically opened in Viewer mode. This mode lets you view documents with minimal interference from the interface. To enable editing, tap on the Editor icon to enter Editor mode.

When in Viewer mode, to toggle the menu bar, tap anywhere in the document. You can browse between pages with vertical swipes, and zoom in and out of the interface with a pinch gesture.

At the upper right corner of the screen you'll find options to share the document, these are detailed in our separate Sharing Options topic. The third icon on the top right will open the Contextual menu providing a wide range of options for viewing documents:

Save any changes made to the document in its current format.
Save as another file type for maximum compatibility.
Print the document using a networked printer.
Find – Looks up instances of entered text. You can browse between results using the left and right arrows.
Export to PDF to quickly create a PDF file from your document.
Protect the document using a custom password. Note that user-generated passwords are NOT recoverable if forgotten!
Quick Sign instantly converts the document to a PDF, where you can use the Quick sign feature.
Text-to-Speech activates text-to-speech dictation.
Web View toggles between viewing the document as a text file (page view), and a webpage (web view). In web view, the document takes up the entire page.
Night Mode displays the document with a dark color scheme, useful for viewing in low-light environments.
Go to page... takes you to the relevant page in the document.
Zoom changes the zoom level for easier viewing.
Display for review toggles between available review modes when Track changes are enabled.
Version History allows you to view and work with previous versions of a specific file. This option is visible only on files that have been uploaded to your MobiSystems Drive account.
Properties shows you detailed information about the specific file such as location, type, size, who has access and more.
Help will open this help documentation.

To enable editing, tap on the Editor icon in the bottom right corner to enter Editor mode.

Editor mode

New Word documents are automatically created in Editor mode. This mode lets you immediately start creating and formatting your Word documents using the full range of OfficeSuite's editing features. To switch to Viewer mode, tap on the Viewer icon in the upper right.

There are several options in the upper right which are visible across all tabs:

Save any changes made to the document.
Undo the most recent change made.
Redo the most recent undone change.
Enable Viewer mode.

Up/Down arrow toggles visibility of the interface.

OfficeSuite's Document Editor provides a tabbed interface with options similar to those found on desktop PC's. The tabs in the Document Editor are File, Home, Insert, Layout, Review and View. Additional Graphic, Table, and Free Draw tabs will appear whenever you select one of those elements.


The File tab houses all of the file management capabilities of the Document Editor. From here you can create, open, and save Word documents, as well as setup page layouts, print, and more.

New – Creates a new blank Word document.
Templates – Allows you to create a new file using one of the provided templates.
Open – Exits the current module, allowing you to open a new file.
Open Recent – Displays a list of recently-opened files for quick access.
Save – Saves any changes you have made to the document.
Save As – Allows you to save the document with a new name and/or file type.
Export to PDF – Quickly converts your document to a PDF file.
Print – Opens the Print dialog, which displays a thumbnail view of pages for printing. You can select a connected printer by tapping on its name in the upper left. To print, tap on the Printer icon in the upper right.
Pages can be toggled with the Checkbox on the bottom right, while advanced print options are displayed by tapping on the bar across the top. From here, you can specify the number of copies to print, paper size, and orientation, among others.
Share – Allows you to share the document with others.
Protect – Allows you to restrict access to the document with a custom password. Please note that user passwords are not recoverable in OfficeSuite.
Version History – Allows you to view and work with previous versions of a specific file. This option is visible only on files that have been uploaded to your MobiSystems Drive account.
Info – Shows you detailed information about the specific file such as location, type, size, who has access and more.
Help – Displays the Document Editor help within this help documentation.


The Home tab is where you'll find the standard range of tools for adjusting font sizes, colors, and styles; formatting options for paragraphs and headings; and more.

Paste – Place cut or copied elements in your document. For further choice on what to paste and what not to you have the following options:
Keep Formatting – Keep any formatting present on the copied or cut content.
Text Only – Pastes only text with no formatting.
Cut – Cut elements from one location, and move them to another via paste.
Copy – Copy elements from one location to another via paste.
Paste Style – Applies formatting to text as copied with the format painter.
Format Painter – Copies the formatting and style of the selected text.
 Arial Font Families – Opens the font menu, which lists your available OfficeSuite fonts in their relevant style.
  11 pt Font Size – Adjusts font size from a predefined value.
Increase font – Increases the currently selected text by one font point.
Decrease font – Decreases the currently selected text by one font point.
Open Font Dialog – Set up additional font customizations.
Bold – Embolden text.
Italics – Italicize text.
Underline – Underline text.
Strikethrough – Add a strikethrough effect to text.
Subscript – Write text as subscript, or lower than the text around it.
Superscript – Write text as superscript, or higher than the text around it.
Highlight Color – Specify the highlight color.
Font Color – Specify the text color.
Ordered List – Displays the ordered list menu, where you can choose from a variety of ways to order lists (letters, numbers, roman numerals, etc.).
Bulleted List – Creates a list with a variety of bullet styles.
Multilevel List – Creates a multilevel or tiered list.
Indent Right – Shifts text entries to the right.
Indent Left – Shifts text entries to the left.
Left-to-Right Text Direction – Writing direction will move from left to right. Useful when working with European languages.
Right-to-Left Text Direction – Writing direction will move from right to left. Useful when working with languages such as Hebrew, Arabic, Farsi and others.
Align Left – Aligns text against the left margin.
Align Center – Centers text between both margins.
Align Right – Aligns text against the right margin.
Justify – Distributes text evenly between both margins.
Line Spacing – Determines the amount of spacing between lines in your text.
Show Formatting – Toggling this feature will display a symbol anywhere the document has been formatted. This helps greatly when managing your document's formatting.
Styles– Tapping on this feature will open a drop-down menu listing different text style presets that can be used for the document.
Open Paragraph Dialog – Includes additional text layout customizations.
Find & Replace – Will search for instances of text entered in the Search field, and will replace them with text entered in the Replace field. The Find/Replace… button will allow you to scroll between each instance of the text using the left and right arrows, which you can replace individually by tapping on Replace.
To display the find and replace dialog again, tap on the Contextual icon. You can also perform a mass replace without browsing through individual entries by tapping on Replace all.
Text to Speech – Reads the selected text aloud. Specify the languages of choice with the Downwards Arrow.
Select All – Selects all the elements in your document.


