
data class GetQueryResult(val created: String, val envgroupHostname: String, val error: String, val executionTime: String, val name: String, val queryParams: GoogleCloudApigeeV1QueryMetadataResponse, val reportDefinitionId: String, val result: GoogleCloudApigeeV1AsyncQueryResultResponse, val resultFileSize: String, val resultRows: String, val self: String, val state: String, val updated: String)


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fun GetQueryResult(created: String, envgroupHostname: String, error: String, executionTime: String, name: String, queryParams: GoogleCloudApigeeV1QueryMetadataResponse, reportDefinitionId: String, result: GoogleCloudApigeeV1AsyncQueryResultResponse, resultFileSize: String, resultRows: String, self: String, state: String, updated: String)


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object Companion


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Creation time of the query.

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Hostname is available only when query is executed at host level.

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Error is set when query fails.

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ExecutionTime is available only after the query is completed.

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Asynchronous Query Name.

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Contains information like metrics, dimenstions etc of the AsyncQuery.

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Asynchronous Report ID.

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Result is available only after the query is completed.

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ResultFileSize is available only after the query is completed.

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ResultRows is available only after the query is completed.

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Self link of the query. Example: /organizations/myorg/environments/myenv/queries/9cfc0d85-0f30-46d6-ae6f-318d0cb961bd or following format if query is running at host level: /organizations/myorg/hostQueries/9cfc0d85-0f30-46d6-ae6f-318d0cb961bd

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Query state could be "enqueued", "running", "completed", "failed".

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Last updated timestamp for the query.