
data class GetOrganizationResult(val addonsConfig: GoogleCloudApigeeV1AddonsConfigResponse, val analyticsRegion: String, val apiConsumerDataEncryptionKeyName: String, val apiConsumerDataLocation: String, val apigeeProjectId: String, val attributes: List<String>, val authorizedNetwork: String, val billingType: String, val caCertificate: String, val controlPlaneEncryptionKeyName: String, val createdAt: String, val customerName: String, val description: String, val displayName: String, val environments: List<String>, val expiresAt: String, val lastModifiedAt: String, val name: String, val portalDisabled: Boolean, val project: String, val properties: GoogleCloudApigeeV1PropertiesResponse, val runtimeDatabaseEncryptionKeyName: String, val runtimeType: String, val state: String, val subscriptionType: String, val type: String)


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fun GetOrganizationResult(addonsConfig: GoogleCloudApigeeV1AddonsConfigResponse, analyticsRegion: String, apiConsumerDataEncryptionKeyName: String, apiConsumerDataLocation: String, apigeeProjectId: String, attributes: List<String>, authorizedNetwork: String, billingType: String, caCertificate: String, controlPlaneEncryptionKeyName: String, createdAt: String, customerName: String, description: String, displayName: String, environments: List<String>, expiresAt: String, lastModifiedAt: String, name: String, portalDisabled: Boolean, project: String, properties: GoogleCloudApigeeV1PropertiesResponse, runtimeDatabaseEncryptionKeyName: String, runtimeType: String, state: String, subscriptionType: String, type: String)


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object Companion


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Addon configurations of the Apigee organization.

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DEPRECATED: This field will be deprecated once Apigee supports DRZ. Primary Google Cloud region for analytics data storage. For valid values, see Create an Apigee organization.

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Cloud KMS key name used for encrypting API consumer data. Required for US/EU regions when #BillingType is SUBSCRIPTION. When #BillingType is EVALUATION or the region is not US/EU, a Google-Managed encryption key will be used. Format: projects/*/locations/*/keyRings/*/cryptoKeys/*

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This field is needed only for customers with control plane in US or EU. Apigee stores some control plane data only in single region. This field determines which single region Apigee should use. For example: "us-west1" when control plane is in US or "europe-west2" when control plane is in EU.

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Apigee Project ID associated with the organization. Use this project to allowlist Apigee in the Service Attachment when using private service connect with Apigee.

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Not used by Apigee.

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Compute Engine network used for Service Networking to be peered with Apigee runtime instances. See Getting started with the Service Networking API. Valid only when #RuntimeType is set to CLOUD. The value must be set before the creation of a runtime instance and can be updated only when there are no runtime instances. For example: default. Apigee also supports shared VPC (that is, the host network project is not the same as the one that is peering with Apigee). See Shared VPC overview. To use a shared VPC network, use the following format: projects/{host-project-id}/{region}/networks/{network-name}. For example: projects/my-sharedvpc-host/global/networks/mynetwork Note: Not supported for Apigee hybrid.

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Billing type of the Apigee organization. See Apigee pricing.

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Base64-encoded public certificate for the root CA of the Apigee organization. Valid only when #RuntimeType is CLOUD.

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Cloud KMS key name used for encrypting control plane data that is stored in a multi region. Required when #BillingType is SUBSCRIPTION. When #BillingType is EVALUATION, a Google-Managed encryption key will be used. Format: projects/*/locations/*/keyRings/*/cryptoKeys/*

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Time that the Apigee organization was created in milliseconds since epoch.

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Not used by Apigee.

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Description of the Apigee organization.

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Display name for the Apigee organization. Unused, but reserved for future use.

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List of environments in the Apigee organization.

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Time that the Apigee organization is scheduled for deletion.

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Time that the Apigee organization was last modified in milliseconds since epoch.

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Name of the Apigee organization.

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Configuration for the Portals settings.

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Project ID associated with the Apigee organization.

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Properties defined in the Apigee organization profile.

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Cloud KMS key name used for encrypting the data that is stored and replicated across runtime instances. Update is not allowed after the organization is created. Required when #RuntimeType is CLOUD. If not specified when #RuntimeType is TRIAL, a Google-Managed encryption key will be used. For example: "projects/foo/locations/us/keyRings/bar/cryptoKeys/baz". Note: Not supported for Apigee hybrid.

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Runtime type of the Apigee organization based on the Apigee subscription purchased.

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State of the organization. Values other than ACTIVE means the resource is not ready to use.

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DEPRECATED: This will eventually be replaced by BillingType. Subscription type of the Apigee organization. Valid values include trial (free, limited, and for evaluation purposes only) or paid (full subscription has been purchased). See Apigee pricing.

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Not used by Apigee. ////////