The Insert tab is used for placing a wide range of visual additions to your text documents, such as graphics and tables.

Page Break – Inserts a page break that moves the text after the type cursor to the next page.
Table – Inserts a table that will automatically expand to fill the space between your document margins. You can specify the number of rows and columns by dragging across the creation grid. Once a table is inserted, you can modify it under Table tab by tapping on it.
Picture – Inserts an image into your document from your Android file system. Placed images can be modified using the resize and scale anchors, and rotated using the protruding rotate anchor.
Web Picture – Perform an online image search and instantly insert a picture into your document (requires an Internet connection).
Camera – Allows you to insert an image using your devices' camera.
Shape – Allows you to insert a wide range of shapes, arrows, and callouts in your document.
Free Draw – Lets you draw custom line figures, which can appear over text and other document elements. Freehand draw pens can be customized from the Free Draw tab that appears when using the tool.
Link – Adds a hyperlink to any selected text. It can be a web address, email address, or a bookmark within the document.
Bookmark – Adds a bookmark to your document. Bookmarks can be navigated to from the View tab.
Comment – Places a comment on a specific part of the text. This feature is especially handy for leaving feedback in group projects.
Footnote – Allows you to add a numbered footnote to the current page.
Endnote – Allows you to add a numbered endnote to the last page of the document.
Header – Allows you to write text in the header of the current page.
Footer – Allows you to write text in the footer of the current page.
Page Number – Brings up the page number menu, which allows you to add custom page numbers in a variety of locations on the document.
Symbol – Adds custom symbols from your installed fonts.


The Layout tab lets you modify the look of pages, providing options to customize page margins, orientation, size, and text breaks.

Margins – Adjusts the blank areas along the edge of the screen from a set of predefined values. For more precise page margin control, use the Page Setup option.
Orientation – Switches between landscape (horizontal) and portrait (vertical) page orientation.
Size – Provides a selection of predefined page sizes that are useful when printing.
Columns – Shows various options for managing your columns, including setting the Width and Spacing of individual columns or the entire document, as well as their humber and alignment (detailed below).
One – One entire column that covers the page.
Two – Two columns split evenly between the page.
Three – Three columns split evenly between the page.
Left – Two columns with a smaller left column.
Right – Two columns with a smaller right column.
Columns... – Contains advanced options for an even greater level of control and fine-tuning.

Page Setup – Opens the Page Setup window, from where you can select from predefined page sizes. The Advanced tab lets you define exact page and margin sizes.
Section Breaks – Allows you to arrange text between pages and sections using breaks:
Page – Marks the point where one page ends and another begins.
Continuous – Creates a new section of text on the same page.
Even Page – Creates a new text section that stars on the next even-numbered page.
Odd Page – Creates a new text section that stars on the next odd-numbered page.
Page Breaks – Provides additional text-breaking options, such as around images and in columns:
Page – Marks the point where one page ends and another begins.
Column – Creates a text section that starts at a new column.
Text Wrapping – Creates text around elements in the document, useful for image captions.
Page Color – Allows you to customize individual page color options.
Watermark – Allows you to insert from a wide range of predefined watermarks.


From the Review tab, you can examine the range of modifications you're able to make using OfficeSuite's Track Changes feature with multiple author support.

Quick Sign – Instantly converts the document to a PDF and allows you to add a virtual signature. Note that this is not equivalent to adding a digital signature. To add a digital signature, use the Sign tool in the PDF interface.
Word Count – Provides a summary of the number of words, characters, paragraphs, and sections in the entire document.
Check Spelling – Checks the spelling of your document using OfficeSuite's integrated spell checker. Use the F7 button on your keyboard to turn spell check on or off.
Set Language – Allows you to choose from a large number of languages in which to set the document language.
Comment – Places a comment on a specific part of the text. This feature is especially handy for leaving feedback in group projects.
Delete Comment – Deletes the currently selected comment.
Previous Comment – Go backwards through the comments.
Next Comment – Go forward through the comments.
Track Changes – Enables OfficeSuite's Track Changes features, which highlights any changes you make to the document. It includes multiple author support for changes made from multiple devices.
Reivision Markup – Toggles between showing the original document, the document after the changes performed, and a merged view of both. These are named Merged/Final/Original View, respectively.
Previous Change – Moves back to the previous change in the document.
Next Change – Moves to the next change in the document.
Accept Changes – Accepts the currently highlighted change.
Reject Changes – Rejects the currently highlighted change.


