Package-level declarations


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data class GetAliasResult(val alias: String, val certsInfo: GoogleCloudApigeeV1CertificateResponse, val type: String)
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data class GetApicategoryResult(val data: GoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiCategoryDataResponse, val errorCode: String, val message: String, val requestId: String, val status: String)
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data class GetApiProductResult(val apiResources: List<String>, val approvalType: String, val attributes: List<GoogleCloudApigeeV1AttributeResponse>, val createdAt: String, val description: String, val displayName: String, val environments: List<String>, val graphqlOperationGroup: GoogleCloudApigeeV1GraphQLOperationGroupResponse, val lastModifiedAt: String, val name: String, val operationGroup: GoogleCloudApigeeV1OperationGroupResponse, val proxies: List<String>, val quota: String, val quotaCounterScope: String, val quotaInterval: String, val quotaTimeUnit: String, val scopes: List<String>)
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data class GetApiResult(val apiProxyType: String, val labels: Map<String, String>, val latestRevisionId: String, val metaData: GoogleCloudApigeeV1EntityMetadataResponse, val name: String, val readOnly: Boolean, val revision: List<String>)
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data class GetAppResult(val apiProducts: List<String>, val appFamily: String, val appId: String, val attributes: List<GoogleCloudApigeeV1AttributeResponse>, val callbackUrl: String, val createdAt: String, val credentials: List<GoogleCloudApigeeV1CredentialResponse>, val developerId: String, val keyExpiresIn: String, val lastModifiedAt: String, val name: String, val scopes: List<String>, val status: String)
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data class GetArchiveDeploymentResult(val createdAt: String, val gcsUri: String, val labels: Map<String, String>, val name: String, val operation: String, val updatedAt: String)
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data class GetCanaryEvaluationResult(val control: String, val createTime: String, val endTime: String, val metricLabels: GoogleCloudApigeeV1CanaryEvaluationMetricLabelsResponse, val name: String, val startTime: String, val state: String, val treatment: String, val verdict: String)
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data class GetDataCollectorResult(val createdAt: String, val description: String, val lastModifiedAt: String, val name: String, val type: String)
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data class GetDatastoreResult(val createTime: String, val datastoreConfig: GoogleCloudApigeeV1DatastoreConfigResponse, val displayName: String, val lastUpdateTime: String, val org: String, val self: String, val targetType: String)
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data class GetDebugSessionResult(val count: Int, val createTime: String, val filter: String, val name: String, val timeout: String, val tracesize: Int, val validity: Int)
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data class GetDeveloperResult(val accessType: String, val appFamily: String, val apps: List<String>, val attributes: List<GoogleCloudApigeeV1AttributeResponse>, val companies: List<String>, val createdAt: String, val developerId: String, val email: String, val firstName: String, val lastModifiedAt: String, val lastName: String, val organizationName: String, val status: String, val userName: String)
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data class GetEndpointAttachmentResult(val connectionState: String, val host: String, val location: String, val name: String, val serviceAttachment: String, val state: String)
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data class GetEntryResult(val name: String, val value: String)
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data class GetEnvgroupAttachmentResult(val createdAt: String, val environment: String, val environmentGroupId: String, val name: String)
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data class GetEnvgroupResult(val createdAt: String, val hostnames: List<String>, val lastModifiedAt: String, val name: String, val state: String)
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data class GetEnvironmentEntryResult(val name: String, val value: String)
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data class GetEnvironmentResult(val apiProxyType: String, val createdAt: String, val deploymentType: String, val description: String, val displayName: String, val forwardProxyUri: String, val lastModifiedAt: String, val name: String, val nodeConfig: GoogleCloudApigeeV1NodeConfigResponse, val properties: GoogleCloudApigeeV1PropertiesResponse, val state: String)
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data class GetExportResult(val created: String, val datastoreName: String, val description: String, val error: String, val executionTime: String, val name: String, val self: String, val state: String, val updated: String)
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data class GetHostQueryResult(val created: String, val envgroupHostname: String, val error: String, val executionTime: String, val name: String, val queryParams: GoogleCloudApigeeV1QueryMetadataResponse, val reportDefinitionId: String, val result: GoogleCloudApigeeV1AsyncQueryResultResponse, val resultFileSize: String, val resultRows: String, val self: String, val state: String, val updated: String)
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data class GetHostSecurityReportResult(val created: String, val displayName: String, val envgroupHostname: String, val error: String, val executionTime: String, val queryParams: GoogleCloudApigeeV1SecurityReportMetadataResponse, val reportDefinitionId: String, val result: GoogleCloudApigeeV1SecurityReportResultMetadataResponse, val resultFileSize: String, val resultRows: String, val self: String, val state: String, val updated: String)
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data class GetInstanceAttachmentResult(val createdAt: String, val environment: String, val name: String)
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data class GetInstanceResult(val consumerAcceptList: List<String>, val createdAt: String, val description: String, val diskEncryptionKeyName: String, val displayName: String, val host: String, val ipRange: String, val lastModifiedAt: String, val location: String, val name: String, val peeringCidrRange: String, val port: String, val runtimeVersion: String, val serviceAttachment: String, val state: String)
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data class GetKeyResult(val apiProducts: List<Any>, val attributes: List<GoogleCloudApigeeV1AttributeResponse>, val consumerKey: String, val consumerSecret: String, val expiresAt: String, val expiresInSeconds: String, val issuedAt: String, val scopes: List<String>, val status: String)
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data class GetKeystoreResult(val aliases: List<String>, val name: String)
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data class GetNatAddressResult(val ipAddress: String, val name: String, val state: String)
data class GetOrganizationEnvironmentIamPolicyResult(val auditConfigs: List<GoogleIamV1AuditConfigResponse>, val bindings: List<GoogleIamV1BindingResponse>, val etag: String, val version: Int)
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data class GetOrganizationResult(val addonsConfig: GoogleCloudApigeeV1AddonsConfigResponse, val analyticsRegion: String, val apiConsumerDataEncryptionKeyName: String, val apiConsumerDataLocation: String, val apigeeProjectId: String, val attributes: List<String>, val authorizedNetwork: String, val billingType: String, val caCertificate: String, val controlPlaneEncryptionKeyName: String, val createdAt: String, val customerName: String, val description: String, val displayName: String, val environments: List<String>, val expiresAt: String, val lastModifiedAt: String, val name: String, val portalDisabled: Boolean, val project: String, val properties: GoogleCloudApigeeV1PropertiesResponse, val runtimeDatabaseEncryptionKeyName: String, val runtimeType: String, val state: String, val subscriptionType: String, val type: String)
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data class GetOverrideResult(val apiProxy: String, val name: String, val samplingConfig: GoogleCloudApigeeV1TraceSamplingConfigResponse)
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data class GetQueryResult(val created: String, val envgroupHostname: String, val error: String, val executionTime: String, val name: String, val queryParams: GoogleCloudApigeeV1QueryMetadataResponse, val reportDefinitionId: String, val result: GoogleCloudApigeeV1AsyncQueryResultResponse, val resultFileSize: String, val resultRows: String, val self: String, val state: String, val updated: String)
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data class GetRatePlanResult(val apiproduct: String, val billingPeriod: String, val consumptionPricingRates: List<GoogleCloudApigeeV1RateRangeResponse>, val consumptionPricingType: String, val createdAt: String, val currencyCode: String, val description: String, val displayName: String, val endTime: String, val fixedFeeFrequency: Int, val fixedRecurringFee: GoogleTypeMoneyResponse, val lastModifiedAt: String, val name: String, val paymentFundingModel: String, val revenueShareRates: List<GoogleCloudApigeeV1RevenueShareRangeResponse>, val revenueShareType: String, val setupFee: GoogleTypeMoneyResponse, val startTime: String, val state: String)
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data class GetReferenceResult(val description: String, val name: String, val refers: String, val resourceType: String)
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data class GetReportResult(val chartType: String, val comments: List<String>, val createdAt: String, val dimensions: List<String>, val displayName: String, val environment: String, val filter: String, val fromTime: String, val lastModifiedAt: String, val lastViewedAt: String, val limit: String, val metrics: List<GoogleCloudApigeeV1CustomReportMetricResponse>, val name: String, val offset: String, val organization: String, val properties: List<GoogleCloudApigeeV1ReportPropertyResponse>, val sortByCols: List<String>, val sortOrder: String, val tags: List<String>, val timeUnit: String, val toTime: String, val topk: String)
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data class GetResourcefileResult(val contentType: String, val data: String, val extensions: List<Map<String, String>>)
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data class GetSecurityReportResult(val created: String, val displayName: String, val envgroupHostname: String, val error: String, val executionTime: String, val queryParams: GoogleCloudApigeeV1SecurityReportMetadataResponse, val reportDefinitionId: String, val result: GoogleCloudApigeeV1SecurityReportResultMetadataResponse, val resultFileSize: String, val resultRows: String, val self: String, val state: String, val updated: String)
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data class GetSharedflowResult(val latestRevisionId: String, val metaData: GoogleCloudApigeeV1EntityMetadataResponse, val name: String, val revision: List<String>)
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data class GetSubscriptionResult(val apiproduct: String, val createdAt: String, val endTime: String, val lastModifiedAt: String, val name: String, val startTime: String)
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data class GetTargetServerResult(val description: String, val host: String, val isEnabled: Boolean, val name: String, val port: Int, val protocol: String, val sSLInfo: GoogleCloudApigeeV1TlsInfoResponse)
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Add-on configurations for the Apigee organization.