The View tab provides quick navigation options and bookmark settings.

Web View/Page View – Toggles between viewing the document as a text file (page view), and a webpage (web view). In web view, the document takes up the entire page.
Go to Top – Moves the view to the beginning of the document.
Go to Bottom – Moves the view to the end of the document.
Go to page - Go to a specific page of the document.
Bookmark – Moves the view to a created bookmark. Each consecutive tap of the Go to Bookmark button takes you to the next bookmark in the document. Bookmarks are created from the Insert tab.
Delete Bookmark – Brings up a list of document bookmarks that can be removed by adding checkmarks to them.
Zoom One Page – Adjusts the view to fit one page of the document.
Zoom Two Pages – Adjusts the view to fit two pages of the document.
Zoom Width – Adjusts the view to fit the entire horizontal width of a page, including comment and Track Changes bubbles.
Full Screen – Hides interface elements to display the document in full view.
Zoom – Provides a list of predefined values to which to zoom the view.


Whenever a stencil, freehand drawing, or inserted image in a document is selected, the Graphic tab is activated to allow a wide range of adjustment options.

On the graphic itself, resize anchors will appear on the edges (for uniform resize) and sides (for horizontal and vertical skewing) of the image. There are also shortcuts to delete and rotate the graphic on the upper left and right, respectively.

Below we've detailed the Graphic tab options when an image has been inserted.

Done – Closes the Graphic tab and applies any changes made.
Copy – Copies the graphic, a copy of which can then be pasted from the Home tab.
Change – Allows you to replace the image with another from the device storage.
Reset – Returns the image scale back to its original values.
Edit – Allows the image to be edited using a separate image editing program, such as OfficeSuite Premium's PhotoSuite.
Save – Saves any changes made to the graphic in OfficeSuite as a separate image file.
Text Wrap – Determines how text interacts around and/or through the graphic.
Position – Positions the graphic in various locations on its current page.
Bring Forward – Brings the graphic above other elements on the page.
Send Backward – Sends the graphic behind other elements on the page.
Graphic Options – Brings up an advanced dialog which allows you to specify exact scale, rotation, and size dimensions, as well as text wrapping and alignment options.

These are the Graphic tab options when a Shape is inserted.

Done – Closes the Graphic tab and applies any changes made.
Copy – Copies the graphic, a copy of which can then be pasted from the Home tab.
Edit Text – Write or change text placed on the shape.
Shape Fill – Fills the current element with the selected color.
Line Color – Creates or edits the shape border color.
Line Style – Allows for the creation of dotted or dashed border lines.
Line Thickness – Lets you adjust border line thickness.
Text Wrap – Wrap text around a shape.
Position – Place the shape in one of 9 different pre-defined locations on the document.
Bring Forward – Brings the graphic above other elements on the page.
Send Backward – Sends the graphic behind other elements on the page.
Graphic Options – Brings up an advanced dialog which allows you to specify exact scale, rotation, and size dimensions, as well as text wrapping and alignment options.


The Table tab appears whenever you select a table in the Document Editor. It provides a wide range of options for manipulating tables.

Table Style – Adjusts the table color scheme from a list of predefined styles. Features additional table toggles:
  • Header row – The topmost row will be used as a header with special formatting.
  • Total row – The bottommost row will be used as a total row with special formatting.
  • First column – Displays special formatting for the first column of the table.
  • Last column – Displays special formatting for the last column of the table.
  • Banded rows – Applies different visual formatting to alternating rows, making them easier to read.
  • Banded columns – Applies different visual formatting to alternating columns, making them easier to read.
Borders – Adds borders to a selected cell or cell range. You can adjust the type of border using the downward arrow.
Cell Fill – Select a colour to fill the currently selected cell or range of cells.
View Gridlines – Toggles the table grid for easier viewing.
Insert – Adds a new row or column to the table.
Delete – Removes table rows or columns.
Shift Cells Left – Deleting a cell range will move the adjacent cells to the left.
Shift Cells Up – Deleting a cell range will move the adjacent cells up.
Delete Row – Delete the entire cell row.
Delete Column – Delete the entire cell column.
Delete Table – Delete the entire table.
Merge Cells – The selected cell range will be merged and form a single cell.
Split Cells – Splits previously merged cells.

Freehand Drawing

The Freehand Drawing tab appears whenever the Freehand Drawing tool is used from the Insert or Review tabs.

Done – Closes the Freehand tab and applies any changes made.
Color – Determines the line color of the freehand tool.
Opacity – Allows you to set transparency for the line color.
Line Thickness – Specifies the line thickness.