Configuration for the Advanced API Ops add-on.

data class GoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiCategoryDataResponse(val gcpResource: String, val name: String, val siteId: String, val updateTime: String)

the Api category resource.

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data class GoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProductRefResponse(val apiproduct: String, val status: String)
data class GoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiSecurityConfigResponse(val enabled: Boolean, val expiresAt: String)

Configurations of the API Security add-on.

data class GoogleCloudApigeeV1AsyncQueryResultResponse(val expires: String, val self: String)
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data class GoogleCloudApigeeV1AttributeResponse(val name: String, val value: String)

Key-value pair to store extra metadata.

data class GoogleCloudApigeeV1CanaryEvaluationMetricLabelsResponse(val env: String, val instanceId: String, val location: String)

Labels that can be used to filter Apigee metrics.

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data class GoogleCloudApigeeV1CertInfoResponse(val basicConstraints: String, val expiryDate: String, val isValid: String, val issuer: String, val publicKey: String, val serialNumber: String, val sigAlgName: String, val subject: String, val subjectAlternativeNames: List<String>, val validFrom: String, val version: Int)

X.509 certificate as defined in RFC 5280.

data class GoogleCloudApigeeV1ConnectorsPlatformConfigResponse(val enabled: Boolean, val expiresAt: String)

Configuration for the Connectors Platform add-on.

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data class GoogleCloudApigeeV1CredentialResponse(val apiProducts: List<GoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProductRefResponse>, val attributes: List<GoogleCloudApigeeV1AttributeResponse>, val consumerKey: String, val consumerSecret: String, val expiresAt: String, val issuedAt: String, val scopes: List<String>, val status: String)
data class GoogleCloudApigeeV1CustomReportMetricResponse(val function: String, val name: String)

This encapsulates a metric property of the form sum(message_count) where name is message_count and function is sum

data class GoogleCloudApigeeV1DatastoreConfigResponse(val bucketName: String, val datasetName: String, val path: String, val project: String, val tablePrefix: String)

Configuration detail for datastore

data class GoogleCloudApigeeV1EntityMetadataResponse(val createdAt: String, val lastModifiedAt: String, val subType: String)

Metadata common to many entities in this API.

Binds the resources in a proxy or remote service with the GraphQL operation and its associated quota enforcement.

List of graphQL operation configuration details associated with Apigee API proxies or remote services. Remote services are non-Apigee proxies, such as Istio-Envoy.

data class GoogleCloudApigeeV1GraphQLOperationResponse(val operation: String, val operationTypes: List<String>)

Represents the pairing of GraphQL operation types and the GraphQL operation name.

Configuration for the Integration add-on.

Configuration for the Monetization add-on.

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data class GoogleCloudApigeeV1NodeConfigResponse(val currentAggregateNodeCount: String, val maxNodeCount: String, val minNodeCount: String)

NodeConfig for setting the min/max number of nodes associated with the environment.

Binds the resources in an API proxy or remote service with the allowed REST methods and associated quota enforcement.

data class GoogleCloudApigeeV1OperationGroupResponse(val operationConfigType: String, val operationConfigs: List<GoogleCloudApigeeV1OperationConfigResponse>)

List of operation configuration details associated with Apigee API proxies or remote services. Remote services are non-Apigee proxies, such as Istio-Envoy.

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data class GoogleCloudApigeeV1OperationResponse(val methods: List<String>, val resource: String)

Represents the pairing of REST resource path and the actions (verbs) allowed on the resource path.

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Message for compatibility with legacy Edge specification for Java Properties object in JSON.

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data class GoogleCloudApigeeV1PropertyResponse(val name: String, val value: String)

A single property entry in the Properties message.

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data class GoogleCloudApigeeV1QueryMetadataResponse(val dimensions: List<String>, val endTimestamp: String, val metrics: List<String>, val outputFormat: String, val startTimestamp: String, val timeUnit: String)
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data class GoogleCloudApigeeV1QuotaResponse(val interval: String, val limit: String, val timeUnit: String)

Quota contains the essential parameters needed that can be applied on the resources, methods, API source combination associated with this API product. While Quota is optional, setting it prevents requests from exceeding the provisioned parameters.

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API call volume range and the fees charged when the total number of API calls is within the range.

data class GoogleCloudApigeeV1RevenueShareRangeResponse(val end: String, val sharePercentage: Double, val start: String)

API call volume range and the percentage of revenue to share with the developer when the total number of API calls is within the range.

data class GoogleCloudApigeeV1SecurityReportMetadataResponse(val dimensions: List<String>, val endTimestamp: String, val metrics: List<String>, val mimeType: String, val startTimestamp: String, val timeUnit: String)

Metadata for the security report.

Contains informations about the security report results.

data class GoogleCloudApigeeV1TlsInfoCommonNameResponse(val value: String, val wildcardMatch: Boolean)
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data class GoogleCloudApigeeV1TlsInfoResponse(val ciphers: List<String>, val clientAuthEnabled: Boolean, val commonName: GoogleCloudApigeeV1TlsInfoCommonNameResponse, val enabled: Boolean, val ignoreValidationErrors: Boolean, val keyAlias: String, val keyStore: String, val protocols: List<String>, val trustStore: String)

TLS configuration information for virtual hosts and TargetServers.

data class GoogleCloudApigeeV1TraceSamplingConfigResponse(val sampler: String, val samplingRate: Double)

TraceSamplingConfig represents the detail settings of distributed tracing. Only the fields that are defined in the distributed trace configuration can be overridden using the distribute trace configuration override APIs.

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data class GoogleIamV1AuditConfigResponse(val auditLogConfigs: List<GoogleIamV1AuditLogConfigResponse>, val service: String)

Specifies the audit configuration for a service. The configuration determines which permission types are logged, and what identities, if any, are exempted from logging. An AuditConfig must have one or more AuditLogConfigs. If there are AuditConfigs for both allServices and a specific service, the union of the two AuditConfigs is used for that service: the log_types specified in each AuditConfig are enabled, and the exempted_members in each AuditLogConfig are exempted. Example Policy with multiple AuditConfigs: { "audit_configs": [ { "service": "allServices", "audit_log_configs": [ { "log_type": "DATA_READ", "exempted_members": "" }, { "log_type": "DATA_WRITE" }, { "log_type": "ADMIN_READ" } ] }, { "service": "", "audit_log_configs": [ { "log_type": "DATA_READ" }, { "log_type": "DATA_WRITE", "exempted_members": "" } ] } ] } For sampleservice, this policy enables DATA_READ, DATA_WRITE and ADMIN_READ logging. It also exempts from DATA_READ logging, and from DATA_WRITE logging.

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data class GoogleIamV1AuditLogConfigResponse(val exemptedMembers: List<String>, val logType: String)

Provides the configuration for logging a type of permissions. Example: { "audit_log_configs": [ { "log_type": "DATA_READ", "exempted_members": "" }, { "log_type": "DATA_WRITE" } ] } This enables 'DATA_READ' and 'DATA_WRITE' logging, while exempting from DATA_READ logging.

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data class GoogleIamV1BindingResponse(val condition: GoogleTypeExprResponse, val members: List<String>, val role: String)

Associates members, or principals, with a role.

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data class GoogleTypeExprResponse(val description: String, val expression: String, val location: String, val title: String)

Represents a textual expression in the Common Expression Language (CEL) syntax. CEL is a C-like expression language. The syntax and semantics of CEL are documented at Example (Comparison): title: "Summary size limit" description: "Determines if a summary is less than 100 chars" expression: "document.summary.size() < 100" Example (Equality): title: "Requestor is owner" description: "Determines if requestor is the document owner" expression: "document.owner ==" Example (Logic): title: "Public documents" description: "Determine whether the document should be publicly visible" expression: "document.type != 'private' && document.type != 'internal'" Example (Data Manipulation): title: "Notification string" description: "Create a notification string with a timestamp." expression: "'New message received at ' + string(document.create_time)" The exact variables and functions that may be referenced within an expression are determined by the service that evaluates it. See the service documentation for additional information.

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data class GoogleTypeMoneyResponse(val currencyCode: String, val nanos: Int, val units: String)

Represents an amount of money with its currency type.